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【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习课件 Module 6 Animals in Danger

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

   活学巧用    用protect,defend,guard的适当形式填空: (1)The killer insisted that she was    herself when attacked. (2)They set about finding a solution to    the snakes from being injured by other animals. (3)Only when our country has aircraft carriers can we    our distant is- lands more effectively. (4)The folk culture of Tianqiao is not only a part of Beijing culture,but also an example of Chinese and world folk culture worth    .  答案    (1)defending 句意:凶手坚持说她是在遭到攻击的时候保护自 己。 (2)protect 句意:他们开始想办法来保护这些蛇不受其他动物的伤害。 (3)guard 句意:只有在我们国家有了航母后我们才能有效地保卫我们遥 远岛屿的安全。 (4)protecting 天桥民俗文化不仅仅是北京文化的一部分,也是中国和世 界民俗文化中值得加以保护的。 3 meanwhile

  Meanwhile,in those countries where the shawls are sold,police are getting tough with the dealers.同时,在那些出售藏羚羊毛披肩的国家,警方开始严 厉打击藏羚羊毛披肩的贩卖者。(教材原句P53)  考点释义

  形象记忆   Meanwhile,the rise in food prices results from the increased use of crops for fuel rather than food... 同时,食品价格的上涨是由于越来越多地把庄稼用作燃料而不是食品造 成的…… I hope to go to medical school eventually.In the meanwhile,I am going to study chemistry. 我希望最终能上医学院。这期间我打算学化学。  活学巧用    英译汉: (1)I have received my new shoes and at the same time I got the jacket I had ordered.                                                                                                                           (2)Since time began,it seems that people have been putting off what they could have done today,scolding themselves in the meantime.                                                                                                                                             (3)The incomes of male professionals went up by almost 80%.Meanwhile, part-time women workers saw their earnings fall.                                                                                                                                              答案    (1)我已经收到了我的新鞋,与此同时我也收到了我之前订购的 夹克。 (2)有史以来,人们好像一直把本来今天能做的事往后推迟,与此同时又在责备自己。 (3)男性工作者的收入上涨了几乎80%,而与此同时,女性兼职工发现自己 的收入降低了。

  4 wonder

  One of the wonders of the insect world.昆虫界的奇迹之一。 (教材原句P5 5)  考点释义     I wonder how long it will be before the engineer could adapt to the new work. 我想知道这位工程师需要多长时间才能适应新工作。 Mum,I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I get paid on Friday. 妈妈,我在想你能不能借给我点钱,我到星期五才发工资。  活学巧用    单句填空: —Excuse me,Sir.Would you do me a favour? —Of course.What’s it?

  —I was    (wonder)if you could tell me how to fill out the application form.  答案 wondering 句意:——先生,打扰您一下。您能帮我个忙吗?— —当然可以,帮什么呢?——我在想您能不能告诉我怎么填写这张求职 表。 5 focus

  The focus of attention has changed,too.关注的焦点也发生了改变。 (教材 原句P59)  考点释义     Whether the city’s public schools should be open to the children of mi- grant workers has become the focus of discussion.城市中的公立学校是否 应该对流动工人的子女开放成了讨论的焦点。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)Tom is going to talk about the geography of the country,but I’d rather he     its culture. 汤姆打算讲一下这个国家的地理,可是我宁愿他重点讲一下它的文化。

  (2)Most companies’ marketing effort    getting cus- tomers,with little attention paid to keeping them. 大多数公司开发市场的努力都用在了得到顾客上,而很少用在如何留住 顾客上。 (3)It was the main    at the meeting. 这是会议上关注的主要焦点。  答案    (1)focused on    (2)is focused on    (3)focus of attention 6 put down

  He shouted to the poachers to put down their guns.他朝着偷猎者大喊,让他 们放下枪。 (教材原句P52)  考点释义 The firefighters arrived and put out the big fire before it caused great dam- age.在大火造成严重损失前消防队员赶到并扑灭了它。 Jack is preparing for the TOEFL and decides to put off his visit to Beijing.杰 克正在准备托福考试,因此他决定推迟去北京旅游。  活学巧用    用合适的介词或副词填空: (1)Mary has put    some challenging questions for us to answer. (2)Kathy,don’t be so discouraged.If you put    such feelings,you will do better next time.

