苹果公司最近发布的iPhone5S带有指纹识别功能,该公司表示这种接触式身份识别系统会彻底革新智能手机安全功能,取代传统的密码体系。不过,相关领域的研究人员却表示,指纹识别技术并不完美,“并没有比四个数字的密码安全多少”。苹果主管全球产品营销的高级副总裁席勒在新品发布会上表示,智能手机用户中有一半不给手机设密码,指纹识别功能为他们提供了一个更便捷、更有趣的安全选择。该功能不但能用于手机解锁,还能用于App Store购物支付。可是,安全研究人员指出,指纹识别也有安全隐患;我们所到之处都会留下我们的指纹,一旦有人起歹念,复制了我们的指纹,那么这个功能就失效了。另外,研究人员也提醒,指纹信息不能像密码那样可以随时更换,用指纹识别作为唯一安全保障并不明智。
Apple unveiled the fingerprint scanner on its iPhone 5S on Tuesday with bold claims about its high levels of encryption and security.
The firm even suggested that its Touch ID system could revolutionize smartphone security and replace the traditional, everyday password.
Yet security researchers have warned that the technology is not perfect, with one adding that it 'provides little added security over a four-digit code.'
The Touch ID sensor is built into the premium phone's 'home' button and can be used to unlock the phone, as well as pay for shopping and apps automatically - effectively replacing the need for a password or PIN.
Speaking at the launch event in Cupertino, Apple's senior vice president of worldwide marketing Phil Schiller said: 'Half of smartphone customers do not set up passwords. [Touch ID] is an easier and more fun alternative.
'It uses key you have with you everywhere you go. Your finger.'
It works by using a small touch sensor encased around the home button that scans the layers of skin on a finger.
A user can 'train' their iPhone to read and learn their unique fingerprint and when they touch the home button, the phone is unlocked.
Touch ID can also replace an App Store password when buying music, apps or books.
It uses a 'laser cut sapphire crystal' to take a high-res image scan and the Touch ID software in iOS 7 determines whether the print belongs to the owner or not.
Schiller reassured users that Touch ID is secure by explaining that 'all fingerprint information is encrypted and stored securely inside the device's chip' adding the prints are not stored on an Apple server, or backed up to iCloud.
Yet security researchers aren't convinced. John Hawes from Sophos Security wrote: In the past, [fingerprint scanners] have proven rather unreliable, plagued with security worries.
'Fingerprints are not secret: we leave copies of them wherever we go. Once someone devious has got hold of a copy, sensors can be fooled.'
He continues that, unlike passwords, if fingerprint information is stolen it can't be changed.
Marc Rogers, principal security researcher at Lookout agreed: 'PIN codes can be inconvenient meaning so many users fail to enable them altogether.
'In this case, fingerprint scanning is better than nothing at all, but it provides little added security over a four-digit code.
'Because fingerprints can be lifted and duplicated, they should not be used as the sole credential.'
Although the security features of Apple's Touch ID have not been fully tested, research from Blue Coat Systems said there is a danger in assuming 'fingerprint recognition alone will stop the deluge of data streaming to cyber criminals and competitors.'
Stephen Ebbett, global director of gadget insurer Protect Your Bubble added: 'Being able to use fingerprint security login for iTunes purchases is a nice touch, if it works.
'But while biometrics are typically seen as more robust than password protection – sweat, dirty pockets, hot and cold environments, sun exposure, and other factors can affect the sensitivity and working conditions of the sensor surface.'
Ebbett also told MailOnline that one of the most common claims for accidental damage to iPhones is screens shattering and he voiced concerns that the phone's durability could be an issue, especially if the fingerprint technology is fragile.
However, not everyone was as quick to dismiss the technology.
Jonathan French, security analyst for AppRiver told MailOnline: I see adding this feature as a good move on the security side of things and I hope more manufacturers consider adding security measures due to how popular mobile devices are.
'Fingerprint readers for the most part, are a secure method of authentication. It’s not perfect but this new technology will hopefully be an easy authentication step for users to take in securing their phones.'
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