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发布时间:2015-09-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编











Without political independence, it is impossible to achieve economic independence; without economic independence, a country's independence is incomplete and insecure.


By self-reliance we mean that a country should mainly rely on the strength and wisdom of its own people, control its own economic lifelines, make full use of its own resources, strive hard to increase food production and develop its national economy step by step and in a planned way.


Self-reliance in no way means "self-seclusion" and rejection of foreign aid. We have always considered it beneficial and necessary for the development of the national economy that countries should carry on economic and technical exchanges on the basis of respect for state sovereignty, equality and mutual benefit, and the exchange of needed goods to make up for each other's deficiencies.


We hold that in both political and economic relations, countries should base themselves on the Five Principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. We are opposed to the establishment of hegemony and spheres of influence by any country in any part of the world in violation of these principles.


We hold that the affairs of each country should be managed by its own people. The people of the developing countries have the right to choose and decide on their own social and economic systems. We support the permanent sovereignty of the developing countries over their own natural resources as well as their exercise of it. We support the actions of the developing countries to bring all foreign capital, and particularly "trans-national corporations," under their control and management, up to and including nationalization. We support the position of the developing countries for the development of their national economy through "individual and collective self-reliance."


We hold that all countries, big or small, rich or poor, should be equal, and that international economic affairs should be jointly managed by all the countries of the world instead of being monopolized by the one or two superpowers. We support the full right of the developing countries, which comprise the great majority of the world's population, to take part in all decision-making on international trade, monetary, shipping and other matters.


We hold that international trade should be based on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods. We support the urgent demand of the developing countries to improve trade terms for their raw materials, primary products and semi-manufactured and manufactured goods, to expand their market and to fix equitable and favourable prices. We support the developing countries in establishing various organizations of raw material exporting countries for a united struggle against colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism.


We hold that economic aid to the developing countries must strictly respect the sovereignty of the recipient countries and must not be accompanied by any political or military conditions and the extortion of any special privileges or excessive profits. Loans to the developing countries should be interest-free or low-interest and allow for delayed repayment of capital and interest, or even reduction and cancellation of debts in case of necessity. We are opposed to the exploitation of developing countries by usury or blackmail in the name of aid.


We hold that technology transferred to the developing countries must be practical, efficient, economical and convenient for use. The experts and other personnel dispatched to the recipient countries have the obligation to pass on conscientiously technical know-how to the people there and to respect the laws and national customs of the countries concerned. They must not make special demands or ask for special amenities, let alone engage in illegal activities.


China is a socialist country, and a developing country as well. China belongs to the Third World. Consistently following Chairman Mao's teachings, the Chinese government and people firmly support all oppressed peoples and oppressed nations in their struggle to win or defend national independence, develop the national economy and oppose colonialism, imperialism and hegemonism. This is our bounden internationalist duty. China is not a superpower, nor will she ever seek to be one.








The advancement of human society is unstoppable. Any nation obsessed in its force to pursue hegemony and expansion will be doomed to failure.


A diversified, splendid and colorful world can only be created through mutual respect and support, and by accepting differences and living in harmony.




All countries, big or small, rich or poor, strong or weak, are equal members of the international community and have the right to take part in and handle world affairs. Matters that fall within the scope of sovereignty of a country should be managed only by the government and people of that country, and the world affairs should be handled by the governments and people of all countries through consultation. This is the principle of democracy in handling world affairs. Today, the world's destiny should be in the hands of the people of all countries.


The world is diverse and colorful. Just as there should not be only one color in the universe, so there should not be only one civilization, one social system, one development model or one set of values in the world. Each and every country and nation has made its own contribution to the development of human civilization.


The Chinese people will unswervingly march along the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and accomplish the grand cause of national reunification in accordance with the principles of "peaceful reunification" and "One country, two systems".


The Chinese people love peace and stand firm in maintaining world peace and stability. China will never seek hegemony. This is a solemn commitment undertaken by the Chinese people to the world.


I am convinced that in spite of difficulties and twists and turns that might occur in the course of evolution of the world situation and the development of the human society, the world of ours will eventually attain a civilization of a higher level and make progress in all areas.









The United Nations was founded as a result of mankind's persistent efforts to seek peace and development. It embodies the lofty spirit of the world's people to "save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought about untold sorrow to mankind" and to "live together in peace with one another as good neighbors". It also carries the beautiful ideal of the international community to jointly promote economic and social development.


In the past 60 years, though power politics still lingered and democratized international relations remained elusive, dialogue, exchanges and harmonious co-existence have become the mainstream of state-to-state relations. Mutual respect and treating each other as equals have become an important consensus of the international community.


Without universal development and common prosperity, our world can hardly enjoy tranquility.


The United Nations should take concrete measures to implement the Millennium Development Goals, particularly in the area of accelerating the development of developing countries, so that the 21st century can truly become a "century of development for all".


