王蕊教师,Cherry Cox从事少儿英语口语教育多年,注重少儿对英语的兴趣培养,将培养孩子学习英语兴趣作为教育的落脚点,课程涉猎自然拼音课程、音标课程、剑桥少儿英语课程、朗文少儿英语课程,SBS朗文国际英语教程、上海二星、三星口笔试教程等等
Mushrooms for dinner
Father Bear came home and said, Look! No mushrooms
I did not find one! Im going fishing.
m good at finding mushrooms, said Baby Bear. I will go and get some.
Baby Bear went uphill and downhill looking for mushrooms. He went on and on.
Where are the mushrooms? he said. Where are they? I cant see one mushroom, said Baby Bear.
He said to a rabbit, Will you help me find some mushrooms? But the rabbit ran away.
I will have to find the mushrooms by myself, said Baby Bear. I will climb up this tree to have a look.
Baby Bear climbed the tree. I can see some! He said. I can see a ring of mushrooms. Good. I will go and get some. Baby Bear ran to get the big white mushrooms.
He went home with the basket of mushrooms. Here you are, he said. Look!
Thank you, Baby Bear, said Mother Bear. They are beautiful mushrooms. You are a clever little bear.
And the three bears all had fish and mushrooms for dinner.
下一篇: The Heart Attack.
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