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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  ① 情景式写作要求考生在题目规定的情景内展开构思,组织内容;

  ② 仔细审题。考生应明确题目提供的情景,是论证还是说明,是叙事还是写景;

  ③ 确定段落与主题句。各段的主题句使文章有条有理,同时也使考生对自己所要表达的内容有更具体的把握;

  ④ 平稳地展开段落。主题句一经确定,考生便可以围绕主题句,展开段落,完成全文的写作。段落的展开应该建立在段落情景基础之上,每段的重点都应集中于描述情景规定内容;

  ⑤ 考生的每一词每一句应紧扣情景,突出重点,前后连贯,表达清楚,符合逻辑;

  ⑥ 明确题型种类。情景写作可根据内容写成不同文体,如记叙文,说明文,书信报告等,故考生应该注意灵活运用相应文体的写作方法与技巧;

  ⑦ 认真检查与修改。考生应该重点检查是否完全准确地包含了情景所要求的各方面内容,是否有与情景相悖或不相关的内容。


  ① 考试题目:

  Situation:Students have different ways to spend their summer holiday, and you decide totake a part-time job during it. Describe your experience and gains.

  A.Time limit: 40 minutes

  B.Word limit: no less than 160 words

  C.You essay should be written on the ANSWER SHEET II

  MyExperience and Gains in Summer Holiday

  Asa college student, I have much leisure time during my summer holiday so that Iwould like to take a part-time job as many of my friends, which can widen myhorizon and enrich my life. Last summer, I was recommended by one of myclassmates to a Chinese fast-food restaurant where I could take a temporary jobas a mess boy.Obviously, such a job offered a good opportunity for me tocontact the society.

  Earlyin the morning I cleaned the restaurant with others. First, we swept and moppedthe floor where much leftover was on. It was very disgustful for me to do sucha task, and I thought people should be to save food because many in poorfamilies could not be fed. Consequently, I began to realize I should form agood habit of saving food during each meal while I hadnt before. Second, Ihelped to serve the customers. In other words, they ordered their dishes andwaited at their tables, then I would deliver the ordered food to them from thekitchen. During lunch time, many people came and it was my busiest time of aday. I must entertain people who had just come, and paid attention to thedishes having been ordered by former customers. Once I made a mistake that Idelivered the wrong food to an old lady who didnt complain me at all. I was ingreat embarrassment, and I learned a lesson that it is vital to concentrate onwhat is being done. Third, sometimes in the afternoon, I, along with others,helped the cook to wash vegetables and prepared for dinner. It was completely anew attempt because I had never did so in my families, and it was regarded asmy parents task. Later, I even learned how to cook, and my parents sang highlypraise for it. In the evening I went home at 22:00 after a day of hard butinteresting job. That was one day of my part-time job.

  Tosum up, I gained a lot from it, and I wish I could have more experiences infuture summer holiday.



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