Diversity of civilizations is a basic feature of human society and an important driving force behind human progress. In the course of human history, all civilizations have, in their own way, made a positive contribution to the overall human progress. It is their differences that allow them to learn from one another and grow stronger together. Uniformity, if imposed on them, can only take away their vitality and cause them to become rigid and decline. The world's civilizations may differ in age, but none is better or more superior than others. Differences in history, culture, social system and mode of development should not become barriers to exchanges between countries, let alone excuses for confrontation.


We should respect a country's right to independently choose its own social system and path of development. In this way, countries will go for mutual emulation instead of deliberate exclusion, for mutual learning of respective strong points instead of making fetish a particular model, thus succeeding in their rejuvenation and development in line with their national conditions. We should enhance intercivilization dialogue and exchanges, allowing cultures to complement one another through competition and comparison, and to develop together by seeking common ground while putting aside differences. We should do away with misgivings and estrangement existing between civilizations and make humanity more harmonious and our world more colorful. We should endeavor to preserve the diversity of civilizations in the spirit of equality and openness, make international relations more democratic and jointly build towards a harmonious world where all civilizations coexist and accommodate each other.

2009年9月23日,胡锦涛在热烈的掌声中再次登上联大讲台,发表题为《同舟共济 共创未来》的重要讲话。全面阐述了中国对国际形势及重大全球和地区问题的看法,系统介绍了新中国成立60年来的发展道路和成就。这是中国国家元首第一次在联大一般性辩论中发表讲话。



Security is not a zero-sum game, and there is no isolated or absolute security. No country can be safe and stable in the absence of world and regional peace and stability.


We should embrace a new security thinking of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination. While maintaining one's own national security, we should also respect the security concerns of other countries and advance the common security of mankind.


Climate change, food security, energy and resource security and public health security are all global challenges and no country is immune from them.








China will remain committed to the path of peaceful development, unswervingly pursue reform and opening-up, and continue to adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace. This is in the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the people of all other countries. It is also in keeping with the trend of the world.


Only continued economic and political restructuring and reform in other fields can lead to sustained economic growth and social progress, and only continued opening-up in an all-round way can lead the country to greater national strength and prosperity.


China is firm in upholding its hard-won sovereignty and territorial integrity and will never tolerate any external interference. Following the principle of treating each other as equals, China also respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries as well as the independent choice of their people for social systems and development paths.


China is ready to develop friendly relations with all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit rather than on ideology or social system.


China's development is peaceful in nature. It will not harm anyone or pose a threat to anyone. China does not seek hegemony now, nor will it do so in the future.


So long as people of all countries, especially their leaders, can do away with hostility, estrangement and prejudice, treat each other with sincerity and an open mind, and forge ahead hand in hand, mankind will overcome all difficulties and embrace a brighter future.




China, which has come a long way in modernization, is fairly advanced in some areas of development but remains backward in others. And it faces unprecedented challenges brought by problems both old and new. Taken as a whole, China is still in the primary stage of socialism and remains a developing country. These are our basic national conditions. This is the real China.


Development is our top priority, as it constitutes the basis for addressing all issues.


We respect and protect human rights, uphold social equity and justice, and strive to achieve the free and all-round development for our people. This is the important hallmark of a democratic country under the rule of law. It is also a basic guarantee for a country's lasting peace and stability.


China will stay firmly committed to peaceful development. You may ask what is the essence of peaceful development. It is to foster a peaceful international environment for our development and at the same time contribute to world peace through our development. This is something inherent in the concept of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


China values friendship and also sticks to principles. It firmly upholds its national core interests. When it comes to sovereignty, national unity and territorial integrity, China will not yield or compromise.


China's stability and development is conducive to a more peaceful international environment, a more democratic international order, a more prosperous global economy, and a more harmonious and civilized world. China's development is an opportunity to the world, and the world stands to gain from a China that is better off. History will continue to prove this.


A China that develops peacefully, a China that is full of vigor and vitality and a China that is willing and ready to fulfill its responsibilities will always move forward together with the world. Let us join hands to work for a world of enduring peace and prosperity.



联合国大会一般性辩论(the general debate of the General Assembly session)




联合国大会(General Assembly)是联合国主要的审议、监督和审查机构,由联合国全体会员国共同组成。大会每年9月至12月举行常会。常会通常分两个阶段,前段为一般性辩论阶段,后段为大会讨论和审议列入议程的各项议题阶段。

在与各成员国、现任联合国大会主席以及联合国秘书长等各方商议之后,联合国大会侯任主席(president-elect of the General Assembly)会提出本年度一般性辩论的议题(a topic/theme of global concern for the upcoming general debate),最晚8月初,侯任主席会通过邮件向各成员国发送本次大会一般性辩论的主题,并请成员国针对该主题在会议上发表意见。





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