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2017版高考英语外研版一轮复习跟踪检测:选修6 Module4《Music》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Module 4




  (2016·石家庄高三质检一)The latest Chinese “god song” (an Internet term to describe pop songs that spread virally through the Internet) is still stirring up fierce debates between those who view it as a milestone for Chinese pop music going global and those who regard it as a bad image of China.

  Last week, Little Apple, written and performed by Chopsticks Brothers, won the AMA International Song Award and the_duo performed the song at the 2017 American Music Awards in Los Angeles. Another Chinese pop singer, Zhang Jie, won the International Artist Award.

  But while fans of these singers are thinking highly of the awards and the performance by Chopsticks Brothers at the AMA celebration, there are others who are less excited. They have questioned the value of the awards and what effects it will have on Chinese culture's “going abroad”, claiming it may leave foreign audiences with a poor impression of Chinese pop music, and even Chinese culture.

  The Little Apple phenomenon, both home and abroad, can be more easily understood and judged if we look at it from a business perspective rather than a cultural perspective. The professional promoters behind the duo have developed a clear strategy to promote the duo and their works, not just this particular song. Little Apple was originally released to promote the duo's film Old Boys: The Way of the Dragon.

  From the very beginning a viral marketing strategy was used to promote the song, which immediately went viral on the Internet due to its repetitive rhythm, easy­to­remember lyrics, simple and funny dance and, most importantly, grass roots nature. The video accumulated more than 1 billion hits on China's major video websites.

  Although the song was generally dismissed by music professionals who criticized it as “musical junk food”, Little Apple's popularity nationally paved the way for promoting the duo internationally.


  1.The writer's attitude to the song of Little Apple is________.





  解析:选C 观点态度题。根据第三段的整体内容可知,文章就人们对网络神曲《小苹果》的看法进行了正反两方面的客观陈述,即作者对这首歌持客观态度,故选C项。

  2.What do the underlined words “the duo” refer to?

  A.Little Apple.

  B.Chopsticks Brothers.

  C.Zhang Jie.

  D.American singers.

  解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据第二段的第一句“Last week, Little Apple, written and performed by Chopsticks Brothers, won the AMA International Song Award and the_duo performed the song at the 2017 American Music Awards in Los Angeles.” 可推知,the duo的意思是“一对表演者”,此处代指《小苹果》的表演者“筷子兄弟”,故选B项。

  3.We can learn from the passage that ________.

  A.Little Apple's popularity is also a success of the marketing strategy

  B.Little Apple is generally thought worthless by the AMA

  C.Little Apple is really popular with all people in China

  D.Little Apple was originally released as a pop song on the Internet

  解析:选A 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的第一句可推知,《小苹果》的流行本身就证明了它是一个成功的营销策略,故选A项。


  (2016·兰州高三诊断)Your kids learn a lot from their friends — things you can't teach them, no matter how much you want to.

  Probably the most important thing kids learn is how to have peer relationships. As a parent, you can't do this, because you and your child aren't equals.

  For example, when you're sitting on your family room floor and your very young child asks you to pass him the blocks, you probably hand them right over. If your child is sitting with a peer and asks the same thing, though, he might not get what he wants.

  To succeed, your child will need to learn strategies for getting what he wants. For example, he might simply yank(猛拉) the toy out of his friend's hand. If he does that, he may learn that it's not the best way of getting what he wants because it leads to fighting and time­outs. The successful child will learn that he needs to negotiate a trade, to wait patiently, or to find something else equally fun to play with.

  Friends also provide emotional support, something that is part of the foundation of healthy adulthood. You can't be with your child on the elementary school playground or at the high school dance. Your child's friends will be the ones to stick_up_for her, to include her in games, and later, to tell her she looks great even if her lousy prom (糟糕的舞会) date wanders off instead of dancing with her.

  Friends also help your children learn. Friends solve problems together, imitate each other, and pass on knowledge.

  Some experts believe that the single biggest predictor of your child's success later in life is her ability to make friends. In fact, they claim it's even more important than IQ and grades.

  This doesn't mean that the kids who are most popular in school do the best later on in life. What matters is not the number of friends a child has but rather the quality of the relationships.

  This is good news for those of us who hate to think that popularity really is the Holy Grail of childhood and adolescence. While it's true that popularity has many advantages, and that many popular kids really are nice people — and not just the best dressed or best looking — it's better to have a few good friends than to have the admiration of the masses.


