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发布时间:2019-11-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  第 I 卷 (共100分)



  第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

  ’s necklace?

  A. In the bedroom.

  B. In the sitting room.

  C. In the kitchen.


  How much does the woman have to pay?

  A. $ 180.

  B. $200

  C. $210


  When will the two speakers arrive at the cinema?

  A. At 7:10

  B. At 7:20

  C. At 7: 50


  Who is John?

  A. The manager.

  B. The woman.

  C. The man


  What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Salesgirl and shopper.

  B. Waitress and customer.

  C. Driver and passenger.

  第二节 听下面5段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。



  7. What color does the man take finally ?

  A. Black.

  B. Brown.

  C. Light blue..



  A. On weekend mornings.

  B. On Sunday afternoon.

  C. Every morning

  9. What will the woman probably do this Sunday afternoon?

  A. Go jogging.

  B. Play badminton

  C. Stay at home.


  10. ?

  A. She doesn’t want to take part in the sports meeting

  B. She is willing to take part in the sports meeting.

  C. She doesn’t want others to look down upon her.

  11. When will the sports meeting be held?

  A. Next week.

  B. This month.

  C. Next month.

  12. What is the woman worried about?

  A. She is not good at communicating.

  B. She is not good at sports.

  C. She can’t get along with her classmates.

  听下面一段对话,回答第1至1题。13. Why didn’t the woman recognize the man’s voice?

  A. Because he catches a cold.

  B. Because he has a fever.

  C. Because he has a sore throat.

  14. What’s wrong with the woman?

  A. She can’t find her gift.

  B. She can’t find her roommates.

  C. She can’t find her parents.

  15. How long has the woman kept the diary?

  A. For a week.

  B. For a month.

  C. For a year..

  16. How did the man help the woman?

  A. Try contacting her parents.

  B. Try contacting her roommates.

  C. Try contacting her neighbours.


  17. ?

  A. Serious.

  B. Pessimistic

  C. Humorous..

  18. How old is Jenny?

  A. Seven.

  B. Six.

  C. Five.

  19. What do you think of Jenny?

  A. Innocent(天真无邪的).

  B. Naughty.

  C. Shy.

  20. Why did Jenny want to leave the wedding reception?

  A. She was ignored at the party.

  B. She thought the party too noisy.

  C. She thought Jeremy was made fun of.




  In recent years,Chinese animation films and series are trying to break new ground.Here are four new series made in China that are currently popular among young audiences.

  Lingjian Mountain

  Animation series Lingjian Mountain was adapted from an online Chinese novel of the same name.The writer,Guo Wang Bi Xia,started working on martial arts fantasies in 2013,and this is his third novel.

  The series tells the story of a boy named Wang Lu and his adventures on his way to be a powerful prince.The series was adapted by two companies from China and Japan and was also broadcast in both countries from January 2016.

  Fights Break Sphere

  Broadcast in January from 2017,the new series was also an adaptation of an online martial arts fantasy by Tian Can Tu Dou.Resembling other kung fu series,the animation is about a young genius’ journey on his way to becoming a martial arts master.

  Although it only got 5.4 points out of 10 on Douban,the series still attracted a large number of followers.

  Year Hare Affair

  Year Hare Affair was adapted from namesake comic series by cartoonist Lin Chao.The first season was broadcast in March 2017.Since 2011,the comic about the contemporary Chinese history has been popular on many BBS and social media.The author tells the history through a group of cute rabbits in uniforms who symbolize the People’s Liberation Army,and images of other animals.

  Little Monk Yichan

  This is another touching series about a seven-year old monk Yichan and his master Adou’s daily lives.Released in 2016,the series had its episode(集) 35 broadcast recently.Each episode focuses on a certain topic,including family,romance and friendship.

  Despite telling stories from the perspective of a child,the series targets adults and aims to rovide some “chicken soup” to let audiences learn to be tolerant and give more love to others.

  21.Which animation series was also shown abroad?

  A.Year Hare Affair.

  B.Fights Break Sphere.

