Do you ever hear people talking about crimes that are still not solved by the police, unsolved mysteries, because of all the information that is still hidden or secret? That is not true with God! There are no unsolved mysteries or crimes with God.
Gods Word says NOTHING is hidden or secret from God. Do you have secret sins that no one knows about? Boys and girls: God will judge every secret! Maybe no one else knows some of places you secretly go, or the evil things you think about or say, or do. Maybe you watch evil things on the Internet or video. Maybe you think no one saw you shoplift that candy or pair or earrings.
What did our Bible verse say? Numbers 32:23 ...behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out. Numbers 32:23. If you know the Lord Jesus, you are His child! Dont try to cover or hide your sin! Confess it to God and to anyone else you have sinned against. Let God forgive it and take it away. He is ready to do that when you confess it. Thats so much better than waiting and trying to hide it. And then having Him chasten and correct you as His child. Why not do it today, and let God forgive and cleanse it.
I John l: 9 says: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If you as Gods child continue to keep that secret sin, God as a loving Father must chasten or correct you for that. His chastening is NOT pleasant. How much better to come to God for His forgiveness. 约翰一书第1章第9节说:我们若认自己的罪,神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义。如果作为神的孩子,你继续隐藏你的罪,那作为慈爱的父亲,神必须要来洁净你,管教你。让神来管教可不是一件轻松的事。能够来到神的面前让他来宽恕不是要比这好得多吗?
Romans 2:l6 tells of a day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ. Are you trying to hide sin? Maybe it is evil things that you are thinking, saying, doing, or watching. Maybe youve been stealing or lying. Because no one knows about it, you think it is a secret. But remember: someone does know. There are NO secrets with God. And He can tell on you when He wants to! God will judge every secret! Some sins God will judge right here on earth, but all will be judged at the great judgment day when Jesus Christ sits as our judge.
If you are Gods child, daily confess your sin to God so He can forgive it and cleanse it. Ask Him to give you strength to turn away from that sin, so you can enjoy a clean conscience. You cannot be really happy when you are keeping secret sin. If you have never received the Lord Jesus, all your sin is known to God and when He judges you, you must bear that terrible everlasting punishment. No ones secret sin is secret to God! God will judge every secret!
If you have never received the Lord Jesus as your Saviour from sin, you will not be saved from that everlasting punishment of sin. That punishment is to be separated from God forever. But John l: l2 says, As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. That means if you are willing to tell the Lord Jesus you believe you have sinned, that you believe He died in your place, taking your punishment, and rose again the 3rd day.Why not do it today? You just receive Him to your life by saying: Lord Jesus, come in! You will be saved and become His child.
如果你还没有接受主耶稣作为救主,让他把你从罪中拯救出来,你就仍然陷在那对罪的永远的惩罚中。那个惩罚就是与神永远的隔离。约翰福音第1章12节说:凡接待他的,就是信他名的人,他就赐他们权柄,作神的儿女。那就是说如果你愿意告诉主耶稣你犯了罪,你相信他站在你的地位上,为你而死,承担了你的罪,在第三天复活,你就成为神的儿女。 小朋友们,为什么不现在就作呢?你只要说:主耶稣,请进到我心里,你就接受了他,你就得到拯救,成为他的孩子!
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