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2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:11 必修4 Unit 11(北师大版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练11(必修4 Unit 11)



  As the boat came closer to land,the waves got bigger and more violent.At last,a large wave climbed into the air and fell on the small boat with great force.

  The boat turned over as the men jumped into the sea.The water was like ice.The reporter was tired.But he swam toward the beach.He looked for his friends.

  He saw Billie,the sailor,in front of him,swimming strongly and quickly.The cook was near him.Behind,the captain held on to the overturned boat with his one good hand.Soon,the reporter could swim no longer.A current was carrying him back out to sea.He thought,“Am I going to drown?”

  But the current suddenly changed and he was able to swim toward the shore.Then he saw a man running along the shore.He was quickly taking off his shoes and clothes.

  As the reporter got close to the boat,a large wave hit him and threw him into the air over the boat and far from it.When he tried to get up,he found that the water was not over his head,only half way up his body.But he was so tired that he could not stand up.Each wave threw him down,and the current kept pulling him back to sea.

  Then he saw the man again,jumping into the water.The man pulled the cook to the shore.Then he ran back into the water for the captain.But the captain waved him away and sent him to the reporter.The man seized the reporter’s hand and pulled him to the beach.Then the man pointed to the water and cried,“What’s that?” In the shallow water,face down,lay Billie,the sailor.

  The reporter did not know all that happened after that.It seems that immediately the beach was filled with men with blankets,clothes and whiskey.Women brought hot coffee.

  But a still and dripping shape was carried slowly up the beach.And the land’s welcome for the sailor’s body could only be its final resting place.

  1.We can learn that the people on the boat  . 

  A.all survived the big waves in the sea

  B.lost their way and drowned in the sea

  C.were competing against one another

  D.were struggling to reach the shore

  2.Who was the first to get to the beach?


  A.The cook. B.The sailor.

  C.The reporter. D.The captain.

  3.What happened to the sailor Billie in the end?

  A.He was too tired to get up in the water.

  B.He lost his life after trying hard.

  C.He played a dangerous joke on himself.

  D.He received a warm welcome.


  My family moved into our new home two years ago and we spent a lot of time and  1  in the yard to make it look like what it is today. 

  Last summer,I walked into the  2  and found a tiny little plant in the yard that I could not  3  identify.I knew I hadn’t planted it and Denise claimed she didn’t  4 .We decided to let it continue growing until we could  5  what it was. 

  Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the plant,it appeared to be a sunflower.I decided to 6 the weeds around it.As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds,I noticed something  7 .The sunflower had not  8  where I saw it begin.It actually had begun under a big  9  and grown under and around it to reach the  10 . 

  That’s when I  11  that if a tiny little sunflower didn’t let a big rock stand in its  12  of developing,we too have the ability of doing the same thing.If we  13  ourselves like that little sunflower,we can reach where we  14  to go and get what we need for growth. 

  We need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the  15  to achieve our goals.Like the sunflower,it knew it had the ability to  16  the rocks because it had  17  in itself that it would succeed.Stand tall like the sunflower and be  18  who and what we are,and then the environment will begin  19  us.We will find a way to go under or  20  any “rocks” in order to reach our goals. 

  1.A.energy B.money

  C.days D.weekends

  2.A.kitchen B.office

  C.garden D.field

  3.A.suddenly B.immediately

  C.seriously D.previously

  4.A.forever B.though

  C.too D.either

  5.A.figure out B.carry out

  C.bring out D.point out

  6.A.remove B.tend

  C.watch D.collect

  7.A.wonderful B.terrible

  C.valuable D.unusual

  8.A.passed B.started

  C.left D.died

  9.A.tree B.table

  C.rock D.wall

  10.A.air B.top

  C.sun D.house

  11.A.realized B.doubted

  C.regretted D.hoped

  12.A.place B.way

  C.course D.process

  13.A.fill in B.put in

  C.worry about D.believe in

  14.A.forget B.hate

  C.aim D.wait

  15.A.ability B.wish

  C.plan D.idea

  16.A.get over B.get down

  C.get off D.get away

  17.A.energy B.virtue

  C.courage D.faith

  18.A.aware of B.afraid of

  C.proud of D.tired of

  19.A.support B.affect

  C.upset D.forgive

  20.A.into B.around

  C.through D.from



  When I was young,our family lived in what is now a forest reserve.One day I saw a 1.  (home) dog at the end of our long driveway.It drove my mother crazy!We weren’t rich and we already had a dog. 

  2. (stare) out of the window,my mother complained about the 3. (responsible) and cruel person who left his dog with us.We children were told to stay away from 4. dog as we couldn’t afford to keep it.I was very upset and couldn’t believe that my mother was refusing to help it.She said,“We are not alone here.Let 5. people take care of the creature.” 

