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发布时间:2013-02-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

European leaders, who last week set an end-of-the-year deadline to create a new policeman to oversee euro-zone banks, have set themselves an ambitious timetable that some officials admit they will struggle to meet.


The decision will ignite fierce debates about the role of the new supervisor, set off turf battles over who should hold the new powers, and raise questions about whether the European Union's single market in financial services can survive.


Setting up a powerful euro-zone banking supervisor, a significant move toward closer economic union within the 17-nation currency bloc, was a German condition for its agreement to allow the bloc's bailout fund to recapitalize banks without first lending the money to their host government.


Bypassing governments is meant to help Spain, where worries have mounted that Madrid is becoming overloaded with debt as it tries to shore up its struggling banks.


'There is a pressure to move ahead relatively quickly,' said one senior finance official from a euro-zone country. He added that even under the best of circumstances, getting the supervisor up and running would take nine to 12 months.


The leaders hinted strongly that the European Central Bank would take on the new role, a shift they said could take place without the time-consuming and risky process of changing EU treaties.


The argument in favor of giving it to the ECB, said Nicolas Veron of Bruegel, a Brussels-based think tank, is that it is a strong, well-established institution. There is also a 'synergy,' he said, between policing banks and acting as lender of last resort to banks in a crisis.

布鲁塞尔智库Bruegel的贝隆(Nicolas Veron)说,将新角色交给欧洲央行的理由在于它是一家强大而成熟的机构。他说,在发生危机的情况下,承担起监管银行的责任与充当最后贷款人角色之间也存在一种“协同关系。

However, that isn't settled yet. Some officials in the European Commission -- the EU executive that will be an important architect of the plan -- and some national banking authorities, have their doubts about concentrating this power in the ECB, said Mujtaba Rahman, an analyst with Eurasia Group in New York. Even ECB officials don't have a common position on whether bank supervision is an appropriate role for the central bank.

但这事还没有确定下来。欧亚集团(Eurasia Group)驻纽约分析师拉赫曼(Mujtaba Rahman)说,欧盟执行机构欧盟委员会(European Commission)的部分官员和一些欧盟成员国的银行监管部门对于将新权力集中于欧洲央行存有顾虑。就连欧洲央行的官员们对于该行是否适合扮演银行业监管机构的角色也没有形成共识。

Those within the bank who back the proposal, such as Vice President Vitor Constancio, say the ECB already has the resources and infrastructure in place to perform this function. Fourteen of the 17 national central banks that make up the euro already have supervisory responsibilities, giving them deep knowledge of their domestic banking systems.

欧洲央行副行长康斯坦西奥(Vitor Constancio)等支持这个提议的欧洲央行官员认为,欧洲央行已经拥有承担起银行业监管职能所需的资源和基础架构。欧元区17国当中,已有14个国家的央行拥有监管银行业的职责,它们对自己国内银行系统的状况有着深刻了解。

The ECB also has a stake in the health of euro-zone banks, which are critical to the transmission of the central bank's monetary policy into consumer and business activity.


But skeptics, led by Germany's central bank, worry that a supervisory role would make it harder for the ECB to achieve its primary function: maintaining price stability. The Bundesbank -- which supervises German banks along with the country's bank regulator BaFin -- sees a potential conflict between supervision and monetary policy, said a person familiar with the matter.


Concentrating more power with the ECB risks making the bank 'the most powerful and least accountable of all central banks,' said Sony Kapoor, managing director of the Re-Define financial think tank.

金融智库Re-Define的董事总经理卡普尔(Sony Kapoor)说,将更多权力集中在欧洲央行手中,可能会使它成为所有中央银行当中权力最大而责任最小的一家。

For instance, if ECB bank supervisors identify funding problems at specific banks, the central bank may come under pressure to provide more loans to institutions throughout the euro zone, which could lead to inflation.


One key question is which banks the euro-supervisor should regulate. Many experts think the supervisor should police only 'systemic' banks -- those large enough to have an impact on the euro-zone's financial system as a whole. 'It would be ridiculous for the euro zone to take over responsibility for the supervision and conduct of business of thousands of banks,' said Graham Bishop, an adviser on European financial regulation.

一个关键问题在于拟议中的监管机构应监管哪些银行。很多专家认为这家监管机构只应负责“系统性的银行,也就是规模足以对整个欧元区金融系统产生影响的银行。欧洲金融监管事务顾问毕晓普(Graham Bishop)说,让欧元区承担数千家银行的监管及经营责任将是荒谬的。


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