  C.Lingjian Mountain

  D.Little Monk Yichan.

  22.Who describes the past of contemporary China in a funny way?

  A.Lin Chao.

  B.Tian Can Tu Dou.

  C.Guo Wang Bi Xia.


  23.When was Little Monk Yichan broadcast first?

  A.In 201.

  B.In 2013.

  C.In 2017.

  D.In 201.

  24.What can be learnt from the passage?

  A.All the animations are adapted from online works.

  B.Fights Break Sphere is still hot despite its low points online.

  C.Grown—ups can learn little from the Little Monk Yichan.

  D. Lingjian Mountain is the first novel of the writer.

  Today I went to Berkeley, near our old neighborhood. I was a bit surprised by the increased number of homeless (alternatively housed) people walking around. I remember there are more in certain areas. So the first man who asked me for money got all my single bills. So when the second man asked me two minutes later, I said I was out because I gave all I had to the previous person.

  I was headed to the grocery store for a coffee and after I left the store I walked out to find him as he had asked me for something because he was hungry and I invited him to go into the grocery store with me.

  When I asked him what he wanted to eat, he just asked for vegetable and rice. He talked about how much better the vegetables were as we waited for our number to be called. While we waited he told me that he had slept outside last night on the sidewalk, that it was not good, and that he had come from Rwanda and was alone. He was a gentleman. When I asked if he wanted more he said, this bowl of food would last him the whole day.

  I don’t know what his circumstances were before he came to California, and wandering and begging on the streets could somehow be better because you just never know what had happened to him. He seemed like a kind soul who just needed some help like we all do. I am grateful I did a little to help him today.

  25. Why did the author fail to give the second homeless man money?

  A. He kept some money for others.

  B. He donated all her small money to the first man.

  C. He didn’t take any money that day.

  D. He spent all his money shopping.

  26. What does the underlined word“ it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

  A. He slept on the sidewalk.

  B. He waited for his food.

  C. He was alone.

  D. He was offered food.

  27. How did the author feel about the homeless man?

  A. Understandable.

  B. Strange.

  C. Hopeless.

  D. Pitiful.


  Most middle school students find it boring to learn Math. But students in Yat Sen middle school in New York, US, don’t think so. Why? Because they are in the school of One Program, which asks students to work on their own or in small groups on computers to have math lessons.

  “The program gives the students a new learning style. No traditional classroom can compare with it. We give each lesson according to the students’ interest and their strong and weak points,” said Joel. Klein, the school’s head teacher, “we’re looking for a new way that interests students.”

  Students enjoy these math lessons, especially lessons with video games. They must find out the answers to math problems to get through the game. One such game is Dimension M. As students move through mazes(迷宫) with their keyboards, some questions come up.

  Caleb Deng had to answer the question: What is 5+ (6×3)? He calculated on paper quickly because there was just a minute left to play.

  “I was right,” said Deng, 14, as he ended the game with a high score (高分). “This really makes math lessons more exciting, since we are fighting to learn better.”

  28. Students in Yat Sen Middle School like math because ________.

  A. they work in large group

  B. math questions are easy there

  C. the teachers are interesting

  D. they can work on computer

  29. Which is NOT true of the program?

  A. It is very successful.

  B. It gives the students a new way to learn.

  C. It makes learning math more interesting.

  D. It is boring to most students.

  30. The underlined word “calculated” in Paragraph 4 most probably means ________.

  A. threw away

  B. wrote down

  C. worked out

  D. gave up

  31. Caleb Deng’s story serves as (充当) an example to show ________.

  A. how students work in small groups

  B. how students learn math through video games

  C. how the question 5+(6×3) should be solved

  D. how to end a game with a high score


  The Eurotunnel is a tunnel(隧道) which crosses the Channel under the sea, linking France and the UK. It is about 50.5 km long and 38km lies under the seabed. There are trains which carry passengers and cars, and others which carry carriages or other heavier vehicles(车辆), as well as goods.

  The construction of the tunnel started in 1986, with a cost of almost 10 billion pounds. It was opened in 1994 but was not financially successful until 2007, because of the interest rates (利率) the company had to pay the banks, as well as low earnings from passengers and goods.

