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Hukou reform expected to be a gradual process
Kerry will visit Israel to discuss Iran nuclear issue
Ancient Chinese built Forbidden City with stones dragged on ice
Yili looks to Italy for better milk
China, Russia reach big oil deal
Chongqing launches 72-hour visa-free stays
Xi calls for targeted policies to fight poverty
Toronto mayor admits he smoked crack
Spain seeks time zone change
Lang Lang takes on UN Messenger of Peace role
Museums look to innovation for future
Far horizons beckon as agencies eye Chinese
Tickets for 9 yuan offered on new Hebei air route
Obama informed of Merkel surveillance
Film project to spotlight ethnic groups
Report shows jump in Chinese students going to the US
Giant duck to exit after drawing crowds
30,000 turn out in Beijing Marathon
Breast cancer on the rise in China
Women's congress aims to close income gap, lift status
Lenovo's new secret weapon: Hollywood star
Chinese arts travel the world
European satellite plunges to Earth
Former mistresses are active online whistle-blowers
Europe monitors phones, Internet
Xi offers support to overseas Chinese
Weatherman with vision dies, age 98
London mayor hails free trade, subway system during visit
17 accused of making and selling fake drugs
Beijing-Tokyo ties 'unlikely to recover soon'