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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  In 1924 American National Research Council sent engineers to supervise a series of industrial experiments at a large telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago. It hoped they would learn how shop floor lignting__1__workers productivity. Instead, the studies ended __2___giving their name to the Hawthorne effect , the extremely influential idea that the very___3____to being experimented upon changed subjects behavior. The idea arose because of the __4____behavior of the women in the Hawthorne plant. According to __5____of the experiments, their hourly output rose when lighting was increased, but also when it was dimmed. It did not __6____what was done in the experiment; ___7_something was changed, productivity rose. A___8___that they were being experimented upon seemed to be ____9___to alter workers behavior ____10____itself. After several decades, the same data were _11__ to econometric the analysis. The Hawthorne experiments have another surprise in store: _12 __the descriptions on record, no systematic _13__ was found that levels of productivity were related to changes in lighting. It turns out that particular way of conducting the experiments may have led to__ 14__ interpretation of what happened.__ 15___, lighting was always changed on Sunday .When work started again on Monday, output __16___ rose compared with the previous Saturday and__ 17 _to rise for the next couple of days.__ 18__ a comparison with data for weeks when there was no experimentation showed that output always went up on Monday. Workers__ 19__ to be diligent for the first few days of the working week in any case, before __20 __a plateau and then slackening off. This suggests that the alleged Hawthorne effect is hard to pin down.

  1.A. affected B.achieved C.extracted D.restored

  2. A.at B.up C.with D.off

  3. A.truth B.sight C.actproof

  4. A.controversial B.perplexing C.mischievous D.ambiguous

  5. A.requirements B.explanations C.accounts D.assessments

  6. A.conclude B.matter C.indicate D.work

  7. A.as far as B.for fear that C.in case that D.so long as

  8. A.awareness B.expectation C.sentiment D.illusion

  9. A.suitable B.excessive C.enough D.abundant

  10. A.aboutB.for C.on D.by

  11. A.compared B.shownC.subjected D.conveyed

  12. A.contrary to B.consistent with C.parallel with D.peculiar to

  13.A.evidence B.guidance C.implication D.source

  14.A.disputable B.enlightening C.reliable D.misleading

  15.A.In contrast B.For example C.In consequence D.As usual

  16. A.duly B.accidentally C.unpredictably D.suddenly

  17. A.failed B.ceased C.started D.continued

  20.A.breaking B.climbing C.surpassing D.hitting


  1.A.此句要表达的意思为 厂房的灯光是如何对工作效率产生影响的 ,因此,这里需要的意思是 影响 。achieve表示 达到,完成 , extract表示 拔出,榨取 ,restore表示 恢复,使修复 ,都与句子不复,只有affect表示 影响 。

  2.B.该题考察的是固定短语的使用,end up doing sth,表示 最终成为..... 。句子表达的意思为:该实验最终被定义为 霍桑效应 。

  3.C.句意为 实验所研究的行为改变了工人的表现 。

  4.B.该选项需要结合下文来解决。后文的意思是,无论照明灯变亮还是变暗,只要是有变化,女工的生产效率就会提高,因此,这个现象是 令人费解的 ,只perplexing有此意。

  5.C.该句的意思是,根据实验记录、报告等显示,......因此,只有选项acccounts有 说明,明细 等意思。

  6.B.根据第四题的分析得出,该句表达的意思是, 做的什么实验并不重要 ,因此,使用固定搭配It doesn t matter ...。

  7.D. so long as表示 只要 ,与上下文意思一致, 只要有变化 。

  8.A.该句表达的意思是, 只要工人意识到他们自己是实验对象,这就足以让他们改变行为了 ,需要一个表达 意识 的单词,因此选择awareness。 expectations表示 期望 ,sentiment表示 观点,感情 ,illusion表示 错觉,假象 。

  9.C. be enough to do sth,足够做某事,符合上下文。

  10.D. by oneself表示 独自地 ,这里的itself代指an awareness of ...

  11.C.该句要表达的意思是 相同的数据被用于计量经济学分析 ,be subjected to sth.表示 使服从于......,被用于...... .

  12.A.根据该考点之前的句子, 霍桑试验还有另外一个令人意想不到的结果 得知,下面说的内容应该是与记录中的一些描述相悖,因此需要一个表示转折的连接词。只有contrary to表示 与......相反 ,符合文意。

  13.A.根据句意及修饰限定词systematic,该处需要的是一个比较确凿的 证据 ,同时要与动词find构成动宾搭配,只有evidence符合要求。

  14.D. disputable表示 可争辩的 ,enlightening表示 有启发性的 ,reliable表示 可信赖的 , misleading表示 欺骗性的 ,根据上下文,选择misleading。

  15.B.所填空之后是具体实例说明,因此该选项为For example,符合句意。所填之后是adingng

  16.A.根据句意,该处表示一个比较规律性的现象,只有duly表示 准时的,恰当的 ,符合文意。

  17.D.所填空之前是肯定连接词and,同时根据前半句的duly rose,可知该处需要的是与前文一致性的概念,因此只有continue表示 继续 ,具有递进的关系。


  19.B. tend to do sth.表示 倾向于做某事 ,符合文意。

  20.D.该句表达的意思是 在任何情况下,工人们都倾向于在一周的前几天比较勤奋,但到达了一个顶峰的时候就会松弛下来 ,因此hit与a plateau搭配,符合文意 到达顶点,顶峰 的意思。



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