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发布时间:2016-10-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

When Sino Land’s Robert Ng first came to Hong Kong from Singapore about three decades ago, the real estate developer bid aggressively at land auctions and was widely seen to be an interloper.

当信和置业(Sino Land)的黄志祥(Robert Ng)大约30年前首次从新加坡来到香港的时候,这位房地产开发商在土地拍卖中积极投标,很多人把他看作一名闯入者。

Conventional wisdom was that he overpaid for everything, used a lot of debt and would surely implode.


However, as market prices kept rising, his aggressive faith paid off big time and today, he is one of the top property tycoons in Hong Kong.


Now, Chinese developers are the object of a similar debate.


Property, particularly residential property, has been very volatile, stories of vast ghost cities abound and few people have any desire to live in fourth-tier cities, the only ones where property is even remotely affordable for most of the population.


Many analysts consider the most leveraged mainland developers vulnerable to a financial blow-up at any time.


Some of them, such as China Evergrande Group have debt loads of upwards of $60bn (according to its first-half interim unaudited results).


Moreover, Hong Kong has seen an influx of mainland development activity, suggesting that these players are not particularly bullish on their prospects at home.


But as so often is the case with China, the doomsayers may well be wrong.


Property as an asset class has become important in China — maybe too important.


It is critical to the financial system (since 70 per cent of all bank loans are backed by real estate collateral), as a source of economic growth and as a source of savings and wealth for many households.


It is hard for China’s domestic economy to do well if property does not.


Property is an alternative currency in China, says Nicole Wang, the regional head of property research for CLSA in Hong Kong.

香港里昂证券(CLSA)的房产研究部门地区主管Nicole Wang表示:在中国,房地产就是一种替代货币。

But no asset class is as sensitive to liquidity’s soothing effect as property and there is a lot of liquidity in China.


And as it always does, liquidity is buoying the property market, well beyond the first-tier cities where so many couples go through staged divorces just so that they can each buy a starter home on more attractive terms.


New home prices jumped 1.3 per cent month over month in August, the strongest increase since 2011, according to data from JPMorgan.


Only four cities reported a drop in new home prices while they rose in 64 cities, according to China’s National Bureau of Statistics.


And economists such as Haibin Zhu of JPMorgan dismiss recent tightening measures as not aggressive enough and likely to curtail supply, thereby driving up prices even more.


Liquidity is coming from the sky, says one Hong Kong-based hedge fund manager, noting that 40 per cent of all global money supply in recent years has come from China.


So even as central banks in Japan and the US debate helicopter money for local infrastructure and other ambitious development projects, China comes closest to realising that concept as it ramps up its money printing presses.


China’s total social financing for August was again at highs set earlier this year, while for the first half it amounted to $1.5tn, he adds.


Mortgage loans are growing rapidly; almost one-third of the increase in loans in the first half came from the property sector, according to data from the CLSA arm of Citic Securities.

抵押贷款迅速增长;中信证券(Citic Securities)旗下里昂证券(CLSA)的数据显示,今年上半年,近三分之一贷款增量来自房地产领域。

The second-round impact outside China is already being felt as the price of copper and other commodities recover.


Moreover, there are a lot of reasons why the business is attractive in Hong Kong that do not point to a meltdown in the property market across the border.


That is true of course despite the excessive borrowings, the apparent oversupply in unattractive places and the political risk which can haunt even the most attractive property firms such as Kaisa or Fosun.


Those factors include lower taxes and bigger scale, and also — it is true — the desire for US dollar assets, according to Ms Wang.

Nicole Wang表示,香港具有吸引力的因素包括较低的税率和较大的规模,还有人们对美元资产的胃口(的确如此)。

There are risks of course, among them affordability as income growth slows.


A recent informal survey in Singapore showed that a majority of those polled would prefer to own a luxury residential tower there than holding 30-year US Treasury bond.


Only one investor questioned landlords’ ability to raise rents going forward.


China is not the only place where such questions are being asked.



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