今天下午,我和爷爷拿着鱼杆和水桶到一个小池塘钓鱼。 到了那里,只见小池塘边种着几棵柳树和一些五颜六色的野花,湖面上风平浪静,有一些鱼儿正在欢快地在水中嬉戏,真是一个钓鱼的好地方。
爷爷挑了一个钓鱼的极佳位置,在那儿撒下一些鱼食。我便急不可待地拿起鱼杆便要钓鱼,爷爷见了连忙说:“现在还不能钓,需过几分钟,等鱼儿闻到香喷喷的鱼食,全部游过来抢食吃的时候才能钓到鱼。”我说:“那1分钟,2分钟,还是3分钟呢?”爷爷说:“没这么快,要30分钟。”我只好垂头丧气地坐在那儿等待。 好不容易过了大约30分钟,爷爷说:“可以钓鱼了。”我兴奋地跳了起来拿来起鱼杆和蚯蚓,把蚯蚓装在鱼钩上,再把鱼钩使劲地荡了出去。过了好一会儿,浮标一动也不动,我开始不耐烦了,嚷道:“这儿没鱼,没劲,还不如抓蝴蝶有趣。”爷爷听了对我说:“你可千万别学小猫钓鱼,三心二意,一定要耐心等待,肯定能钓到大鱼。”我听了脸唰得一下红了,心想:做任何事决不能三心二意。又过了一会儿浮标一上一下地动了起来,我想:一定是一条大鱼。我急忙提起鱼杆,原来是一条草鱼,它在空中“跳舞”,“咚”的一声,草鱼掉了下去,真扫兴。
When I saw that grandpa had caught four or five fish, I was so anxious that I thought I would never go home empty handed. At this time, the buoy moved again, there are many blisters on the water surface. This time, I raised the fishing rod after the buoy sank into the water, but I couldn't lift it, so I hurriedly shouted: "Grandpa, Grandpa, come to help quickly." Grandpa rushed to help me lift the fishing rod, wow! It's a big carp. I sing and dance happily. It was getting dark. Grandpa said, "it's time for us to go home. Grandma is waiting for us to make braised fish." I just reluctantly and grandpa put away the fishing rod, take "victory product" happily to go home and prepare to cook braised carp!
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