Once, I went to Dongdong's house to play, but I saw Dongdong's mother lying on the bed. It turned out that she was ill. Dongdong told me that because she had no money to go to the hospital, her mother had to stay in bed. With that, Dongdong cried. Hearing this, I decided to give him all the pocket money I had saved for many years.
I rushed home at once, holding the change and running to Dongdong's house. I handed the pocket money to Dongdong and said, "here you are, Dongdong, take my pocket money to your mother for treatment." Dongdong looks so happy! My aunt smiled and said, "thank you, little friend."
But aunt then said: "these money is not enough to see a doctor, you still take it back."
But I won't bring it back. I said to Dongdong, "if we don't have enough money, let's go to adults for help." Let's go out and ask the adults for help. However, they all said, "what do you children care about in other people's homes! Take care of yourself. " How sad we are!
But we don't lose heart, we still think of a way - to pick up waste products to sell. Hard as it is, we are not afraid. Every day we go to pick up a lot of empty bottles. When we save a lot of bottles, we will sell them. After ten days of hard work, we made 197 yuan from selling bottles.
Although the money is not much, this time, Dongdong's mother can see a doctor and take some medicine.
After a few days, Dongdong's mother got better. Dongdong thanked me and said, "thank you." I said, "this is what I should do."
At that time, I thought the sky was blue and the sun was particularly bright.
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