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发布时间:2013-01-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The headlines have been unnerving for investors all year, perhaps never more so than now, with financial markets bracing for the worst as Congress and President Obama wrangle over a budget deal.

整整一年来发生的资讯事件都令投资者紧张不安,但当前的状况也许更加令人提心吊胆,在美国国会(Congress)和奥巴马总统(President Obama)就预算协议争执不休之际,金融市场正在准备迎接最坏的局面。

Daisy Maxey, a special writer for Dow Jones Newswires, sat down with three fee-only financial advisers to discuss what lies ahead for investors and how they can best manage a continuing parade of uncertainties, from the immediacy of the fiscal cliff to longer-term tax and economic issues.

道琼斯通讯社(Dow Jones Newswires)特约作者马克西(Daisy Maxey)与三位只收咨询费的理财顾问一起,讨论了投资者未来将面临何种局面以及如何更好地应对纷至沓来的不确定因素(从迫在眉睫的财政悬崖到中长期税收和各类经济问题)。

The panelists were:


· Greg Plechner, principal and wealth manager, Modera Wealth Management LLC, Westwood, N.J., and Boston

·普莱克纳(Greg Plechner),Modera Wealth Management LLC负责人兼财富管理师,该公司在新泽西州韦斯特伍德(Westwood)及波士顿设有办公室

· Marjorie Fox, chief executive officer, Fox, Joss & Yankee LLC, Reston, Va.; and

·福克斯(Marjorie Fox),弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿(Reston) Fox, Joss & Yankee LLC首席执行长

· Drew Tignanelli, president, Financial Consulate Inc., Hunt Valley, Md.

·蒂尼亚内利(Drew Tignanelli),马里兰州亨特瓦利(Hunt Valley) Financial Consulate Inc.总裁

Here are edited excerpts of their discussion.


Get Past the Headlines


MS. MAXEY: It's been another very difficult year for investors. What should they expect from the economy and markets in the coming year?


MR. PLECHNER: If you ignore the headline news, it's really been a great year for investors across the board. Whether you were invested domestically, internationally, even real estate, you had double-digit returns. Even high-quality fixed income has had mid-single-digit returns.


I don't think it's been a very volatile year, by the traditional measures of volatility. There's certainly a lot of angst, and maybe that's a factor that you need to look at for your clients. But as a long-term investor you need volatility to be rewarded for investing in riskier assets.


MS. MAXEY: Are you expecting a similar environment in the coming year?


MR. PLECHNER: Yes. It's a matter of managing our clients' expectations of what the fiscal cliff means, what is the impact of Europe on your portfolio, what could rising interest rates do to your portfolio. All you have control over is how you react to those scenarios. So that's where we focus a lot of our time.


MS. FOX: If you're looking for headline risk, you can easily find things beyond the fiscal cliff─the slowdown in China, the recession in Japan, the euro debt crisis, the recession in many of the euro nations, slowing corporate profits. But our firm and our clients are long term. I'm optimistic.


MR. TIGNANELLI: We are concerned about 2013. The Federal Reserve is manipulating the bond market. It's economically illogical that interest rates on two-year, five-year and 10-year Treasurys should be at the rate they're at when the rate of inflation over the last four years has averaged 2.3%. People are actually losing money in the bond market after inflation, yet they're fleeing to the bond market as if it's this panacea of investments. That's a problem, and it's going to blow up sooner or later.

蒂尼亚内利:我们对2013年感到担忧。联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve, 简称Fed)在操纵债券市常过去四年的平均通货膨胀率为2.3%,从经济角度来看,两年、五年和10年期美国国债利率处于当前水平是不合逻辑的。如果将通货膨胀因素考虑在内,投资债券市场其实是赔钱的,但人们仍然纷纷逃往债券市场,把它当作投资的灵丹妙药。这是一个问题,迟早会爆发。

That doesn't mean there aren't great investment opportunities like we found this year, but there's a lot of danger, and investors have to be alert to that.


Better Late Than Never


MS. MAXEY: A lot of money is still on the sidelines. Should investors be taking on more risk?


MS. FOX: Well, the train left the station about 3½ years ago. The answer is yes. If they haven't already, they should certainly tiptoe back in. But investors should always have an allocation to equities consistent with their risk tolerance, so it's not a question of jumping in and jumping out.


MS. MAXEY: Are there particular emerging-markets investments you like? Should investors avoid Europe?


MR. TIGNANELLI: I'm not avoiding Europe. But Asia is clearly my favorite. Almost 50% of our equity assets are focused on Asia. I think small-cap stocks in Japan could be one of the most fascinating buying opportunities I've seen since 1980. When the price gets down to these kinds of levels, it's hard not to be invested in Japan. But China is more interesting─1.2 billion people who don't have refrigerators, air conditioners, cars, and they all want them now.


