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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Chinese investors will take an undisclosed stake in one of Italy's most famous soccer teams, and a Chinese construction company intends to erect a stadium for the club, in China's latest step to raise its profile in Europe.


Internazionale Milano SpA, also known as Inter Milan, said Thursday that a group of Chinese investors plans to buy a stake in the club to become its second-largest shareholder. The company didn't disclose financial terms or the identities of the buyers.

意大利足球俱乐部国际米兰(Internazionale Milano SpA)周四说,一个由中国投资者组成的财团计划收购该俱乐部的部分股权,成为该俱乐部第二大股东。国际米兰没有披露相关的财务条款,也未披露买家身份。

Inter Milan also said that China Railway 15th Bureau Group Co., a company controlled by listed China Railway Construction Corp., 1186.HK -3.46% will build a stadium for the club that is expected to be completed by 2017. Inter Milan currently shares the San Siro stadium with rival team A.C. Milan, owned by former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

国际米兰还说,中铁十五局集团有限公司(China Railway 15th Bureau Group Co.)将为该俱乐部修建一个体育场,预计体育场将在2017年前竣工。中铁十五局集团有限公司由上市公司中国铁建股份有限公司(China Railway Construction Corp., 简称:中国铁建)控制。国际米兰目前与对手球队AC米兰(A.C. Milan)共用圣西罗体育场(San Siro stadium)。AC米兰的老板是前意大利总理贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)。

China Railway Construction said in a filing that it isn't part of the Chinese consortium buying the equity stake. It said its China Railway 15th Bureau unit is in talks with the team over building a soccer stadium and that it will make an announcement when a contract is signed.


The move is the latest by well-funded Asian investors into Europe's soccer leagues. Hong Kong businessman Carson Yeung bought Birmingham City of the U.K.'s Premier League in 2010, and AirAsia Bhd. Chief Executive Tony Fernandes bought the Premier League's Queens Park Rangers last year.

这是资金雄厚的亚洲投资者持股欧洲足球俱乐部的最新一例。2010年,香港商业大亨杨家诚收购了英格兰足球超级联赛伯明翰队(Birmingham City)。去年,亚洲航空公司(AirAsia Bhd.)首席执行长费尔南德斯(Tony Fernandes)收购了英超女王公园巡游者队(Queens Park Rangers)。

It also marks China's latest step to win construction projects in the West, broadening from the country's sizable role in big-ticket projects in Africa and other parts of the developing world.


In an interview transcripton Inter Milan's website, team President Massimo Moratti said the deal is 'a good business deal as far as Italy is concerned: an investment by China, by one of the biggest Chinese groups, an investment for the future in the shape of the stadium and at a difficult time so it also shows confidence in the country, in the currency.'

在国际米兰网站上发布的一份采访记录中,该俱乐部主席莫拉蒂(Massimo Moratti)说,这笔交易对意大利来说是一桩好买卖:这是中国的投资,中国最大的集团之一进行的投资,修建体育场所体现出来的对未来的投资,并且是在眼下这样困难时期进行投资,因此,这也显示出对意大利、对欧元的信心。

Mr. Moratti added that he believes the deal 'can increase' the team's appeal in Asia.


The Moratti family is Inter Milan's main shareholder, with a 97% stake. The rest of the shares are divided among tire maker Pirelli & Co. and private investors.

莫拉蒂家族是国际米兰的第一大股东,持有该俱乐部97%的股权。剩余股权由轮胎生产商Pirelli & Co.和私人投资者持有。

It was unclear how the new stadium work would fit into China Railway Construction's portfolio. China's rail industry was dealt a major setback a year ago, when a deadly high-speed train collision near the eastern city of Wenzhou raised questions about whether the country's rail ambitions were moving too fast. China's railway ministry saw infrastructure investment fall 39% in this year's first half from a year earlier. Officials at China Railway Construction didn't respond to requests for comment.


Inter Milan said Kenneth Huang will be named to the club's board of directors effective in October. Mr. Huang leads QSL Sports Ltd., an investment firm based in Hong Kong. QSL brokered a deal in 2010 for a group of Chinese investors to buy a 15% stake in the National Basketball Association's Cleveland Cavaliers and the U.S. team's arena, though he didn't invest in the Cavaliers himself, he has said.

国际米兰说,黄建华将被任命为该俱乐部的董事会成员,任命将于10月生效。黄建华是香港投资公司QSL体育联盟有限公司(QSL Sports Ltd.)的负责人。2010年,该公司促成了一个由中国投资者组成的财团收购美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)克利夫兰骑士队(Cleveland Cavaliers)15%的股权及该队主场的交易。不过,据黄建华说,他自己在克利夫兰骑士队并无投资。

Mr. Huang didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.



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