macabre :: gruesome; grisly
Machiavellian :: crafty; double-dealing
magnanimous :: generous
magniloquent :: boastful; pompous
malevolent :: wishing evil
malicious :: dictated by hatred or spite
malignant :: having an evil influence; virulent
malleable :: capable of being shaped by pounding
mammoth :: gigantic
mandatory :: obligatory
maniacal :: raving mad
manifest :: understandable; clear
marital :: pertaining to marriage
maritime :: bordering on the sea; nautical
martial :: warlike
maternal :: motherly
maudlin :: effusively sentimental
mauve :: pale purple
meddlesome :: interfering
mediocre :: ordinary; commonplace
mellifluous :: flowing smoothly; smooth
mendacious :: lying; false
menial :: suitable for servants; low
mercantile :: concerning trade
mercenary :: interested in money or gain
mercurial :: fickle; changing
meretricious :: flashy; tawdry
metallurgical :: pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores
metaphysical :: pertaining to speculative philosophy
meticulous :: excessively careful
migrant :: changing its habitat; wandering
migratory :: wandering
mincing :: affectedly dainty
mobile :: movable; not fixed
modish :: fashionable
molten :: melted
momentous :: very important
monetary :: pertaining to money
monotheism :: belief in one God
moot :: debatable
morbid :: given to unwholesome thought; gloomy
mordant :: biting; sarcastic; stinging
moribund :: at the point of death
morose :: ill-humored; sullen
motley :: parti-colored; mixed
muggy :: warm and damp
multiform :: having many forms
multilingual :: having many languages
mundane :: worldly as opposed to spiritual
munificent :: very generous
musky :: having the odor of musk
musty :: stale; spoiled by age
mutable :: changing in form; fickle
mutinous :: unruly; rebellious
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