福建省光泽第一中学2017高中英语教师论文 浅谈高中英语阅读课语篇整体教学的常用方法
语篇教学是阅读教学的关键和目标。英语语篇按文体(genre)分为记叙文(narrative) 、 描述文(description)、政论文(argumentation)、释义文(exposition)等。这些文体又分别应用于日常生活、人物传记、国内外风土人情、故事传说、社会文化、政治经济、史地科技、自然现象、资讯报道、体育活动、广告说明、书信通知、目录等许多方面的内容。文体多采用叙述、描写、说明、议论及应用文等形式。因此,阅读文语篇教学,根据文体特点来组织、设计教学,优化教学方案,是较好的切入口。目前文献中常见的三种阅读理论模式,是从上至下模式、反应——补偿模式。这种模式和框架显得太宽泛,不易在教学中把握,笔者在教学中将上述模式灵活运用,结合学生心理特点,文体特点,以及“文化 ”内涵,进行了几种教学法的探索,效果良好。语篇教学法的基本教学原则在于阅读文教学应是课内外创设条 件,让学生自我进行语言习得,和教师主导有机结合,而非传统的紧扣教材教什么内容的问题, 阅读文 中创设条件主要应是课堂训练要有信息差(information gap消除学生对课文理解的不确定性);训练要准确,又要流畅,难易适度,由易到难激发兴趣;制造让学生出错的问题进行重点讲评,而非每错必纠。
(一)文章主旨教学法:文章的主旨大意就是对文章中心思想的理解。文章的教材、取材都依据文章中心。因此,我们可以抓中心、析标题进行阅读教学,让学生从整体上纵观全文结构和内容。同时,也可以让学生的思 维发散,真正在阅读教学中既能放开又能收笼,既抓大又放小。
①main idea ②title ③topic sentence
模式1、Introduction (present situation)
Background information
Topic sentence......
Body ....................
supporting detail
short summary
(Prediction) Opinion
Conclusion suggestion solution
recommendation (call for action)
Topic sentence......
Introduction ......supporting detail
......thesis statement
Topic sentence(Major point one)
......supporting detail
Body Topic sentence(Major point two
......supporting detail
Conclusion short summary
模式3 General introductory remarks
Introduction narrow controlling idea
Topic sentence............
.............supporting detail
......concluding remarks
Conclusion Restatement of controlling idea
我让学生快速找到每一段的大意(general idea for each paragraph ),在这一过程中学生肯定有困难,尤其对于基础较差的学生而言。那么在这一过程中要充分发挥教师的导学功能,引导学生如何去发现和挖掘该段落中的关键词,关键句。如第一段中的两个观点,两个设问对学生的帮助就显而易见。
Learning a language is obviously more than just memorizing words , phrases and structures , 观点1when we learnt our mother tongue, we did not receive much formal instruction指导 . Few parents give language lessons to their children ! Instead we learnt or acquired 已获得的our mother tongue by communicating with the people around us .观点2 But how was it possible for us to learn all the sounds. Words , grammar rules and structures through this communication ?(设问1) And , perhaps most puzzling of all , how were we able to make sense of what we heard and distinguish the mistakes and errors from “good” language ?(设问2)
如第二段中的some believe that / others think that , 以及后面的观点,举例。在发挥教师的引导功能有基础上,学生就能容易总结出该段落的大意了。
Language experts have different answers . Some believe that
1。 we equipped with a special ability to learn language and that our brain adjusts使适合,调整 itself to the language we hear around us . Others think that 2。 we learn language in the same way we learn other things ,such as walking or solving problems , and that
3。what we are born with is a general ability to learn and adapt , not a language-specific part of the brain . Regardless (不管,不顾), of their theories , these language experts do agree that( 观点)life is a very successful language school : virtually(in fact) everyone learns to use a language and has mastered the basics by the age of five .(举例,说明)
Then why are some people better at learning a foreign language than others? Research has shown that successful language learners do share quite a few characteristics . The data (数据,资料)suggests that what successful language learners have in common is
, among other things , that 1.they are interested in understanding their own thinking, 2.curious about the world,
3. willing to take chances and 4.confident in their ability. Successful language learners 5. also use different ways of learning and
6. plan their studies in order to deal with academic (理论的)challenges。
主题句: “successful language learners do share quite a few characteristics.” 以及原文所标出来的六个 “characteristics”
(二)文章线索教学法:记叙文(narrative )以记人叙事为主,包括的内容有:个人经历、文学传记、资讯 消息、历史文献及讲述故事的小短文、小说之类。阅读时应抓住几个要素5W+H(Who、When、 Where、Why、What、How)
以时间顺序(chronological order)展开的阅读文,例如:
Abraham Lincoln(1809、1818、1860、1864、1865)
Karl Marx(1818、1842、1849、1840s、1853、1870s)
Albert Einstein(1879、1893、1896、1905、1921、1933、1955)
Martin Luther King:(1929、1948、1951、1964、1965、1968)
How a Newspaper is produced 的线索:
The chief editor holds a meeting →journalists interview people and write stories → photographers take photos →photographs are quickly developed →Editors check there ports →Editors write the headlines →The newspapers are printed→the newspapers are delivered by train and truck
Abraham Lincoln was a strong man, both physically and mentally, He was 1.9 meters. He was thin weighed 81 kilos. He was physically powerful and he could lift 180 kilos easily. his mind and body worked steadily ,and he never seemed to tire mentally or physically. He was very plain looking and plain acting. Although his physical appearance and dress made him common
looking ,his actions and decisions were anything but common.
