Alibaba has been on quite a shopping spree. In the past year the Chinese ecommerce company has spent more than $2bn taking a stake in, or buying outright, more than 10 smaller companies. These include map makers, social media sites, web browsers, logistics companies and a US site inspired by Parisian flea markets.
This dealmaking madness has a method. Alibaba is rushing to shore up areas of weakness ahead of a hotly anticipated initial public offering this year, which could value its equity at more than at $100bn. Revenue growth has been slowing because of competition and the fact that the company already controls 80 per cent of ecommerce in China.
Selling to the US and the rest of the world is “the direction we want to move in”, says Annie Xu, Alibaba’s US general manager. But, for now, Alibaba is targeting American and Chinese start-ups that can help it fend off local rivals Tencent and Baidu, as ecommerce in the world’s most populous nation shifts rapidly to mobile devices.
阿里巴巴美国区总经理许洁(Annie Xu)表示,“我们努力的方向是”对美国及世界其它地区的销售。但就目前而言,阿里巴巴收购的目标都是那些能帮助其抵御腾讯(Tencent)和百度(Baidu)这类国内竞争对手的美国和中国初创企业。原因是在世界人口最多的国家,电子商务正迅速向移动设备转移。
Alibaba’s investment in ecommerce delivery group ShopRunner – one of at least four US companies it has taken a stake in during the past 12 months – is a case in point. While ShopRunner could eventually help Alibaba sell to US consumers, in the meantime the plan is to use its US logistics network to let Chinese consumers buy goods online from US merchants’ sites.
Under the new service, which is not yet launched, ShopRunner will handle US logistics and Alibaba will manage customs, delivery and payments. Alibaba’s “core competence is still selling to the Chinese consumer in China”, says Ms Xu, and ShopRunner will help expand that business.
“Chinese consumers are crazy about anything not made in China,” she adds.” Fulfilling that need “is still a huge opportunity”.
Mobile dealmaking at home
The pace of Alibaba’s dealmaking in China has been even more intense. There the key word is mobile. In China Alibaba and its rivals are all scrambling to respond to the rapid growth in smartphone adoption.
“If Alibaba has a perceived weakness going into the IPO, it is in the mobile internet,” says an executive at a competitor who asked not to be named. “It’s the same thing with all big Chinese internet companies. Mobile just sort of snuck up on them.”
The number of Chinese mobile users overtook the number of PC users in 2017, and the gap is growing. The percentage of internet users who say they use PCs is 69.7 per cent, a decline from 2017, while the percentage who use smartphones has risen to 81 per cent, according to data from a research group affiliated with the government. Most people, of course, use both.
With only 45 per cent of the population online, mobile internet growth looks set to continue. In the past year alone, 54m users were added, and analysts say many of the people now getting online will be mobile-first or mobile-only. Smartphones, which are selling for less than $100, are becoming cheaper and China is only starting to introduce superfast 4G networks this year.
Mobile was the rationale for Alibaba’s purchase of map software maker Autonavi, which it agreed to take private last Monday in a deal that valued Autonavi at $1.6bn.
A better mapping service will help Alibaba capture consumers who use their smartphones to find places to shop, while also encouraging them to make the purchases by phone instead, which would link up with the company’s Alipay, which is like PayPal.
A recent investment in Kuadi Dache, a smartphone app that lets people hail taxis and pay via Alipay, is in part meant to get people used to mobile payments, according to people familiar with the investment.
根据知情人士的说法,阿里巴巴最近投资快的打车(Kuaidi Dache),部分目的就是为了让用户习惯于使用移动支付。快的打车是一种能让用户召唤出租车并通过支付宝支付的应用。
Mobile was also the reason it took an undisclosed sake in UCWeb, which makes the most popular smartphone browser in China, which Alibaba could use to drive traffic to its site. “The overarching strategy is to move into the mobile internet, but some of the acquisitions are offensive and some are defensive in nature,” says Michael Clendenin of Redtech Advisors, a Shanghai-based business consultancy.
