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发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  By 2025, when the number of consumers worldwide has reached 4. 2 billion, people with high income will be, for the first time, more than _______ struggling to meet basic needs.


  Determination is a kind of basic quality and this is what _______ takes to do jobs well.


  Though they are close friends, they often have _______ as to who is their favorite football-star.

  4.(电子设备的)屏幕把我们由从左向右的线性阅读模式变成了寻找关键词和重要信息的疯狂略读模式。Screens have changed the way we read, from the linear, left-to-right _______ to a wild skimming and skipping one as we hunt for important words and information.


  The _______ ecosystem and the unreasonable economic structure are the major causes of the worsened circle of the eco-economic system of the area.


  The bonus shall be divided _______ how much you have invested.


  I have just borrowed some money from my friends to pay for the new car, and it will be some time before I am _______.


  —Where is the 10th anniversary celebration of the company held?

  —In Century Lotus Stadium, which is _______ easy reach for all staff.


  In physics classes, we want students to see science is fun, _______ just about formulas and experiments.

  10.克隆可能会对人类医学作出很大的贡献,但是我们必须谨慎地利用它,因为它可能会给人们带来危险。Cloning may have much to contribute to human medicine, but we must use it _______, because it may put people at risk.

  11.在亲密的关系中冲突和意见相左都是不可避免的一部分,因此要学着向同伴道歉并得到别人的谅解。Conflict and disagreement are a(n) _______ part of a close relationship, so learn to apologize to your partners and receive forgiveness from others.


  I think learning at school is better than learning alone at home because teachers could _______ my learning schedule and guide me.


  Professor Qian _______ at a news conference “It is profits that drive many food producers to do illegal things.”


  Many parents hope that their children _______ their friends face to face instead of lying on their beds texting each other.



  In fact, this may produce a second wave of economic growth after the first wave _______ by the country’s access to the World Trade Organization.


  We saw an unknown movie just _______ while ago, which later turned out to be _______ box-office success.


  Alfred pretended to be calm when the two policemen suddenly appeared but he knew he _______.


  —Jack called to ask if you could spare some time for him on Wednesday morning.

  —Er, let me see. Oh no, I _______ the students a lecture on DNA then.

  A. will have given

  B. will be giving

  C. have given

  D. have been giving


  The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who _______ appreciate the beauty of life.


  —It was so considerate of you to have got me through all the difficulties.

  —Don’t mention it. Any other man _______ that if they had been in my position.

  A. would do

  B. will do

  C. would have done

  D. must have done


  The project was launched _______ the development of the education system by founding world-class universities.


  Always spending money like water, the young man became penniless and was reduced to _______ by his former friends.


  The prize, according to the rule, should go to _______ we think has done his or her part for the success of this project.


  People still don’t know _______ they should drink a cup of coffee in the early morning or not.


  As Premier Li put it, we are sure to overcome the current financial difficulty _______ governments at all levels make a joint effort.


  We must know our strong and weak points _______ we can improve our personalities.


  After years of hard work he finally realized his dream of becoming a teacher, _______ he aimed to be at an early age.


  China is at a stage of industrialization _______ the contradiction between economic growth and environmental protection is obvious.


  Not once _______ to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.


  It was not until I visited Venice _______ it really worthy of the reputation of “the water world”.


  On that particular day after I finished giving my training course, I took a flight home. Upon __1__ the plane, I noticed a boy who was around eight years old, sitting in the window seat __ 2__ mine. Trying my best to be __3__, I said “hello” and introduced myself, and he told me his name was Bradley. We started a __4__ and within minutes, he took me into his confidence, saying, “This is the first time I have ever been on a plane. I’m a little bit __5__.” I managed to __6__ him.

  As we ascended(上升), he looked out of the window and started describing excitedly everything he was __7__. Then he told me he needed to go to the bathroom, __8__ I stood up to let him out into the aisle. It was then that I noticed the brace (支柱) on his legs. Bradley, __ 9__ made his way down to the bathroom and back. Sitting back down, he __10__, “I have muscular dystrophy(肌肉萎缩症), and so does my sister, who’s in a __11__ now.”

  As we descended(下降), he looked over, smiled, and spoke in a low, almost __12__ voice, “You know, I was really __13__ about who would sit beside me on the plane. I was afraid it would be someone who didn’t want to __14__ with me. I’m so __15__ I sat beside you.”

  __16__ the whole experience later that night, I was reminded of the __17__ of being open to the moment. Now when __18__ get(s) rough, I look out of the window, try to see what images the clouds are painting in the sky, __19__ remember Bradley, the beautiful child who taught me that__20__.

  1.A. boarding

  B. leaving

  C. approaching

  D. seeing

  2.A. across from

  B. in front of

  C. next to

  D. behind of

  3.A. quiet

  B. helpful

  C. famous

  D. friendly

  4.A. discussion

  B. conversation

  C. interview

  D. game

  5.A. happy

  B. nervous

  C. shy

  D. sad

  6.A. encourage

  B. persuade

  C. blame

  D. comfort

  7.A. planning

  B. experiencing

  C. covering

  D. showing

  8.A. so

  B. because

  C. or

  D. but

  9.A. continuously

  B. gladly

  C. slowly

  D. peacefully

  10.A. imagined

  B. pretended

  C. complained

  D. explained

  11.A. school

  B. wheelchair

  C. company

  D. village

  12. A. embarrassed

  B. surprised

  C. frightened

  D. confused

  13.A. careful

  B. concerned

  C. doubtful

  D. excited

  14.A. play

  B. meet

  C. agree

  D. talk

  15.A. amazed

  B. glad

  C. sorry

  D. angry

  16.A. Hearing of

  B. Running into

  C. Thinking about

  D. Talking in

  17.A. value

  B. hope

  C. secret

  D. way

  18.A. people

  B. weather

  C. images

  D. times

  19.A. and

  B. while

  C. however

  D. since

  20.A. skill

  B. story

  C. lesson

  D. trick


  There is a wonderful story about Jimmy Durante, one of great singers.


  (ask) to be part of a show for some old World War II soldiers, he told them he was very busy and he could afford only a few minutes,


  he would come if they wouldn’t mind his singing one short song and immediately leaving for his next appointment. Of course, the show’s director agreed



  But when Jimmy got on stage, something surprising happened. He went through


  short song and then stayed. The applause grew louder and louder and he kept


  (stay). Pretty soon, he had been on stage


  fifteen, twenty, and then thirty minutes. One of his


  (assist) behind the stage stopped him and said, “I thought you had to go after a few minutes. What happened”

  Jimmy answered, “I did have to go, but I can show you the reason why I stayed. You can see for


  (you) if you look at the front row.” In the front row were two men, both of


  had lost an arm in the war. One had lost his right arm and the other had lost his left. Together, they were able to clap, and that was exactly what they


  (do), loudly and cheerfully.


  My old classroom was interesting because three side of the classroom were made from glass. I enjoyed sit close to the windows and looking at the view. On the left-hand side of the class, I could easy see the football field. In the mornings, it was full of students exercising. The view from the back of the classroom is also splendid. Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around them. Farther in the distance, I could not enjoy the view of snowy mountains. On the right side of the class was the road. I was always interested to see the drivers in hurry in the morning. The position of the classroom with its view made me felt like I was dreaming. If I was only a child when I studied in that classroom, I will never forget it.


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