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发布时间:2015-07-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编


A single dose of a new Ebola vaccine that can beinhaled has been found to neutralize the deadlyvirus in monkeys, researchers reported on Monday.


The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, demonstrated that the aerosolEbola vaccine activated immune cells in the respiratory system of rhesus macaques andprovided full protection against the virus. The study was conducted by researchers at TheUniversity of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and the National Institutes of Health inBethesda, Md. It was the first attempt to use an aerosol to vaccinate monkeys against ahemorrhagic viral fever, the study’s authors said.

发表在《临床调查杂志》(Journal of Clinical Investigation)上的该论文证明,该气雾型埃博拉疫苗激活了恒河猴呼吸系统内的免疫细胞,提供了针对该疫苗的完全防护。进行研究的是德克萨斯大学加尔维斯顿医学分部(University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston)和位于马里兰州贝塞斯达的美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)的研究人员。文章作者称,这是首次尝试用气雾剂给猴子接种防治病毒性出血热的疫苗。

“The initial several decades of attempts to develop a vaccine against the Ebola virus wereunsuccessful, said Alexander Bukreyev, a virologist from the University of Texas MedicalBranch and one of the paper’s authors. “This is one of the few vaccines that works.

“最初几十年研发埃博拉疫苗的尝试都不成功,来自德克萨斯大学加尔维斯顿医学分部的病毒学家、论文的作者之一亚历山大·布克列耶夫(Alexander Bukreyev)说。“这是少数有效的疫苗之一。

But the success of the vaccine in monkeys is no guarantee that it will work in people. Thisyear, an Ebola drug that had been effective in monkeys failed to help humans.


“This is a positive step forward, said Dr. Daniel Bausch, a virologist from Tulane University. “It’snot a breakthrough or ‘Eureka!’

“这是一个积极的进步,来自杜兰大学(Tulane University)的病毒学家丹尼尔·鲍施(Daniel Bausch)说。“但不是突破或‘找到啦’。

The new vaccine can be administered without help from a medical professional. So if it provessuccessful in humans, the vaccine will be particularly useful in developing countries where thereis a severe scarcity of doctors and nurses, as there is in West Africa, where the worst Ebolaepidemic in history has yet to be extinguished.


“The discussion in the field right now is if this Ebola outbreak will be some kind of game changerfor vaccine development, or will it only be one more scare that will be forgotten, said Dr. IgorLukashevich, a medical virologist from the University of Louisville, who was not involved with thestudy. “This aerosolized form of the vaccine is really what the field needs right now.

“目前,这个领域讨论的是,这一轮埃博拉疫情是会让疫苗研究发生翻天覆地的变化,还是只会成为又一场将被遗忘的恐慌,未参与这项研究的路易斯维尔大学(University of Louisville)医学病毒学家伊戈尔·卢卡舍维奇(Igor Lukashevich)说。“这种气雾形态的疫苗真的是这个领域目前所需要的。

The study’s lead author, Michelle Meyer, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas MedicalBranch, said the respiratory tract may serve as a portal for the Ebola virus if it is exposed todroplets of infected bodily fluids.

论文的第一作者、德克萨斯大学加尔维斯顿医学分部博士后米歇尔·梅耶尔(Michelle Meyer)表示,如果接触了几滴被感染的体液,呼吸道可能会成为埃博拉病毒的入口。

In the study, the aerosol vaccine generated substantially more Ebola-immunity cells in thelungs than in the blood and spleen. The cells “in the lungs are acting as the first barrier forprotection, Dr. Meyer said. “That’s ideal to combat the virus at the site of infection.


Four of the rhesus macaques used in the research were given one dose of the aerosol vaccine;four were given two doses; and two were given the vaccine in a liquid form. Two monkeyswere not vaccinated, serving as controls.


Four weeks after their treatments, all 12 monkeys were injected with 1,000 times the fataldose of the Ebola virus. A little over a week later, the two unvaccinated monkeys succumbed tothe disease and were euthanized, but the vaccinated monkeys stayed healthy. At the end of thestudy, the researchers euthanized the surviving monkeys, examined their blood and tissues,and found no traces of the Ebola virus.


“One aerosol dose of our vaccine was able to protect these animals from death and severedisease, Dr. Meyer said.


The next step will be for the team’s colleagues at the National Institutes of Health to performclinical trials of the vaccine on humans.



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