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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Linda and David have travelled by air from London to Sydney, Australia. Linda has promised(答应)her mother that she will ring her to let her know that they have arrived safely. This is something she had done ever since she was a child. David thinks it is not a good idea to ring so far, to spend too much, and to say so little.

  If there were an accident. He says, theyd know soon enough. Bad news travels fast.

  But Linda has promised that she would ring. However, she says, it doesnt cost much when you just think that its the other side of the world. Its only six pence per second (每秒六便士)。

  If youre on that telephone for less than one minute, Ill eat my hat, David says, And one minutes nearly four pounds(英镑).

  Thats no more than youd pay for a new hat, Linda answers.

  She has asked the man at the hotel (旅馆) desk to get her the number. The telephone rings. Linda picks it up.

  Hello, Mum. Is that you ? She says.

  Six pence per second, David reminds(提醒) her.

  Hello, love. It is Mrs Lee, Lindas mother, speaking from London. I can hear you very clearly just like you are in the next room. Its a better line than when you called me from your office. Do you remember? I shouted at that time, and still you couldnt hear me sometimes.

  Yes, Mum. Linda puts in. . I just wanted to ring to .

  I remember how you rang when you went to Bettys house to eat, when you were a little girl. And then when you Mrs Lee is a great talker

  Nearly four pounds. says David.

  Linda tries to tell her mother that it is time to say goodbye.

  Yes, all right,says Mrs Lee, But you will write, wont you, as you did when you were at work

  Once again, Mrs Lee talks about the pass. and there is no stopping her.

  Four pounds fifty, says David.

  At last, Linda cuts her mother short, promises to write, and rings off.

  There! That wasnt long, was it ?

   Four pounds, ninety pence. David answers. And you didnt even say that weve arrived.

  1. Linda is telephoning home to ________.

  A. tell her mother some bad news

  B. say that she and David have arrived safely

  C. report an accident to her mother

  D. say that she and David have left London

  2. Linda does not think it expensive to ring, because _____.

  A. it only costs four pounds and ninety pence

  B. it is even more expensive to buy a new hat

  C. she had telephoned home since she was a child

  D. she will speak from one side of the word to the other

  73. David says, Nearly four pounds, because ______.

  A. he wants to remind Linda of the cost of the cost of the call

  B. he wants to buy himself a new hat

  C. Linda has not told her mother they have arrived

  D. he wants Mrs Lee to know how much the call costs

  4. Mrs Lee goes on talking for so long because _______-.

  A. she likes to hear all about the past.

  B. she likes talking

  C. Linda had not told her that she has arrived

  D. she is going to pay for the telephone call

  5. Linda tries to stop her mother by ________.

  A. telling her how much the call is costing

  B. writing a letter as she has promised to do

  C. telling her that they have arrived safely

  D. promising to write, and ringing off

  KEY: 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D


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