MR. PLECHNER: In the emerging markets, we like Europe and Japan. We do have some exposure to China, but even though China has this amazing growth opportunity, you can easily make the argument that India has the same opportunities in terms of number of people, size and demographics. So we don't try to cherry pick any one country to invest in. It's more to be broadly diversified and take sort of a world market-cap approach to the countries we invest in.


Worries All Around


MS. MAXEY: How do you advise your clients to handle their emotions during market volatility?


MR. PLECHNER: We spend a lot of time in the initial engagements with our clients, getting to know every detail of their finances, what are your short-term, midterm and long-term cash needs. That gives us the confidence when we do hit a difficult market cycle to say, look, we've done the planning, we've got a pretty good handle on where you're at now and there's no need to be reactionary.


Another part of that process is behavior modification. A simple example of that is, you don't necessarily want to be buying more of something when it's already gone up in value.


MS. MAXEY: What about inflation? Is that something you're worried about going into 2013? Are you recommending Treasury inflation-protected securities, gold, commodities, corporate bonds?


MR. PLECHNER: One of the most highly correlated investments to changes in the Consumer Price Index is short-term TIPS. We would just caution that if you're in longer-term TIPS, one of the things that you have to be willing to accept is somewhat severe interest-rate volatility. So that's something that we've done defensively; for long-term inflation protection, longer-term TIPS are probably a better investment. We also invest in commodities and gold. Those two have some characteristics of inflation hedges, but they're imperfect. They're also not taxed very nicely, so you need to be aware of that when you invest in those. And you have to be willing to accept volatility.

普莱克纳:与消费者价格指数(Consumer Price Index)相关性最强的投资产品之一是短期通货膨胀保值债券(Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities,TIPS)。我们只须提醒投资者注意一点,那就是如果投资中长期TIPS,你必须要接受比较剧烈的利率波动。因此,我们在投资中长期TIPS时是比较谨慎的;要防范长期通货膨胀风险,中长期TIPS应该是更好的投资选择。我们还投资大宗商品和黄金。这两种产品具有一定的通货膨胀保值特性,但它们并非完美无缺。它们的税率较高,所以在投资这些产品时必须要注意。此外,你还必须愿意接受较强的波动性。

Over the long term, one of the best ways to protect purchasing power is equities.


MS. MAXEY: Investors are very focused on the fiscal cliff. With so much uncertainty, what are the major tax concerns for investors in your minds, going into 2013?


MS. FOX: There's concern about ordinary-income tax rates. In response to that, some investors are choosing to convert their traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, pay the income taxes down at a lower rate and then be out from under required minimum distributions taxed at a much higher rate down the road.

福克斯:目前存在有关普通所得税率的担忧。为应对这一问题,一些投资者选择将传统个人退休账户(traditional IRA)转换为罗斯个人退休账户(Roth IRA),这样他们可以较低的税率缴纳所得税,未来也不必受最低提款要求(税率要高得多)限制。

They're also concerned about higher capital-gains tax rates. Some are selling. That may or may not be a good idea. If they were going to sell in January, then maybe it's a good strategy to sell in December and avoid higher capital-gains tax rates. But if they were going to hold the investment for many years, then they're giving up those dollars used to pay their capital-gains taxes. They're out of the portfolio, and any return they could have earned on those dollars is no longer there.


They're making charitable bequests. I think the most interesting thing that I have seen is all kinds of contributions to donor-advised funds. You can make a contribution to a donor-advised fund this year and actually not make grants to charities until next year or years beyond that. So what they're saying by their actions is maybe we're not going to see an unlimited charitable deduction. Or they may be saying, 'I realized capital gains by selling appreciated assets, so I've got to minimize taxes this year by increasing my charitable deduction.'

还有人在进行慈善捐赠。我认为我见到的最有意思的事情是人们为捐赠人指导型基金(donor-advised fund)做的各种捐赠。今年你可以为捐赠人指导型基金捐一些钱,但赠款可以在明年或者今后一些年中再到位。这样做可能是因为,他们认为慈善捐赠减税额今后可能会受到限制。他们的用意也可能是:“我通过出售已升值的资产兑现了资本利得,因此今年我必须提高慈善捐赠减税额,以尽量少交税。

MR. TIGNANELLI: If you know you're going to sell an asset, sell it in 2012. But I would never sell a stock that I have no anticipation of selling and then buy it back a second later just because I believe the capital-gains rate is going to be lower this year than in the future. Because if I hold a stock until the day I die, it's 0% capital-gains tax for my family.


I don't like making decisions because of taxes. I make decisions on taxes after I make a good economic decision, and if there's a tax differential, I go with the better tax differential.


The second thing is you have to consider gifting. You have a $5.12 million gift exclusion this year. Next year, who knows what it's going to be?


MS. FOX: Our advice to our clients is, take a strategy to a point, but don't go whole hog, because it may turn out that that strategy, with hindsight, is no longer appropriate. So hedge your bets when it comes not only to investing but to tax strategy as well.



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