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2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:必修2 Unit 4(新人教版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  必修2-Unit 4


  1.The experienced hunter ________(检查)carefully the footprints and concluded that these belonged to the wolf.

  2.Professor Lee is so interested in plants that he __________(利用)almost all his spare time to plant flowers.

  3.The greenhouse gas mainly caused by cars really __________(危害)the environment where we live.

  4.A young man with a(n) ________(稳定的)job and salary might have the money to buy an apartment in the center of the city.

  5.Several natural ________(保护区)have been set up to protect those endangered plants and animals.

  6.Because human beings destroy the rainforest, the number of wild animals living there has ________(下降)quickly.

  7.These bottles with an unpleasant smell were used to be the ________(容器)to hold petrol.

  8.Although smoking ________(影响)people's health, China has the largest number of people who are smoking.

  9.After the incident, children finally __________(感激) the importance of learning first aid.

  10.Having overcome so much difficulty, the group finally ________(成功)in catching the person who had killed two tigers in the wild.


  1.inspected 2.employs 3.harms 4.secure 5.reserves

  6.decreased 7.containers 8.affects 9.appreciated



  1.The International Labour Organization helps to improve

  working conditions and create ________ (employ) opportunities.

  2.As we all know, smoking is ________ (harm) to our health.

  3.He opposes ________ (fierce) to flexible working hours and does not believe in working at home.

  4.I have a great ________ (affect) for my grandmother.

  5.He's going to make decisions that won't be altogether ________ (wild) popular with the American people.

  6.There's nothing like a good nap, or a long night's sleep to ________ (relief) tensions.

  7.We respect Dr. Jones, because he's devoted his whole life to the ________ (protect) of the rare animals.

  8.His talents are not fully ________ (appreciation) in that company.

  9.In view of what he has done, he will ________ (certain)succeed.

  10.The product was developed in ________ (respond) to customers' demand.


  1.employment 2.harmful 3.fiercely 4.affection

  5.wildly 6.relieve 7.protection 8.appreciated

  9.certainly 10.response


  1.He suggested ________ (make) a list of the things we needed.

  2.This is the only book ________ covers the information he needs.

  3.There is no time ________ (leave). Let's hurry.

  4.In the last five hundred years, a lot of wild animals and plants

  ________ (disappear).

  5.What is her reaction ________ this concert?

  6.He appreciated ________ (share) my umbrella with me.

  7.He paid more attention to ________ (protect) his eyes.

  8.________ my relief, my son survived the accident.

  9.Tom succeeded ________ saving the girl from being drowned.

  10.Mr. Black was ________ a loss faced with the fierce flood.


  1.making suggest 后跟动名词作宾语。

  2.that 先行词被 the only 修饰,定语从句中缺主语,故用 that 引导。

  3.left left 作后置定语,意为“剩下的”。

  4.have disappeared in the last five hundred years 与现在完成时连用。

  5.to reaction to 对……作出反应。

  6.sharing appreciate 后跟动名词作宾语。

  7.protecting pay attention to 后跟动名词作宾语。

  8.To to one's relief 使某人欣慰的是。

  9.in succeed 后跟 in doing。

  10.at at a loss 不知所措。


  One day, when Daisy woke up, she found a flying carpet by her bed. The carpet asked her where she wanted to go. Daisy responded that she'd like to see some __1__ (endanger) wildlife. The carpet then took her to Tibet, a __2__ (distance) land where Daisy saw an antelope looking sad. The antelope said they were being killed for the wool. Daisy said she hadn't known about this and she wondered what __3__ (do) to help them.

  Then they went to Zimbabwe. Daisy found an elephant there who asked if she __4__ (come) to take

  its photo. It told Daisy that they were once an endangered species. They were hunted __5__ mercy by farmers, who said the elephants destroyed their farms. So the government allowed tourists to hunt __6__ certain number of animals if they paid the farmers. The problem was solved. Daisy said this showed the __7__ (important) of wildlife protection.

  After a while they went into a forest. A monkey was protecting

  itself __8__ mosquitoes. The monkey asked Daisy to call on people to pay more __9__ (attend) to the rainforest and said he would appreciate __10__ if animals lived together.


  1.endangered 2.distant 3.to do 4.had come

  5.without 6.a 7.importance 8.from 9.attention



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