A study of 2,000 adults found while most men can comfortably 'drive' a string of household electrical gadgets, a few of them regularly prove to be a step too far. 最近,一项2000人的调查显示,大部分的男性都能轻松操作一系列家用电器,但想要轻车熟路的操作其中某些电器,他们还有很长的路要走。
A quarter of men admitted they had no idea how to use their washing machine and a similar amount were clueless when it came to using the grill or oven. 25%的男性承认不知道怎么用洗衣机,还有大约同样数量的男性表示对如何使用烤炉和烤箱一窍不通。
Women on the other hand were more likely to struggle with turning off their children's games console and getting their smartphone or mp3 player to work. 另一方面,让女性头疼的则是不知道怎么关掉孩子的游戏机和使用智能手机与MP3音乐播放器。
The challenges provided by everyday life emerged in a report commissioned by Amica appliances to mark the release of their new intuitive controlled I-cookPlatinum ovens and hobs. 波兰Amica家用电器公司委托的这项研究报道为人们展现了在日常生活的面临的各种挑战。这是该公司为了新品直观触摸屏I-cook Platinum烤箱和滚刀系列的发布而进行的调查。
Deborah Risbridger, from Amica Kitchen Appliances, said: ''Women have no problem navigating their way around appliances in the kitchen but men seem to be far more interested in hand held gadgetry and as a result master new technology with excitement and ease. Amica厨房电器的负责人Deborah Risbridger表示:“女性使用厨房里的电器游刃有余,完全没有问题,而男性则对手持类得电子产品更感兴趣,所以更能带着激动轻松的心情掌握新技术。”
''Kitchen appliances are viewed as more mundane and as a manufacturer we are hoping to change this view. “人们大多认为厨房电器很普通,作为厨房电器生产商,我们希望可以改变人们这样的观念。”
It emerged that men are normally too proud to ask their partner for help and instead are more prone to hit something or break something. 研究显示,男性一般都会拉不面子向女性寻求帮助,所以很容易打坏或者弄坏某些电器。
Women on the other hand are happier to leave it to their partner to master the more complicated household gadgets or just give up entirely. 而女性则很乐于把复杂的家用电器交给男朋友研究,或者干脆放弃了事。
While women happily admit they aren't always up to speed with electronic household goods, they were more likely to turn to the instruction manual than men, who plough on without reading the user's guide. 女性也很乐意承认她们跟不上家用电子产品的发展步伐,她们多半会需要读使用说明书,而男性不用看使用指南就能自己捣鼓。
It also emerged the average adult is stumped at least once every day by technology, with one in six seeking help twice a day. 研究还发现,普通的男性每天至少会遇到一次科技难题,但他们中只有1/6的人每天会两次向别人寻求帮助。
And typically around six minutes of the day is wasted trying to get to grips with gadgets around the house. 人们往往每天会浪费大约6分钟来跟家里的各种电器周旋。
Deborah Risbridger added: ''Six minutes a day spent struggling with technology equates to one and half days a year. Consumers may benefit by looking for products that offer very simple programming to avoid this waste this time.'' Deborah Risbridger还补充到:“每天浪费6分钟跟科技较劲,就等于每年要浪费1天半的时间。消费者希望能找到程序简便操作的产品,可以节省研究的时间。”
TOP 10 Gadgets men struggle with 男性头疼不已的10大电器:
1.Oven 烤箱
2.Grill 烤炉
3.Tumble dryer 滚筒式烘干机
4. Washing machine 洗衣机
5. Dishwasher 洗碗机
6. Microwave 微波炉
7. Hob 滚刀
8. Iron 熨斗
9. Food mixer 食物搅拌器
10. Hoover 吸尘器
TOP 10 Gadgets women struggle with 女性头疼不已的10大电子产品:
1.Laptop 笔记本
2.PC 电脑
3.iPhone iPhone手机
4.Blackberry 黑莓
5. iPad 平板电脑
6. Mobile Phone 手机
7. MP3 音乐播放器
8. Sat Nav 卫星导航
9. Games Console 游戏机
10. Digital Camera 数码相机
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