Confucian temple is an ancient school. The Great Hall of Confucian temple is the center of Confucian temple spirit. Confucius, the founder of Chinese Confucianism, stands proudly in the Dacheng Temple of Confucian temples all over China.
It can be said that any Chinese knows Confucius, and the vast majority of Chinese respect Confucius. Confucius was not a royal family before his death, but his later titles have been raised again and again, from "Dacheng to the sage of the first teacher" to "Dacheng to the sage of the king of culture and propaganda". Confucius was once in the prime of Confucius' gate, and he was immortal.
Confucianism pays attention to personal cultivation. Confucius, as the leader of Confucianism, is naturally a man of high cultivation. Confucius followed the book of rites in his life and never did anything without rites. When Yan Hui died, Confucius praised him and said, "holy is Hui." He is highly respected in the heart, but is opposed to thick burial according to the rites. He was angry with the princes and princes for openly enjoying the music and dance of the emperor. He was aggrieved by the fact that the other countries did not accept his words, but he was absolutely calm. In troubled times, an old man is silent to reality and is good at himself. It has the high righteousness of Boyi and Shuqi, and the courage of Weizi, Jizi and Bigan. "Thinking of the wise" is his theory. In the Analects, he expressed his mind: "Yin had three wise men."
Confucius, naturally, seeks to be an official. In the days of being the Prime Minister of Lu, he was able to show his talents, but because the monarch was unknown, he had to travel around the world. Or travel, it is not the way of lobbying - none of the princes accepted it. But in the world of disputes, he runs for the world, for others. When everyone thought that "Rites" would no longer enrich the country and strengthen the army, they were determined not to tell: the eastern countries were all over his footprints, and the land of China was full of his sighs. The sage lives in the heaven and the earth, which is not a cry for heaven and earth, but a silence and an eternity. "Tao can't do it, and you can float in the sea by boat". There is infinite power in silence.
The reason why Confucius' thought can spread to today is because of his contribution to education. Seventy two students of Confucius are sages, and there are three others who feel their enlightenment. Confucius's teaching is worthy of the title of the first teacher. Some of his students are rich in the world, some are devoted to learning, some can communicate with the world, some are proud to stand in the temple. Confucius paid attention to the inheritance of culture. Although the spring and Autumn period and the poem were built for the sake of Confucianism, they also misunderstood the contents of the poem, but undoubtedly passed down the Chinese culture. Otherwise, how could there be a unique song of "Guan Guan Ju Jiu"? Confucius is a man of culture. He looked back at history, looked down on the present, and looked forward to the future. In the Han Dynasty, the unique Confucianism made its academic inheritance initially effective; in the Song Dynasty, the peak of Neo Confucianism of Cheng and Zhu was also the continuation of Confucius' spirit. An academic which can stand for thousands of years has proved its vitality and unstoppable vitality in China with its long time, rich content and continuous innovation from generation to generation! Son in Sichuan said: "time flies like this, day and night." His spirit, his theory also with the Sichuan forward, running more than.
Confucius is the saint, the saint of the saints. In the spring of strife, in the autumn of eventuality, in troubled times, sages stand proudly. His feelings for himself, his concern for the society, his investment in education and his contribution to culture: only one can stand proudly in the world, let alone all materials!
Entering the Confucian temple, Confucius was silent. In a wide suit, he looked into the distance and into the future. "The sage is not limited to the time", he can see the future and wonder if Confucianism can survive forever, but Confucianism must still be rooted in the hearts of everyone.
Sage of individual, sage of society, sage of education, sage of culture.
Most holy.
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