  The Eurotunnel is a very convenient way of traveling between the two countries as the journey is quick (less than one hour), cheap, and comfortable. You can go with your car, motorbike or bike. The tunnel operates every day, round the clock. At the busiest times there are up to three shuttle departures (班次) per hour. There are facilities (设施) for disabled passengers, and for babies at the two terminals (终点站).$

  The Eurotunnel, also commonly known as the Channel Tunnel, Eurochannel and Eurochunnel is environmentally friendly. It perfects its sources of energy through its use of renewable energy with the result that, by 2008, it had reduced its greenhouse gas emissions(排量) by 45%.

  In addition, 50% of the waste produced is recycled.

  The future of the Eurotunnel seems promising, although there are some people who have the fear of enclosed (与外界隔绝的) spaces and would never use this type of transportation. There have been some problems with snow storms like the one in the winter of the 2009 which have made the services stop for a period of time, leaving passengers in the tunnel for more than 15 hours without light, heating, food or drink, inside an unmoving train under the sea. Some of the passengers reacted very badly and have decided not to use this means of transport ever again.

  32. Why was the Eurotunnel not financially successful at first?

  A. It was free for passing trains

  B. Many people disliked it.

  C. Its operating cost was very high.

  D. It was heavily in debt (债务).

  33. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

  A. The wonderful design of the Eurotunnel

  B. A traveling guide to the Eurotunnel

  C. The advantages of the Eurotunnel.

  D. An introduction of the Eurotunnel’s equipment.

  34. We can infer from the text that the Eurotunnel

  A. used environmentally friendly energy

  B. was completely built under the seabed

  C. was designed for passenger trains

  D. operated successfully without any accident

  35. What is the author’s attitude towards the Eurotunnel?

  A. Cautious

  B. Optimistic

  C. Negative

  D. Doubtful


  根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。with us.

  37.________ It is interesting to learn from people with different backgrounds.

  Traveling helps to enrich our lives. 38.________ When we visit interesting places, we discover and learn many things. We discover new people, surroundings, plants and animals. If we want to make our travel more exciting and challenging, we can plan our own tour and select the specific places we want to visit.

  Traveling is refreshing. It is a psychological necessity, especially for people who have stressful jobs.

  39.________ Stay at home during the weekend is not enough to make some people feel relaxed.

  40.________ It helps them to handle the stress the experience at work better. After the break , they feel more energetic in their work . For many working adults, regular getaways(逃跑) help them keep their energy and enthusiasm they require for their work. Without these breaks, they may suffer from work burnout(精疲力竭).

  It is indeed a joyful thing to share the experience of a special trip with others.

  Years of hard work finally pay off.

  We also get to know their differences from us.

  It increases our knowledge and widens our view.

  Some even consider traveling as part of their lifestyle.

  In today’s society, many people suffer great stress at work.

  Taking periodic(间歇的) trips produces better results for them.

  第三部分 英语知识运用


  I was a shy kid. To me, people were complex and unknown. I didn’t even like to answer the 41.________ for fear that I’d have to talk to somebody I didn’t know. However, I 42.________ exploring the hills near my home by myself. At school, reading was my 43.________ because it could be done alone. I also spent a lot of time studying and was 44.________ with good grades. But I simply could not get up in front of the class to 45.________ anything.

  46.________ I went to college. I decided that I’d had enough of being shy. One day while on campus, I 47.________ an advertisement for positions on the local radio station. I realized that I could take the 48.________ to change myself. I didn’t really 49.________ the job. I just want to know that I could speak onto a taper and talk to a(an) 50.________ . I was terrified but I 51.________ to the interview anyhow. I was even more terrified to discover that I really 52.________ the part-time job after two weeks. At night and on weekends, I sat in the on-air studio(播音室), playing recordings and talking to thousands of 53.________ people. After a few months, I realized that talking to people was not

  54, but actually fun. I’m glad I 55.________ to make a change in my life that day on campus.

