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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Spotlight on Copenhagen

  Are you too old for fairy tales? If you think so, Copenhagen is sure to change your mind①.

  See the city first from the water. In the harbor sits Denmarks best-known landmark: the Little Mermaid. Remember her? She left the world of the sea in search of a human soul in one of Hans Christian Andersens beloved fantasies. From the harbor you can get a feel for the attractive city of green spires. At twilight or in cloudy weather, the copper-covered spires of old castles and churches lend the city a dream-like atmosphere. Youll think youve stepped into a watercolor painting.

  Copenhagen is a city on a human scale. You dont have to hurry to walk the city s center in less than an hour. Exploring it will take much longer. But thats easy. Copenhagen was the first city to declare a street for pedestrians only. The city has less traffic noise and pollution than any other European capital.

  Stroll away from the harbor along the riverbanks, youll see the modest Amalienburg Palace first. Completed in the mid-



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