作者在这段不仅从外部特征写出林肯体魄强壮,而且通过细节描写,深入到内心世界, 进行表现其坚定的 性格。 教学中可抓住:strong powerful、steadily、plain looking and plain acting common looking
集中表现出perseverance of Abraham Lincoln' s character。
(三)文章要点摘录教学法:让学习进行NOTE—MAKING,抓细节,深入理解全文内容。这一点体会比较深的是在旧教材课文后面有一个很好的这样的练习 尤其对培养学生的自学能力能起到很好的引导作用。
阅读SBI(上)Lesson 2 American English item American English British English words expressions meaning
阅读:SBⅡ(上)Lesson 2 Walt Disney:
please write notes about Walt Disney’s life
Born: Cartoon characters:
Died: Became well-known:
Wish: Successes:
阅读:Albert Einstein
(1) Name: Albert Einstein Born:
Died: Studied:
Worked: Doctors degree received:
Scientific research: Interests:
What he got for his new discovers:
Moved to the USA:
①himself: ②it: ③there: ④that:
⑤where: ⑥one: ⑦which: ⑧which:
①The main idea of this text may be…….
②This article is mainly about…….
③The author's purpose in writing this text…….
④Which of the following is the best title for the passage.
⑤Which statement best expresses the main idea of the paragraph.
2、关于some details:
②According to the passage which of the following is NOT a statement.
③In the paragraph the word "they"(it 、 which 、 oneself)refers to……
④Choose the right order of the events given in the passage.
⑤Which of the following is NOT true?
①the author Implies that …….
②Implied but not stated …….
③the tone of this article is …….
④what are some of the stated details.
⑤It can be inferred from the text that.
⑥The author suggests that …….
①The author believes that …….
②The author think that …….
③According to the author …….
④The author agree with …….
⑤The author gives his opinion that …….
⑥The author's point of view …….
⑦The author holds that …….
⑧The tone of this passage is …….
⑨The author's attitude toward this topic is …….
①We can summarize the main idea that …….
②The conclusion of the text is …….
(五)文章讨论教学法:运用讨论教学的关键在于设疑并且正确引导,让学生分成组块,各自站在不同的立场, 把握观点。这样有利于培养学生的辩证观及自由、大胆运用英语表达自己的看法。同时,又把教学放在英语语言环境中,创设交际表达的情景,从而充分调动了学生的参与性、主动性、创造性。
How is learning a foreign language different from learning one’s mother tongue ?
1.learn from parents
2.use the language all the time
3.we usually learn it when we are very young 。
1.learn in school from teachers ,friends and books .
2.only use the language in school
3.we usually learn it when we are older
Have a discussion about the purpose of writing this passage
The purpose :
1.To explain the differences between learning one ’s mother tongue and learning a foreign language
2. to describe the study skills and characteristics of successful language learners
3. learning a foreign language is twice as easy if we develop our study skills。
通过对课文的“purpose” 进行讨论,学生对全文的写作意图与目的,就能十分地清楚,同时也能从中获益学会如何去学习英语。
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