餐饮专业英语主要包括日常会话用语、烹饪技术用语和中餐英文菜单等等,而这其中尤以中餐英文菜单用得最为普遍。要将中餐菜单由于汉语和英语的差异很大,我们在把中餐菜名由中文译成英文的时候,应该采用写实性命名法,尽量将菜肴的原料、烹制方法、菜肴的味型等 一、以主料开头的1、介绍菜肴的主料和辅料:
例:杏仁鸡丁chicken cubes with almond
牛肉豆腐beef with bean curd
西红柿炒蛋Scrambled egg with tomato
例:芥末鸭掌duck webs with mustard sauce
葱油鸡chicken in Scallion oil
米酒鱼卷fish rolls with rice wine 二、以烹制方法开头的1、介绍菜肴的烹法和主料:
例:软炸里脊soft-fried pork fillet
烤乳猪roast suckling pig
炒鳝片Stir-fried eel slices
仔姜烧鸡条braised chicken fillet with tender ginger
例:红烧牛肉braised beef with brown sauce
鱼香肉丝fried shredded pork with Sweet and sour sauce
清炖猪蹄stewed pig hoof in clean soup 三、以形状或口感开头的1、介绍菜肴的形状(口感)和主料、辅料
例:芝麻酥鸡crisp chicken with sesame
陈皮兔丁diced rabbit with orange peel
时蔬鸡片sliced chicken with seasonal vegetables
例:香酥排骨crisp fried spareribs
水煮嫩鱼tender stewed fish
香煎鸡块fragrant fried chicken
例:茄汁鱼片sliced fish with tomato sauce
椒麻鸡块cutlets chicken with hot pepper
黄酒脆皮虾仁crisp shrimps with rice wine sauce 四、以人名或地名开头的1、介绍菜肴的创始人(发源地)和主料
例:麻婆豆腐Ma Po beancurd
四川水饺Sichuan boiled dumpling
例:东坡煨肘DongPo stewed pork joint
北京烤鸭Roast Beijing Duck
在中餐菜名1.sauteed chicken cubes with peanuts
2.Gongbao chicken cubes
3.diced chicken with chilli and peanuts 由此可见,中餐菜名的英译方法是灵活多变的。至于我们在
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