  4.By giving the example in Paragraph 3, the author wants to show that ________.

  A.kids can learn how to deal with the relationships when they stay with their peers

  B.parents should spend more spare time playing with their kids

  C.kids should learn how to be polite when they ask their parents for help

  D.parents can teach their kids how to be good members in the modern society in their daily life

  解析:选A 推理判断题。一般而言,在议论文中,举例都是为了证明作者的观点。由此可知,第三段所举例子是为了证明第二段作者的观点,即“Probably the most important thing kids learn is how to have peer relationships.”。故选A。

  5.What does the underlined phrase “stick up for” in the fifth paragraph mean?





  解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据本段第一句中的“Friends also provide emotional support”可知,此处将家长与同龄朋友进行比较是为了说明同龄朋友会给孩子们以情感上的支持。由此可知,画线词意为“支持”。故答案选C。

  6.In the author's opinion, ________ is more important than being popular for kids.

  A.getting high grades

  B.having some real friends

  C.developing a good habit

  D.knowing how to dress themselves up

  解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文章最后三段可知,朋友的质量比朋友的数量、智商、分数和外表都重要。故选B。

  7.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

  A.How to Bridge the Generation Gap

  B.What It Takes to Be a Good Friend

  C.Why Friends Are Important

  D.How to Be Popular in School

  解析:选C 标题归纳题。文章的中心段是第一段,由此结合全文内容可知,文章主要说明了同龄朋友对孩子成长的重要性。故选C。


  (2016·河北省邢台市摸底考试)Sunstroke is a condition that can quickly go from dangerous to deadly, especially if proper care isn't given immediately.

  Sunstroke, sometimes called heatstroke, is a result of the body temperature rising above the safe limit. This causes the body's necessary functions to stop working.

  It's usually pretty easy to avoid sunstroke, as long as proper

  action is taken. In that case, you need to act as quickly as possible to return that person's body to a safe temperature. Here are a few tips to help treat sunstroke.

  Call for help

  Call to get an ambulance as quickly as possible. This should be the first thing you do, especially if the sunstroke person has fainted (昏倒). Also, call for help from anyone nearby if you're in a public place. If there's no one around, call someone nearby if they can get there sooner than an ambulance. Ask everyone to bring you as much water as possible, if there isn't much nearby.

  Get the person to a cooler area

  If there's a building nearby, aim for that. Anywhere with plenty of air conditioners and water is perfect. If a building isn't available, bring the person to a well­shaded area.

  Get the water flowing

  If the person is still conscious, get him or her to drink water. If there's a bathtub available, fill it with cool water and put the person in it.

  If your water supply is limited, you have to save it. Dampen a towel or shirt and put it on the person's body. Focus on the face, neck, and chest.

  Fan the person

  Getting moving air over the person cools him or her down. Use anything, a towel or sheet, a shirt, your hands, or a piece of board. This is where having many people around really helps, as they can combine to fan the entire body.


  8.When does a person get sunstroke?

  A.When the body doesn't function.

  B.When proper care is given immediately.

  C.When someone is exposed to the sun too long.

  D.When the body temperature goes up beyond what one can bear.

  解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句可知,当人体的体温超过所能承受的安全极限时,就会中暑,即D项正确。

  9.What is mainly discussed in the passage?

  A.The first aid for sunstroke.

  B.The causes of sunstroke.

  C.The chief symptoms of sunstroke.

  D.The essential prevention of sunstroke.

  解析:选A 主旨大意题。文章首先介绍了何为中暑以及中暑的危害,结合第三段的最后一句“Here are a few tips to help treat sunstroke.”可知,下文讲述的是中暑时需要采取的急救措施,即A项正确。

  10.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?

  A.Call for assistance from others.

  B.Leave the sunstroke person in the shade.

  C.Put a wet towel on the person's face.

  D.Help the person take some medicine.

  解析:选D 细节理解题。根据Call for help下的“call for help from anyone”可知A项正确;根据Get the person to a cooler area中的第三句可知B项正确;根据Get the water flowing中的第二段的第二、三句可知C项正确;D项在文章中没有提到。

  11.The text probably comes from________.

  A.a guidebook

  B.a book review

  C.a medical magazine

  D.an official document

  解析:选C 文章出处题。文章主要介绍了中暑以及中暑后如何急救的相关知识,故有可能选自一本医学杂志,即C项正确。


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