移动互联网同样也是阿里巴巴买入UCWeb股权(数额未公开)的原因。UCWeb是中国最受欢迎的智能手机浏览器制作商,阿里巴巴可能会用这种浏览器将流量引导至自己的网站。上海商业资讯公司睿析科技(RedTech Advisors)的迈克尔•克伦德宁(Michael Clendenin)表示:“阿里巴巴的总体战略是进入移动互联网市场。不过,他们有些收购行为是进攻性的,有些则是防御性的。”
Fending off Tencent and Baidu
The groups Alibaba is defending itself against include, most notably, Tencent and Baidu.
Tencent developed the hugely popular chat app WeChat, which is evolving into a “one-stop online lifestyle service platform”, says Cynthia Meng at Jefferies. The app already offers ecommerce and investment services, and could soon be planning to push into mobile banking, she adds.
腾讯开发了极为流行的聊天应用微信(WeChat)。杰富瑞证券公司(Jefferies)的Cynthia Meng表示,该应用正演化成一种“一站式在线生活方式服务平台”。她补充说,该应用已经在提供电商和投资服务,并可能很快规划进军手机银行业务。
A Chinese new year promotion encouraged millions to link their bank account to WeChat as a way of sending traditional holiday presents of money – or “red packets” – to friends.
Baidu, the search and media group, has also been active in mobile-focused acquisitions, and has spent as much as, if not more than, Alibaba on dealmaking in the past year, including $1.9bn on a popular Chinese app store.
Among Alibaba’s defensive plays, Mr Clendenin says, was its purchase last April of 18 per cent in Nasdaq-listed Sina Weibo. The Twitter-like microblogging site lets Alibaba mix more social media with its ecommerce, moving into the same area as WeChat. “They had a blind spot and they were getting their butt kicked by Weixin [WeChat],” he says. “Weibo was a blocking manoeuvre.”
克伦德宁表示,阿里巴巴的防御性举措之一是去年4月购得在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市的新浪微博(Weibo) 18%股权。新浪微博是一个类似推特(Twitter)的微博网站,让阿里巴巴能在其电子商务业务中加入更多社交网络元素,从而进入微信所在的领域。他表示:“过去,他们的业务存在盲区,这让他们被微信打得无法还手。入股新浪微博是一个招架动作。”
Part of the challenge for Alibaba, analysts say, is that the large scale of its core ecommerce business means accelerating growth relative to the market will take substantial new business. Despite such worries, Alibaba’s revenues last quarter increased by more than half over a year ago.
The Russian frontier
While there are still vast opportunities offered by the Chinese market, Alibaba will at some point have to look further afield to continue its growth. But instead of a showdown with Amazon in Europe and the US, the most likely arena for its next expansion may be Russia, where Alibaba will clash with market leader Ozon and eBay, which is also making a push into the market.
Alibaba last year launched a Russian site for its AliExpress business. AliExpress is a unit that typically sells to wholesale buyers outside China, but it also lets shoppers buy in smaller quantities.
The AliExpress site is far less slick than most ecommerce sites in the US and Europe, and it uses machine translation for some text, as few of the retailers listing goods on the site speak Russian. Sellers with names such as ABC Co from Guangdong province sell $18 dashboard cameras for cars, a popular item in Russia. Others offer dresses for under $10, or fur-lined men’s shoes for $25.
全球速卖通网站的运转远不如欧美多数电子商务网站流畅。由于在该网站上列出商品的零售商几乎没人懂俄语,网页上部分文字还是用机器翻译而成的。在该网站上,类似广东省ABC Co等名称的卖家以18美元出售车用仪表盘摄像头,一种在俄罗斯很受欢迎的商品。此外还有卖家以不到10美元的价格出售衣服,或以25美元的价格出售带毛皮衬里的男鞋。
Alibaba has been working on getting into the market for a few years. In 2017 it struck a deal with Qiwi, the leading online payment provider, to help Russians buy AliExpress goods.
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