  (3)Since it was getting late,we decided to find a small hotel to put    for the night. (4)Friends have to learn to put     annoying habits and to bear differences of opinion.  答案    (1)forward 句意:玛丽提出了一些具有挑战性的问题让我们去 解答。 (2)aside 句意:凯西,不要气馁。如果你把这些感情放在一边的话,那下 次就会做得更好。 (3)up 句意:由于天快黑了,我们决定找一家小宾馆住一夜。 (4)up with 句意:朋友之间应该学会容忍那些令人恼火的习惯和观点的 分歧。 7 on the spot

  The animals are skinned on the spot and the wool taken to India,where it is made into shawls.那些被猎杀的藏羚羊被当场剥皮,然后羊毛被运到印度, 在那里被制成披肩。 (教材原句P53)  考点释义 A researcher removes the card and replaces it by another,this time with the spots differently spaced.(2017 课标Ⅰ 阅读理解 B) 一个研究员把卡片拿走,然后用另一个来代替它,这一次点的间隔不同。 It can be hard for even a trained doctor to spot the symptoms of lung cancer. 甚至对一个训练有素的医生来说都很难发现肺癌的症状。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)When he was trying to break into the bank,the thief was caught          (当场). (2)The policeman     (到达现场)the minute he heard about the accident. (3)Neighbours    smoke     (看到……出来)of the house.  答案    (1)on the spot 句意:这个小偷在试图闯进银行时,被当场抓获。 (2)arrived at the spot 句意:一听说发生了事故,这名警察就赶到了现 场。 (3)spotted;coming out 句意:邻居们发现有烟从这所房子里冒出来。 8 be concerned about

  I’m concerned about the future of wildlife in Africa.我很关心非洲野生生 物的未来。 (教材原句P57)  考点释义     This is a great event that concerns the future of our company. 这是一件关系到我们公司未来的大事。 This book is concerned with the development of China,while most readers are more concerned about the hero’s fate. 这是一本有关中国发展的书,而大多数读者更关心的是主人公的命运。  活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Making right decisions    (关于)the future is probably the most im- portant thing we will ever do in our lives. (2)     (我认为),education is about learning and the more you learn,the more equipped for life you are. (3)The meeting was     (关于)reforms and everyone present was     (关心)their own interests.  答案 (1)concerning 句意:作出关于未来的正确决定可能是我们一生 中做的最重要的事情。 (2)As far as I am concerned 句意:我认为教育就是学习。你学到的东西 越多,你对生活准备的就越充分。 (3)concerned with;concerned about/for 句意:这次会议是关于改革的,参 加会议的每一个人都关心自己的利益。  高分靓句     例句:现在人们更加关心他们所生活的环境。 Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment where they live. 仿写:如果杰克不像平时那样按时回家的话,他的爸妈就会非常担心他。                                                                                                                                                 答案 If Jack doesn’t come home as usual,his parents will feel/be con- cerned about him. 9 seem

  But today the government seems to be winning the battle.但是今天政府好 像正要赢得这场战斗。 (教材原句P53)  考点释义   There seem to be endless problems around me.When one is solved,another arises.我身边好像有没完没了的问题,一个问题解决了,另一个接着就出 现了。 Fish have eyes and what appears to be a nose,and they can hear,too. 鱼有眼睛和看起来像鼻子的东西,它们也能听到声音。  活学巧用    用所给动词的适当形式填空: (1)Look at the pride on Tom’s face.He seems     (praise)by the manager just now.


