This post is in partnership with Entrepreneur. The article below was originally published at
Entrepreneurs are natural problem-solvers, which means that we always have ideas for new businesses popping into our heads. Having a lot of options is great, but sometimes it can be hard to focus on one when you are keen to move onto the next.
At Virgin, when we’re thinking about starting a new business, we look into whether the new project meets a series of criteria before we invest any time or money into it. Here are three questions that will help you decide which idea to pursue.
1. Would you do this for fun?
1. 你能从中自得其乐吗?
Starting your own business isn’t just a job — it’s a way of life. You’ll likely have to make personal sacrifices in order to ensure your startup’s success. This could mean taking a pay cut, since any money earned from your new business might have to be reinvested right back in, or you may find yourself stuck answering emails and dealing with customer problems late in the evening. With that in mind, it’s essential that you launch a startup in an industry or sector that you love — that’s our philosophy at Virgin.
So it’s no surprise that our first business was Virgin Records. The people on our team were teenagers and really into music, which meant that we didn’t mind working late nights, or chatting with customers about new bands or working hard to sign up-and-coming artists to our record label – we would have been chatting about music and listening to new bands even if we weren’t doing it for a living. An analogy that occurred to me after we held our Necker Cup tennis tournament recently: Figuring out which idea you should develop is like juggling a lot of different types of balls in the air, because fairly quickly, you need to decide which ball is most important.
所以,我们的第一家公司是维珍唱片(Virgin Records)。团队成员都是年轻人,非常喜爱音乐,这意味着我们不会在意工作到深夜,或与客户谈论新乐队,或努力为唱片公司签下有前途的艺术家——我们会闲谈音乐,听新乐队的音乐,尽管我们并非以此谋生。最近举办了内克尔杯(Necker Cup)网球公开赛之后,我想到了一个比喻:确定创业项目,就像同时抛接不同类型的球一样,因为你需要迅速决定哪一个球是最重要的。
Or consider a dog that loves to chase tennis balls. No matter what’s going on or what it’s doing, if you throw a tennis ball, the dog will chase it. What’s your tennis ball? What immediately captures your attention, no matter what you’re doing?
2. Does it make a positive difference in people’s lives?
2. 它是否会给人们的生活带来积极的影响?
A focus on people and the planet, as well as profit, also helps our staff feel empowered. This means that our customers don’t come to us just to buy a product or service — they believe in our ideas. Build a likeminded community around a business, and customers will return, spread the word and support you during tough times. This strategy has helped plenty of startups to disrupt established industries over the last few years. One example is Gandy’s, which donates a percentage of their profits from sales of flip-flops to projects for orphans all over the world. Another is Toms, which donates a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair that they sell.
And this is why two of our newest companies are Virgin StartUp, which provides funding for entrepreneurs, and Virgin Racing’s Formula E Team, which is raising the profile of environmentally friendly transport by focusing on electric car technologies.
正是因为这样的原因,我们最新成立的两家公司分别是致力于资助创业者的维珍孵化器(Virgin StartUp),以及维珍电动方程式车队(Virgin Racing’s Formula E Team),该车队致力于通过使用电动汽车技术来提高这种环保交通方式的知名度。
3. Will it be profitable enough to sustain?
3. 公司赚的钱够维持运转吗?
You also need to consider your finances when rifling through your options. Research shows that 8 out of 10 new businesses fail in the United States within the first 18 months, and the No. 1 killer of startups is a lack of cash flow. If your business doesn’t turn a profit, you will be unable to make the positive impact you’re striving for. It’s rare for a startup to make money immediately, so you need to make sure that you have enough saved, or that you have another income stream that can support you.
If your favorite idea will take longer to turn a profit, it might be better to focus on one of your smaller ideas first. Afterward, you can use the smaller business’s success — and profit — as a springboard to launch a bigger project. But remember, starting a business for the sole purpose of making money usually ends in failure.
So figure out what your tennis ball is, and work out how you can connect that passion to helping your community. Offer customers a reason to support your cause, then make sure your margins allow for some profit to keep that business afloat. Good luck, and remember to have fun along the way.
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