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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Topic : Some people think that changing jobs periodically is good. What is your opinion?



   目前的工作不能够充分发挥自己的能力,也不能够提高技 能和增加经验 换工作可以发展多种 技能,丰富个人简历,提高个人的 市场价值和工作稳定性,有助于收人增加 ;

   竞争激烈,如果不主动增加技术和经验,稳定的工作机 会就会很少,很容易在竞争中失利;就职业生存而言,没有高枕无忧的空间;人应该懂得接受挑战,把握机会,这才是理智的职业选择;

   离开目前的雇主会绐自己一种新的期待, 种新的学习热情。


   对自己的职业发展弊大于利;需要付出努力去适应新 环境,不能够与新同事和上司处好关系,有可能被他们视为威胁,工作表现不能被轻易认 同;

   频繁转换工作反一个人的低承受能力和对雇主的低忠诚度,缺乏工作动力,没有目标, 没有足够时间获得经验和技能,因此雇主不愿意聘用 经常换工作的人,担心很快又要重新招聘。


  In this fast-changing world, job-hopping is not a rare scene. Much has been discussed about the gains and losses of such a career move. In my opinion, job-changing is an inevitable step in todays labour market, reflecting the nature of a modem society.

  A new job implies opportunities for career development, an objective many working people intend to achieve. In general, there are two reasons behind a job holders motive for a new job. The first is that the current job cannot make the best use of his or her abilities. The second is that he or she cannot improve skills and gain new experience. Both can lessen the possibility of a brighter job prospect.

  Job-hopping, meanwhile, assists one to survive the keen competition. People are living in a fast-changing world and a. once stable job is now vulnerable. Willingness to stay on the same job is no longer valued as much as before. Any employee, if complacent about the current employment, would be faced with threats posed by others. By comparison, taking the initiative to obtain a better job can at least drive people to increase skills and thereby improving the chance of continued employment.

  When job-hoppers are craving for new chances, some issues are particularly worthy of concern. The first is adjusting to a new environment, such as working with new colleagues and supervisors. Besides, while valuing a job hoppers resume, employers too often tend to suspect his or her loyalty and resilience. It is therefore imperative for every potential jobseeker to learn the new employer better and evaluate the potential risk.

  The above-mentioned facts give one a glimpse of the potential results of changing jobs. When the willingness to change a job and seize an opportunity represents a sound career move and provides the thrust for self-development, it might require a job applicants extra efforts.


  1. inevitable = inescapable= unavoidable:不可避免的

  2. keen=intense=strong=stiff:激烈的

  3. vulnerable=in a weak position=defenseless:不稳定的,容易遭受袭击的

  4. complacent=satisfied=unworried=contented: 对。。。满意的,放心的

  5. chance=possibility=likelihood=prospect: 机会,几率

  6. crave for=long for=desire=yearn for: 渴望

  7. resilience=flexibility=resistance: 柔韧性,抵抗力

  8. glimpse=glance=quick look:看

  9. thrust=driving force=impetus: 动力



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