  (2)All the others at the party seemed     (know)each other and I began to feel left out. 聚会上其他人好像都相互认识,我开始感到自己受冷落了。 (3)There seems     (be)a small house in the distance.Let’s go to see if there’s someone living in it.

  远处好像有一座小房子,我们过去看看里面有没有住着人吧。 (4)Reality is not the way you wish things to be,nor the way they appear          (be),but the way they actually are. 现实不是你期望事情什么样就什么样,也不是它们看起来怎么样就是怎 么样,而是它们实际什么样就什么样。  答案    (1)to have been praised    (2)to know    (3)to be    (4)to be  高分靓句     例句:她好像愿意在家里看电视来消磨闲暇时间。 She seems to prefer watching TV to kill her spare time at home. 仿写:我停下来听了听,我儿子好像在客厅里玩得正高兴呢。                                                                                                                                                    答案 I stopped to listen,and my son seemed to be enjoying himself in the living room.

  定语从句 1.There was a tree in front of the house,    owner was seen sitting under it,enjoying the shade. 2.    is surprising to us is that Tom,for    English was once boring, can speak English fluently as though he were a native speaker. 3.Microblog is a platform    people can express their thoughts and communicate with each other by sending posts. 4.The driver from that bus company,    was extremely calm and brave in the face of danger,saved all the passengers on board. 5.Amanda hopes to live a simple life    she can just enjoy her activities

  rather than rushing to meet the deadline. 6.Sam remembered several occasions in the past,    he had experienced a similar feeling. 单元语法答案 1.whose 句意:这座房子前有一棵树,它的主人正坐在下面享受阴凉呢。 2.What;whom 句意:让我们感到惊讶的是,汤姆能够把英语说得就像母 语为英语的人一样流利,对他来说英语曾是很令他厌烦的。 3.where 句意:微博是一个通过发帖子供人们表达自己的想法和互相交 流的平台。 4.who 句意:来自那家公共汽车公司的司机挽救了车上的所有乘客,面 对危险时他表现得格外冷静和勇敢。 5.where 句意:Amanda 希望过那种可以享受自己喜欢的活动而不用匆 匆忙忙去赶时间的生活。 6.when 句意:Sam记得在过去有好几次这样的场合,在那些场合中他都 会经历相似的感情。

  单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引

  单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 6 Animals in Danger Ⅰ.重点单词 1.     vt.危及;使遭受危险      adj.有危险的;濒临灭绝的 2.     n.& v.储备;保留      n.保留;预订 3.     vi.& n.斗争;奋斗;挣扎 4.     n.战斗;战役 5.     adj.理想的;完美的 单元课前检测 6.     adv.同时 7.     n.树枝;分支部门 8.     v.集中(注意力、精力)于 n.焦点 9.     n.& vt.浪费 10.     adj.开始的;最初的 n.首字母 11.     adj.灭绝的;绝种的      n.灭绝;消亡 12.    n.班长;监视器 vt.监视 13.    n.栖息地

