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发布时间:2015-08-31  编辑:查字典英语网小编

As recently as 10 years ago, an economic slowdownin China would have caused barely a ripple in Japan.


At that time, most of Japan’s exports to China were components such as liquid crystaldisplays. They would be assembled into televisions at Japanese-owned factories and then re-exported. What mattered was demand in the final markets for consumer goods, in particularthe US.


But times have changed. “The importance of final demand in China is increasing for theJapanese economy. It was almost to the US level as of the last data in 2011. It probablymatched the US by 2014, said Naohiko Baba, chief Japan economist at Goldman Sachs.

但如今时代不同了。高盛(Goldman Sachs)首席日本经济学家马场直彦(Naohiko Baba)表示:“对于日本经济而言,中国最终需求的重要性正在提升。在2011年上次数据出炉时,中国需求的重要性几乎与美国持平。到2014年,中国或许已赶上美国。

With the Japanese economy already wobbling — the economy contracted by an annualised 1.6per cent in the second quarter — weakness in China is the latest global shock to underminethe Abenomics stimulus programme on which Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has staked hisleadership. China’s slowdown could force the Bank of Japan’s hand on further easing ofmonetary policy, analysts say. The BoJ, already under pressure from weak consumption athome, would be most likely to act at its October and January meetings, where it makes neweconomic forecasts.

由于日本经济已是风雨飘摇(按年率计算,今年第二季度,日本经济收缩1.6%),中国经济疲弱正成为破坏“安倍经济学(Abenomics)刺激计划的最新外部打击。日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)把自己的领导权押在了该计划上。分析人士表示,中国经济放缓可能会迫使日本央行(Bank of Japan)进一步放松货币政策。已因国内消费疲软承受压力的日本央行,在10月和明年1月会议上采取行动的可能性最大。在这些会议上,日本央行将做出新的经济预测。

For its part, the BoJ insists its massive asset-buying programme remains on course toovercome deflation. Haruhiko Kuroda, BoJ governor, reiterated this in New York onWednesday, but added that the BoJ would make adjustments without hesitation ifnecessary.

日本央行坚称,其大规模资产购买计划仍然有望战胜通缩。日本央行行长黑田东彦(Haruhiko Kuroda)周三在纽约重申了这点,但补充称,日本央行将“在必要时毫不犹豫地做出调整。

Using a new global input-output database, Mr Baba estimates that whereas in 2000, finaldemand in China accounted for 0.5 per cent of Japanese output versus 3.5 per cent for the US,both countries now absorb about 2 per cent of Japan’s value-added goods.


As such, China’s growth rate has become as important to Japan as its exchange rate. A fall of1 percentage point in China’s domestic demand costs Japan 0.1 per cent of gross domesticproduct, while the hit from a percentage point fall in the renminbi is only 0.01 per cent. Were itjust a matter of the direct effect on Japan’s exports, the damage would be painful butcontained, but direct exports are the least of it.


Whereas 18 per cent of Japan’s exports go to China, 54 per cent go to Asia as a whole, and aslowdown in China hurts all of the region’s economies. Japanese businesses may postponeinvestment in new export capacity at home, further hurting demand. japan export


The International Monetary Fund tries to model the effects of a Chinese downturn in its SpilloverReport. The 2014 edition finds a 1 percentage point shock to emerging market growth leads toa 0.5 percentage point fall in Japanese growth; five times bigger than the effect on the US.

国际货币基金组织(IMF)在其《溢出效应报告》(Spillover Report)中尝试模拟中国经济低迷的影响。2014年的报告显示,在中国经济低迷冲击下,新兴市场增速每下滑1个百分点,将导致日本增速下滑0.5个百分点;其对日本的影响是对美国的影响的5倍。

In addition, China’s slowdown is having a broader deflationary effect, most obviously throughcommodity prices. Oil’s drop to about $40 a barrel all but destroys the BoJ’s schedule forgetting inflation back to 2 per cent. Its forecasts are predicated on a bounce in prices to $70or $75 a barrel.


“Although the oil price fall should have a favourable impact on economic activity in the longerterm, in the short term it has a downward impact on inflation via the drop in energy pricessuch as gasoline and electricity, said Mr Kuroda.


Economists at Citi in Tokyo estimate the drag on inflation from energy prices will reach 1.5percentage points by October, and stay above 1 percentage point in the middle of 2016, makinga dip into headline deflation more likely.


Mr Kuroda insists this effect is temporary. “Has the trend towards overcoming deflation cometo an end? he said. “This is far from the case.


The BoJ’s problem is that its policy relies on convincing companies and consumers thatinflation will rise. The longer prices remain stuck at zero amid sluggish demand the harder it isto do.



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