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发布时间:2019-09-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Every suicide is intensely sad — a despairing act of self-harm that leaves a legacy of guilt and sorrow for the victim’s family, friends and colleagues. That of Martin Senn, chief executive of Zurich Insurance until last December, is doubly resonant because it follows the suicide of Pierre Wauthier, Zurich’s chief financial officer, three years ago.

每起自杀事件都令人感到极度悲痛,这种绝望的自裁给逝者的家人、朋友及同事留下无尽的内疚和伤痛。沈文天(Martin Senn)——去年12月之前一直担任苏黎世保险(Zurich Insurance)首席执行官——的自杀带来的伤痛更令人刻骨铭心,因为三年前,该公司首席财务官皮埃尔•沃蒂耶(Pierre Wauthier)也用自杀的方式结束了自己的生命。

Senn, who killed himself at his Klosters holiday home last Friday, is said to have struggled to adjust to being no longer the boss of a Swiss multinational. He agreed to step down after Zurich failed to acquire the UK insurer RSA last year, and faced problems in the US and China. The company is now restructuring and cutting costs.



My reaction to his death is influenced by having suffered an episode of depression a decade ago. “Suffered” is the correct word, as anyone who has been through the experience can testify. “Episode” is the term employed by psychiatrists, as if it forms part of a rather painful soap opera. Luckily, my pilot episode did not turn into a series.


It made me alert to the malaise, though. When I hear of senior executives resigning or taking a break from their work because they are experiencing “sleeplessness”, “burnout”, “exhaustion”, or some other corporate euphemism for anxiety and depression, I recall what it taught me.


One lesson is the common nature of mood disorder in the boardroom. It is tempting to view the Zurich Insurance suicides as a unique and alien tragedy, akin to the “virgin suicides” in the 1993 novel by Jeffrey Eugenides — the story of five sisters who kill themselves, narrated by a chorus of admirers.

教训之一是,情绪障碍(mood disorder)在董事会成员中非常普遍。人们很容易将苏黎世保险两名高管先后自杀视为一场罕见、陌生的悲剧,类似于杰佛瑞•尤金尼德斯(Jeffrey Eugenides)1993年小说中的“少女之死”(那部小说是由多名仰慕者讲述的五姐妹自杀的故事)。

But even the official estimates suggest that every board of directors is likely to contain at least one person with an experience of depression. In 2017, 7 per cent of US adults reported having a major episode in the past year; 16 per cent are diagnosed with depression at least once in their lifetimes.


This may be an underestimate for directors and executives, if anecdote is reliable. I know several who went through depression without admitting it, including a partner in a City of London firm and one government minister. Then there was a FTSE 100 chief executive who was charismatic at work but lay in a darkened room at home.

如果传闻可信的话,对董事和高管而言,这一比例或许低估了。我就知道好几位患过抑郁症却不愿承认的高管,包括伦敦金融城(City of London)一家公司的合伙人以及一名内阁大臣。还有一名富时100(FTSE 100)成分股公司首席执行官——工作时神采飞扬,但回家就躺在黑暗的房间里。

Therein lies a second lesson: rising to great heights in your career, as did Senn and Wauthier, may mean you are more vulnerable. Depression is not an elite disorder — it is widespread and many aspects of the lives of the less privileged and lower paid can precipitate mental illness. But exceptional achievement carries its own peculiar risks.


Workaholism is among them. Wauthier’s widow recalled that, “Usually he had seven hours’ sleep and the rest of the time it was BlackBerry in one hand, laptop in the other”, and that he was under heavy pressure. That is not unusual in a job like his, or at professional services firms that charge so much they are at clients’ beck and call.


One recent study of Norwegian employees found that the “workaholics”of the sample had higher levels of anxiety and depression. Thirty-four per cent of them met the medical criteria for anxiety, compared with 12 per cent of those who did not overwork.


Cause and effect are not clear — do you become anxious by overworking, or do anxious people overwork? Anxiety can be adaptive, as psychiatrists would phrase it, up to a point: it helps people to achieve professional success. But it also makes them subject to hazard.


High-flyers risk the fate of Icarus, the original high-flyer of the Greek myth, whose wings came apart when he flew too close to the sun. Some attain middle age without facing serious setbacks in life — they studied at elite schools and universities and have flourished in professions. When they finally encounter failure, it is a terrible shock.


After such success, it is natural to believe your life is charmed, and to flounder when you abruptly discover that you are as fallible as everyone else. Enoch Powell, the British politician, observed that all political lives end in failure. That is equally true of business lives: most of those who reach the top of the professional pyramid as chief executive do not stay there long.

在人生取得此般成功之后,他们自然会相信自己的人生受到了上天的眷顾,但当突然发现自己与其他人一样可能犯错时,他们自然会手足无措。英国政治家伊诺克•鲍威尔(Enoch Powell)说,所有政治生涯的结局都是失败。商业生涯也同样如此:多数到达职业金字塔顶端的首席执行官都不会在这一位置呆很久。

Some accept this but it triggers in others a biological reaction that causes depression. The distress is often temporary, though. A setback does not end a career; an episode need not become a series. Depression can be chronic but midlife crises are often one-offs.


More companies now recognise these truths and are better prepared to support employees in difficulty. The stigma has lessened although the number of those who choose not to speak up shows that it lingers. That worsens the pain and risks catastrophe.


“How is your mood?” psychiatrists tend to ask patients affected by depression. Bad then but good now, is my answer. This is why the Zurich Insurance suicides are so sad. What feels hopeless at one moment later fades into history. Life can recover and fulfilment return, if you stick around.



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