  Ⅱ.重点短语 1.     当场;在现场 2.     一次;每次 3.     建立;设立 4.     代表 5.     照料;照看 6.     关心;担心 7.     (动物)以……为食 8.     从事于;继续工作 9.     也;和……一样 Ⅲ.重点句型 1.The animals are skinned     and the wool taken to India,     it is made into the shawls. 那些被猎杀的藏羚羊被当场剥皮,羊毛被运送到印度,在那里被制成披 肩。 2.     the Chinese government began to take an active part in pro- tecting the antelopes... 在20世纪90年代,中国政府开始积极参加保护藏羚羊…… 3.But today the government seems     winning the battle. 但是今天政府好像正要赢得这场战斗。   1.Marie told us that so successful was her business that she was able to set up new    (branch)elsewhere. 2.I didn’t realize putting on a play    (involve)so much work. 3.The grassland is an important    (habitation)for many wild flowers. 4.The night sky is    (spot)with stars. 5.I am in a hurry to the library    (reserve)a seat for my roommate. 6.Having been separated from other    (continent)for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world. 7.He is    (struggle)to get rid of his shortcomings. 8.Unemployment insurance means that you are partially    (protect)if you lose your job. 9.Dinosaurs have been    (extinction)for millions of years. 10.The destruction of forests has    (endanger)some wild animals. 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.endanger;endangered 2.reserve;reservation 3.struggle 4.battle 5.ideal 6.meanwhile 7.branch 8.focus 9.waste 10.initial 11.extinct;extinction 12.monitor 13.habitat Ⅱ.重点短语 1.on the spot 2.at a time 3.set up 4.stand for 5.keep an eye on/take care of 6.be concerned about 7.feed on 8.work on 9.as well as Ⅲ.重点句型 1.on the spot;where 2.In the 1990s 3.to be 单句填空题组答案 1.branches 句意:玛丽告诉我们她的事业非常成功,以至于她能在别的 地方开办分部了。 2.involved 句意:我没有意识到上演一部戏剧包括这么多工作。 3.habitat 句意:这片草地是很多种野花的重要的生存环境。 4.spotted 句意:夜晚的天空繁星点点。 5.to reserve 句意:我匆匆忙忙赶往图书馆去给我室友占一个座位。 6.continents 句意:由于和其他的大陆分离了很多年,澳大利亚有很多世 界上其他国家所没有的动植物。 7.struggling 句意:他正在努力克服自己的缺点。 8.protected 句意:失业保险意味着当你下岗时你会受到部分保护。 9.extinct 句意:恐龙已经灭绝了好几百万年了。 10.endangered 句意:对森林的破坏已经危及了一些野生动物。 语言点用法过关 1 reserve

  The Chinese and Russian governments have created the reserve to help save the tiger’s natural habitat.中国政府和俄罗斯政府已经建立了保护区来 挽救这种老虎的天然栖息地。(教材原句P51)  考点释义      发散思维   If you order after that,we reserve the right to either accept or reject order re- quests at the discounted price.(2017 北京 阅读理解 A) 如果你在那之后订货的话,我们有权接受或拒绝按照打折价的订货要求。 Nature reserves are very important for preserving many animals and plants, which would otherwise run the risk of becoming extinct. 自然保护区在保 护很多动植物方面是非常重要的,不然的话这些动植物就会有灭绝的危 险。  活学巧用    用reserve,preserve,deserve,observe的适当形式填空: (1)The environment is playing an important role in our daily life.There is no denying that it is vital to    it. (2)This hard-working and patient teacher has proved that he    respect from each one of us. (3)I’d prefer to    my judgment until I know all the facts. (4)A harmonious society is very important,so all the laws must be strictly          .  答案    (1)preserve 句意:环境在我们的日常生活中起着重要作用,不可 否认保护它是至关重要的。 (2)deserves 句意:这位工作勤奋且富有耐心的老师最终被证明是非常 值得我们每个人的尊敬的。 (3)reserve 句意:我想保留我的观点,直到我了解了全部事实。 (4)observed 句意:一个和谐的社会是很重要的,因此所有的法律都要严 格去遵守。 2 protect

  In the 1990s the Chinese government began to take an active part in protect- ing the antelopes...在20世纪90年代,中国政府开始积极参加保护藏羚羊… … (教材原句P53)  考点释义  发散思维     A lot of measures have been taken to protect wildlife in the country.国家已 经采取了很多措施来保护野生生物。 We Chinese people shall defend the Diaoyu Islands,whatever the cost may be. 不管付出什么代价,我们中国人也要保卫钓鱼岛。 If we could put across the message to the forestry industry,we could make a huge difference towards our environmental protection efforts for the future. (2017 辽宁 阅读理解 C)

  如果我们能让林业接受这个信息的话,那我们在为未来的环保努力方面 就产生了巨大影响。


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