Since Wednesday, shares in three huge Hong Kong-listed companies have lost half their value. Investorsin Hanergy Thin Film, Goldin Financial and GoldinProperties are nursing a combined $36bn in paperlosses, without a single fundamental reason, suchas a big announcement, to explain the slide.
自周三以来,三家香港上市大公司的股票市值遭遇腰斩。汉能薄膜(HTF)、高银金融(Goldin Financial)以及高银地产(Goldin Properties)的投资者们遭受的账面损失共计360亿美元,但迄今没有任一基本面原因(比如一项重大声明)来解释这种暴跌。
The plunges have highlighted the Hong Kong market’s vulnerability to big share price movesand raised questions on whether a new direct connection between Hong Kong and the volatileShanghai exchange is changing the dynamic of the southern market.
Up to now, Hong Kong Exchange, which operates the equities market, and its regulator, theSecurities and Futures Commission, have not found it necessary to intervene when individualstock prices race rapidly upward or plunge precipitously to earth. But the increasing presenceof retail customers and momentum investors, many of them from the mainland, may force arethink.
迄今为止,运营香港股市的香港交易所(Hong Kong Exchange)及其监管机构香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(Securities and Futures Commission,证监会),尚未发现在个别股价暴涨或急跌之时有必要进行干预。但日益增多的散户和动量投资者(其中很多来自中国内地)入场可能迫使当局进行反思。
At issue is the ability of thinly-traded penny stocks to soar, garnering market capitalisationsthat ostensibly put them into the big league. All three companies that dropped this week hadseen their prices more than quadruple in the past six months. HTF and Goldin Financial wereranked as the 20th and 28th biggest companies in the territory last month.
“We have a legitimate market for real companies, then we have bubbles like Goldin and Hanergywhich provide an outlet for people’s gambling instincts, said David Webb, a corporategovernance activist in Hong Kong. “There were plenty of warning signs in both of these. Ifanyone has been buying, it’s been a bet that a greater fool would pay more for it later.
“我们有一个面向真实企业的正当市场,然而我们也有像高银和汉能这样的泡沫,它们为人们的投机本能提供一个出口,香港公司治理维权人士大卫•韦伯(David Webb)说。“这两家公司都有很多警示信号。如果有人近来在购买它们的股票,他们是在押注之后会有更大的傻瓜花更多的钱接手。
Unlike other big markets, Hong Kong does not have “circuit breakers, where trading is halted ina rapidly moving stock to prevent free-falls or rocketing prices.
Shanghai, for example, has a 10 per cent daily limit on moves up and down. Tokyo preventstraders entering prices outside preset limits. New York introduced circuit breakers following themarket crashes of 1987 and 1989.
Some market participants believe that the linking of mainland retail investors to the Hong Kongmarket in November via the Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect may have made interventionmore necessary. Retail traders are seen as more likely to pile into and out of rapidly movingstocks.
About 20 per cent of Hong Kong’s cash trading is still conducted by small investors, comparedwith 90 per cent in Shanghai and 2 per cent in New York.
Since March, HTF has featured in the top 10 most-traded stocks southbound through thestock connect more than any other company except Shanghai Electric.
On average, about half the value of HTF’s daily turnover comes through Stock Connect whereasfor a blue-chip such as Ping An or Tencent, southbound trade accounts for less than 4 per centof its value traded.
平均而言,汉能日交易量的约一半来自沪港通南下资金,而对中国平安(Ping An)或腾讯(Tencent)等蓝筹股而言,南下资金只占总交易量的不到4%。
“In reality these [Goldin and Hanergy] are third line stocks masquerading as first tier throughtheir size. Given their gains and their thin liquidity they were always going to be vulnerable tobig moves, said Keith Pogson, head of Asia financial services at EY.
安永(EY)亚洲金融服务主管包凯(Keith Pogson)表示:“在现实中,这些(高银和汉能)只能算是三流股票,它们借助自己的规模假冒为一流股票。鉴于近期涨幅巨大和流动性稀薄,它们总是容易遭遇大幅波动。
Hong Kong is now considering introducing limited circuit breakers that impose a brief coolingoff period for stocks that move sharply — a move backed by most major brokers.
“The problem is that the Hong Kong market currently allows the momentum that can createmega caps, said one bank equities trading head who supports the idea, in part because of thecity’s large retail trading element.
In the case of Goldin Financial, the rapid share price move may be exacerbated by the fact thatmost of its shares are held by a small number of people. Hong Kong, like most big stockmarkets, has a “free float rule that requires companies to have 25 per cent of their sharesavailable for trading by the public.
But in March the SFC issued a “high concentration of shareholding announcement for GoldinFinancial, where it noted that although the company’s free float met the 25 per cent minimum,the stock was in reality held by 19 investors with only 1.42 per cent held by outsiders.
The SFC has issued 10 such warnings so far this year, compared with 18 last year and 10 for allof 2013.
Some investors also complain that the Hong Kong exchange and regulators should betougher on companies that suspend trading in their shares for long periods of time, trappinginvestors.
A total of 37 companies, worth about $12bn have all been suspended for more than threemonths and many fear that HTF might join that list following its suspension, it its request, onWednesday. HTF declined to comment on its plans, although its parent company, HanergyGroup, said in a statement that it was in “a good financial position with no overdue loans andhad not sold any of its 30.6bn shares in HTF
香港股市停牌3个月以上的公司总计有37家,市值总计约为120亿美元,许多人担忧,在周三申请停牌之后,汉能薄膜可能加入这一名单。汉能薄膜拒绝就其计划置评,尽管其母公司汉能集团(Hanergy Group)在一份声明中表示,集团“资金状况良好,没有任何一笔贷款逾期,对持有的306亿股汉能薄膜也没有任何减持套现行为。
The SFC declined to comment on HTF and the two Goldin companies, following its policy ofnot commenting on individual stocks. The Hong Kong Exchange also did not comment.
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