Intro:What should be the most important thing in life to youshould it be to make lots of money, or to get the very best education?Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33 what should be the first and most important thing in our life: But seek?first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
在你生活中最重要的事情是什么呢?是挣很多钱, 受最好的教育吗?耶稣在马太福音6:33告诉我们应该把什么放在我们生活的第一位。他说, 你们要先求他的国, 和他的义这些东西都要加给你们了。
Explanation:To seek first the kingdom of God means that taking care of Gods work should be first in our life. What is Gods work and His righteousness?Gods work begins with believing in the Lord Jesus so that we can become a child of God. Then we should keep our lives pure, and focus our attention on obeying Gods Word and winning others to Jesus. What are the all these things that God promises shall be added unto you? That means your daily needs like money, food, clothes, etc. Simply put, You take care of Gods work, and Hell take care of your needs!
你们要先求他的国是什么意思呢?把神的工作放在我们生活的第一位。什么是神的工作和神的义呢?神的工作首先就是要相信耶稣, 这样我们就成为神的孩子。然后我们要竭力过一个圣洁的生活, 并每天遵守神的话, 以及带人信耶稣。神的应许这些东西都要加给你们了是指什么东西呢?就是你每天生活的需要, 钱, 食物, 衣服。也就是说, 你把神交给你的事情做好, 神也会照看你的生活。
Application:If you have believed on the Lord Jesus, you are His child. What is most important to you in your life?It should be doing Gods Work and keeping your life pure for Him. He promises if you do that, He will take care of the other things in your life. Spend time in Gods Word daily, so you will understand more and more how to do Gods work and keep your life pure for Him!
如果你已经接受耶稣做你的救主, 那你就是神的孩子。你生活中最重要的事情是什么呢?就是做神的工, 为主的缘故过一个圣洁的生活。如果你这样做, 神已经应许他要看顾你生活的一切需要。希望你花时间, 每天都来读神的话, 使你更能明白神的旨意。
Just before Jesus gave us this verse today, He was telling believers not to say, Oh, what are we going to eat today?What are we going to drink today?What are we going to wear? He said your Heavenly Father knows you need those things, and if He takes such good care of the birds and the flowers, dont you think Hell take much better care of His children?Jesus said as believers our main concern should be taking care of our Fathers business and keeping our lives pure for Him.
耶稣在讲这句话之前, 他曾对跟随他的人说, 不要为每天忧虑吃什么, 喝什么, 穿什么, 他说我们的天父知道我们的需要。如果他连天上的鸟, 野地的花都看顾, 他就更会看顾我们。耶稣说信主的人最重要的就是做神的工, 并为主的缘故过一个圣洁的生活。
If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, why not begin Gods work today by going to How To Be a Child of God. Now lets sing our memory verse!Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteouness; And all these things shall be added unto you, Hallelu, hallelujah.
如果你还没有相信耶稣, 请你去听怎样成为神的孩子 , 并照那里所说的去做。为了更好地记住今天的圣经经节, 让我们唱下面这首歌:你们要先求他的国, 和他的义, 这些东西都要加给你们, 哈利路, 哈利路亚。
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