  The poor dog 6. (lie) at the end of the driveway and hardly moved for two days.My heart was breaking,7. I didn’t dare to say anything to my mother. 

  Later that day,I couldn’t find my mother in the house.I 8. (check) every room but she was gone.Then I saw my mother coming back to our house 9. the dog.We ran outside to greet our new dog.My mother didn’t say 10. she had changed her mind.That doesn’t matter.Sometimes it’s not what you say but what you do that matters.


  On March 12,the Tree Planting Day,we had meaningful experience,one I’ll never forget.Early in the morning,we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees,were talking and laughing all the way.Upon arrival,we began to work immediately,some digging holes,some carrying and planting young trees,and others watered them.We had a wonderful teamwork!With all work doing,we decided to put up a board to remind people protect these trees.After leaving,we took some photos to record our green action.

  Tired and happy,we all went home with a sense of achievement.I feel that our duty to plant trees every year.I firmly believe if everyone plant a tree each year,our planet will sure become more and more beautiful.



  .1.D 细节理解题。通读全文不难看出,该篇文章叙述了人们在海中挣扎,试图回到岸上的场景。故选D项。

  2.A 细节理解题。根据第六段内容可知,厨师是第一个被推上岸的,故选A项。

  3.B 推理判断题。根据第六段最后一句可知,水手Billie最终死去了。故选B项。

  .1.A 要收拾打扫院子,作者和家人花费了许多时间和精力(energy)。

  2.C 根据sunflower及planted等信息可以推知,作者走入花园(garden)。

  3.B 联系下文中的“it appeared to be a sunflower”可知,此时作者无法立刻(immediately)确认它是什么植物。

  4.D 作者知道不是自己种的,丹尼诗也(either)没有种。否定句中表示“也”应用either。

  5.A 作者让其继续生长下去,其目的是想弄清楚(figure out)它到底是什么。

  6.A 为了让它健康地生长,作者为其清理(remove)周围的杂草。

  7.D 根据下文中的“The sunflower had not  8  where I saw it begin”可知,作者注意到了不同寻常的(unusual)的现象。

  8.B 令作者出乎意料的是,向日葵并不是从作者看到的它出现的地方开始生长的。

  9.C 联系上文中的“As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds”可知,它是在一块巨大的岩石(rock)下面。

  10.C 根据句中的“and grown under and around it”可以推知,它长出来了,所以说接收到了阳光(sun)。

  11.A 就在那时作者意识到(realized)小小的向日葵顽强的生命力。

  12.B 巨大的岩石没能够阻止它的生长。stand in one’s way阻止某人做某事。

  13.D 作者认为,如果我们相信(believe in)自己,我们也能够做到意想不到的事情。

  14.C 联系向日葵的不屈和顽强,作者认为我们也能够到达我们力求(aim)要去的地方。

  15.A 在作者看来,我们要相信我们有实现目标的能力(ability)。

  16.A 向日葵知道自己有能力翻过(get over)岩石,才能茁壮生长。

  17.D 此处还是叙述向日葵的生长,它对自己的信任(faith)促使其成功。have faith in相信……。

  18.C 像向日葵一样,一定要为自己感到自豪(proud of)。

  19.A 我们自己有自信,周围的环境也就会支持(support)我们。

  20.B 由上文“grown under and around it”可知此处也应选around。

  .1.homeless 根据下一段中的说明who left his dog with us可知,这是一条流浪狗,故填homeless。

  2.Staring 此处stare和句子主语my mother之间为主动关系,用动词-ing形式做状语。

  3.irresponsible 用形容词和cruel并列做person的定语;因作者妈妈在抱怨,故此处指“没有责任感的”人把狗丢下,故填irresponsible。

  4.the 表示特指用定冠词the。

  5.other 妈妈不让领走这条狗,让“别的”人去照顾它。

  6.lay 句子谓语,描述过去,故用过去时态。

  7.but 前后两句之间为转折关系,填but。

  8.checked 叙述事件过程,用过去时态,填checked。

  9.with 作者看到妈妈带着那条狗回来,with表示伴随状况。

  10.why 妈妈没有解释她改变主意的原因,故用why引导宾语从句。

  .On March 12,the Tree Planting Day,we had meaningful experience,one I’ll never forget.Early in the morning,we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees,


   talking and laughing all the way.Upon arrival,we began to work immediately,some digging holes,some carrying and planting young trees,and others

  them.We had a wonderful teamwork!With all work ,we decided to put up a board to remind people protect these trees. leaving,we took some photos to record our green action.


  happy,we all went home with a sense of achievement.I feel

  our duty to plant trees every year.I firmly believe if everyone

  a tree each year,our planet will

  become more and more beautiful.


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