  56.________ I now still spend many hours each week talking to people, I’m basically a quiet person. Perhaps it is my 57.________ voice and my quiet nature 58.________ help draw people. My former shyness is an 59.________ , as I can understand people who feel 60.________ when they talk to others.

  41. A. question

  B. telephone

  C. bell

  D. letter

  42. A. admired

  B. envied

  C. enjoyed

  D. hated

  43. A. choice

  B. show

  C. action

  D. practice

  44. A. put off

  B. taken off

  C. paid off

  D. given off

  45. A. argue

  B. see

  C. hear

  D. speak

  46. A. Eventually

  B. Regularly

  C. Rarely

  D. Hardly

  47. A. looked

  B. observed

  C. watched

  D. noticed

  48. A. possibility

  B. chance

  C. risk

  D. fortune

  49. A. want

  B. accept

  C. take

  D. find

  50. A. interviewee

  B. lady

  C. interviewer

  D. gentleman

  51. A. got up

  B. got out

  C. got in

  D. got through

  52. A. lost

  B. gained

  C. found

  D. missed

  53. A. unkind

  B. unhappy

  C. unknown

  D. unusual

  54. A. real

  B. pleasant

  C. scary

  D. strange

  55. A. determined

  B. hesitated

  C. forced

  D. studied

  56. A. Since

  B. Because

  C. If

  D. Although

  57. A. light

  B. low

  C. high

  D. soft

  58. A. what

  B. that

  C. whose

  D. who

  59. A. advantage

  B. error

  C. honor

  D. opportunity

  60. A. sad

  B. nervous

  C. comfortable

  D. angry


  第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  I tried again. Refused again! I was embarrassed and 64.________ (anger). I had money but couldn’t buy Christmas gifts. The 65.________ (item) I chose were already in short supply and 66.________ demand. The man right behind me was very kind, laughing and joking about all 67.________ other angry customers. I apologized and said I wanted to try my card once more. But 68.________ I could, he used his.

  My ENTIRE Christmas ___69

  ( pay) for!

  I told him I couldn’t accept that, but he insisted. I told him I would pay him back, but he refused 70.________ (give) me his name. After I finally started crying and thanking him, he said, “ Tell your kids Santa says Merry Christmas and be good.”

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

  假定英语课上老师要求同桌交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有十处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加, 删除, 或修改。


  删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。


  注意: 每处错误及修改均仅限一次;只允许修改10处, 多者从第11处起不计分。November 24, 2016 was my 18th birthday. It was so an important day for me because it meant I became fully grown person. My father has promised he would give me a big present then. He took my mother and myself to Thailand. The trip to abroad was the first time for my family. When we arrived in Thailand, I couldn’t help hang around. I could see many different kind of statues everywhere. Riding elephants were one of the most famous travel projects. I rode an elephant and it was extreme exciting. My father kept his promise or I was so thankful to him.

  书面表达 (满分25分)

  假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom 最近感觉学习压力很大,难以应对。他来信问你有没有类似的情况。请根据以下要点给Tom写封回信。









  : 1—5 AABCB

  6—10 ACCBB

  11—15 CBAAC

  16—20 BCBAC


  21—24 CAAB







  36—40 ECDFG

  Cloze :

  41—45 BCACD







  Grammar filling:

  61. extremely

  62. what

  63. shocked


  65. items

  66. in

  67. the

  68. before

  69. was paid

  70. to give


  1. so → such

  2. became后加a


  4. myself→me

  5. 去掉abroad 前的to

  6. hang → hanging

  7. kind → kinds

  8. were → was 9.extreme→ extremely 10. or→ and


  Dear Tom,

  I have received your letter asking me whether I have some stress in my study . As a senior high school student facing the college entrance examination, I surely have some stress.

  In my opinion, a proper amount of stress is beneficial to us. It can inspire us to work harder and be more creative. However, too much stress can make us break down. Therefore, we should do something to reduce the stress. For example, we can listen to music to help us relax. Besides, we can play some interesting games with our friends. I hope my advice will be helpful to you.




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