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发布时间:2013-01-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The New Silk Road connecting modern Asian and Middle Eastern trade and investment flows has been well trodden for years now.


The symbiotic relationship between the oil-producers of the Gulf and the fast-growing economies of Asia, led by China, is starting to turn over the western-dominated business landscape of the Middle East.


As trade volumes rise and Asian corporations increasingly move to the Middle East, banks are following.


If talks to sign a Gulf-China free-trade pact are successful, the pace could pick up even more next year.


But Asian banks are playing catch up as most US and European institutions have been established in the Gulf for years, if not decades.


In the Dubai International Financial Centre, only 11 per cent of the financial hub’s tenants are Asian.


“Asia is very high on our priority list of growth countries, says Jeff Singer, chief executive of the Dubai International Financial Centre Authority.

“亚洲国家是我们非常注重的增长型国家,迪拜国际金融中心管理局首席执行官杰夫·辛格(Jeff Singer)表示。

“We are seeing heightened interest in trade between China and Africa – and Dubai is the natural location for many of these organisations to establish their regional hubs, including logistics, trade as well as finance sectors.


China’s largest bank by assets, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, opened at the DIFC in 2008.


The country’s second largest bank, Agricultural Bank of China, incorporated with the DIFC last month.


The slow start is partly because the DIFC’s regulator signed data sharing pacts with European and US counterparts before it signed similar agreements with Chinese and Singaporean regulators in 2008.


Chinese banks are testing the water in these new markets.


“Chinese banks are adopting a softly, softly approach. These are Herculean sized banks in China and they don’t go overseas with a cavalier approach, says Tim Evans, Dubai-based head of Global Trade Receivables Finance for HSBC in the Middle East and north Africa (Mena).

“中资银行十分谨慎。它们在中国都是巨型银行,但在国外没有采取冒进的策略。汇丰银行(HSBC)全球贸易与应收账款融资部常驻迪拜的中东与北非区负责人蒂姆·埃文斯(Tim Evans)表示。

“They are deliberate and methodical, coming here to learn, like the companies before them – they start small, find their key counterparties, and gradually build up from there, he says.


Contractors have been the highest profile representatives of corporate China, with trade and logistics companies also making headway.


“Large Chinese customers operating overseas, for now, are still developing their knowledge of this environment and they need a bank to help them navigate the region, says Mr Evans of HSBC, which hires Mandarin speakers to set up China desks in its Dubai offices to help meet these client needs.


Dealing with legal and regulatory issues in a new jurisdiction remains a big headache for these new investors. Almost two-thirds express concern about such problems, according to a survey of Chinese investors published by law firm Latham and Watkins.

在新国家应对法律和监管问题仍然是这些新投资者要面对的一大难题。瑞生(Latham and Watkins)律师事务所针对中国投资者的一项调查显示,近三分之二的受访者对此类问题表示担忧。

Over the next two years, 80 per cent of surveyed investors see trade growth and 65 per cent expect significant investment growth in Chinese activity into the Middle East and north Africa.


The survey revealed that 85 per cent believe that mergers and acquisitions will be the main form of Chinese investment. A similar percentage believed that Dubai would emerge as the hub for these flows.


Trade between the United Arab Emirates and China flourishes, with some of the more optimistic forecasts suggesting it could more than treble to reach about $100bn by 2015.


While European banks and tourists have withdrawn from the region amid debt woes at home, Asian companies and visitors are on the up.


Jebel Ali Free Zone, the large logistics park on the outskirts of Dubai and that contributes about a fifth of the emirate’s economic output, has seen the number of Chinese companies double to 130 over the past five years.

杰贝阿里自由区(Jebel Ali Free Zone)是位于迪拜市郊的大型物流园区,贡献了阿联酋经济产出的五分之一。该园区的中国公司数量在过去五年内翻了一番,达到130家。

The logistics zone next to the Dubai’s main port will this year channel a third of the UAE’s bilateral trade with China.


Dubai may be approaching a renewed building boom but, since the real estate crash of 2008, the few building sites in operation have often been handled by Chinese contractors.


The top energy projects remain the domain of western contractors, while mid-level developments such as airports are becoming the domain of Turkish interests.


Civil works across the region, however, are increasingly carried out by Chinese contractors.


The UAE’s decision in 2009 to award the $20bn contract to build nuclear power plants to South Korea has proved a decisive factor in fostering relations with Seoul and, thereby, another strong Asian economy. South Korean industrial conglomerate Doosan Heavy has said that half its power unit’s revenues are generated by projects in the Middle East.

阿联酋2009年决定将价值200亿美元的核电站建设合同授予韩国方面,最终成为促进该国与韩国政府关系——以及与亚洲另一大经济体关系——的决定性因素。韩国工业集团斗山重工(Doosan Heavy)表示,其电力部门的营收有一半来自中东的项目。

“We are aggressively promoting and supporting the Asian-Mena trade corridor – you just have to look at the growth in south-south trade, says Mr Evans. “It’s China into India, India into the Middle East and onwards to Africa and Latin America, he adds. “The UAE and Dubai are very well placed to capture those flows.



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