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发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  An idea that started in Seattle's public library has spread throughout America and beyond. The concept is simple: help to build a sense of community in a city by getting everyone to read the same book at the same tome.

  In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit (追求) to be enjoyed by all, the program allows strangers to communicate by discussing the book on the bus, as well as promoting reading as an experience to be shared in families and schools. The idea came from Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl who launched (发起)the "If All of Seattle Read the Same Book " project in 1998. Her original program used author visits, study guides and book discussion groups to bring people together with a book, but the idea has since expanded to many other American cities, and even to Hong Kong.

  In Chicago, the mayor(市长)appeared on television to announce the choice of To Kill a Mockingbird as the first book in the "One Book, One Chicago" program. As a result, reading clubs and neighbourhood groups sprang up around the city. Across the US, stories emerged of parents and children reading to each other at night and strangers chatting away on the bus about plot and character.

  The only problem arose in New York, where local readers could not decide on one book to represent the huge and diverse population. This may show that the idea works best in medium-sized cities or large towns, where a greater sense of unity(一致)can be achieved .Or it may show that New Yorkers rather missed the point ,putting all their energy

  And passion into the choice of the book rather than discussion about a book itself.

  Ultinatel was Nancy points out, the level of success is not measured by how many people read a book, but by how many people are enriched by the process. or have enjoyed speaking to someone with whom they would not otherwise have shared a word.


  ) 1. What is the purpose of the project launched by Nancy?

  A. To invite authors to guide readers.

  B. To encourage people to read and share.

  C. To involve people in community service.

  D. To promote the friendship between cities.


  ) 2.Why was it difficult for New Yorkers to carry out the project?

  A. They had little interest in reading.

  B. They were too busy to read a book.

  C. They came from many different backgrounds

  D. They lacked support from the local government


  ) 3. According to the passage, where would the project be more easily carried out?

  A. In large communities with little sense of unity

  B. In large cities where libraries are far from home

  C. In medium-sized cities with a diverse population

  D. In large towns where agreement can be quickly reached


  ) 4.The underlined words “shared a word” in Paragraph 5 probably mean

  A. exchanged ideas with each other

  B. discussed the meaning of a word

  C. gamed life experience

  D. used the same language


  ) 5.According to Nacy, the degree of students of the project is judged by

  the careful selection of a proper book

  the growing popularity of the writers

  C. the number of people who benefit from reading.

  D. the number of books that each person reads.


  1.B细节理解题。定位关键词project launched。根据文章第二段的as well as promoting reading as an experience to be shared in families and schools.和who launched (发起)the "If All of Seattle Read the Same Book可知答案为B。

  2.C细节理解题。根据文章第四段The only problem arose in New York ,where local readers could not decide on one book to represent the huge and diverse population. 唯一的问题也就产生了纽约,在那里,当地读者不能决定一本书代表巨大而多样化的人口。选C。

  3.D细节理解题。根据文章第四段This may show that the idea works best in medium-sized cities or large towns, where a greater sense of unity(一致)can be achieved .可知答案。

  4.A 词义猜测题。从上文阅读不仅要互相分享阅读的想法,还要享受分享阅读的过程。由otherwise可以看出shared a word是指前者,互相分享阅读的想法。


  阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

  Tang poetry is so excellent and of such a large sum that it is a precious cultural heritage of Chinese civilization in ancient time.It appeals so many people all over the world that more and more Tang poems have been translated into other languages,mostly into English.Nevertheless,since the translatability of poetry has been the most controversial(引起争论的)issue in the translation circle,whether a Tang poem is translatable or not is now still in debate.

  An American poet Robert Frost ever said,“Poetry is what gets lost in translation.”In this sense,something in Tang poetry will get lost after being translated into English.Here comes the untranslatability(不可翻译)of Tang poems in English translation.Tang poetry is the harmonious unity of beautiful sound,well­balanced form and implicit sense so that it is very difficult to translate them into other languages satisfactorily.English is intonation(语调)language while Chinese is tone language so that they are dissimilar in sound;English spelling words are alphabetic writing while Chinese square characters are ideographic(表意文字)so that they are dissimilar in form;English was born and develops in western cultural background while Chinese in oriental so that they are dissimilar in sense.Based on the differences above,a conclusion is made naturally in the article that in the process of translating Tang poems into English,there is some untranslatability,namely,sound untranslatability,form untranslatability and sense untranslatability.In fact,the study on the untranslatability of Tang poetry still has a great room for development,as it remains an unsolved problem.In this case,however,talking about the untranslatability of Tang poems in English translation is not against the translation work of Tang poems but for the better translations of them.

  1.By the passage we can know that________.

  A.Tang poetry is a kind of new culture existing in China

  B. Tang poetry is part of precious cultural heritage of Chinese civilization

  C.Tang poetry can't be translated into English

  D.Tang poetry can only be accepted by people from China

  答案:B 根据文章第一段第一句话...it is a precious cultural heritage of Chinese civilization in ancient time可知,唐诗是中国古代文明的珍贵的文化遗产,是中华文化的组成部分。

  .The features of Tang poetry different from other languages are the following EXCEPT________.

  A.beautiful sound

  B.rich words

  C.abundant form

  D.extensive sense

  答案:B 根据文章第二段内容中所提到的与英语不同的特点有sound,form和sense,文章中没有提到word。故答案选B项。

  .Chinese is tone language while English is________.

  A.intonation languageB.tone language

  C.alphabetic writingD.ideographic language

  答案:A 根据文章第二段第五句话English is intonation language while Chinese is tone language可知,汉语是语音文字而英语则是语调文字。故答案选A项。

  .The attitude towards translating Tang poetry into other languages is________.





  答案:B 根据文章最后一句话talking about the untranslatability of Tang poems in English translation is not against the translation work of Tang poems but for the better translations of them.可知,作者的态度是赞成的。

  Close your eyes for a minute and imagine what life would be like if you had a hundred dollars less.Also imagine what it would be like spending the rest of your life with your eyes closed.Imagine having to read this page,not with your eyes but with your finger­tips.

  With existing medical knowledge and skills,two­thirds of the world's 42 million blind should not have to suffer.Unfortunately,rich countries possess most of this knowledge,while developing countries do not.

  ORBIS is an international non­profit organization which operates the world's only flying teaching eye hospital.ORBIS intends to help fight blindness worldwide.Inside a DC­8 aircraft,there is a fully­equipped teaching hospital with television studio and classroom.Doctors are taught the latest techniques of bringing sight back to people here.Project ORBIS also aims at promoting peaceful cooperation(合作) among countries.

  ORBIS tries to help developing countries by providing training during three­week medical programs.ORBIS has taught sight­saving techniques to over 35,000 doctors and nurses,who continue to cure tens of thousands of blind people every year.ORBIS has conducted 17 plane programs in China so far.For the seven to ten million blind in China,ORBIS is planning to do more for them.At the moment an ORBIS team is working on a long­term plan to develop a training center and to provide eye care services to Shanxi Province.ORBIS needs your help to continue their work and free people from blindness.

  For just US $38,you can help one person see;for $380 you can bring sight to 10 people;$1,300 helps teach a doctor new skills;and for $13,000 you can provide a training program for a group of doctors who can make thousands of blind people see again.Your money can open their eyes to the world.Please help ORBIS improve the quality of life for so many people less fortunate than ourselves.

  1.The first paragraph is intended to ________.

  A.introduce a new way of reading

  B.advise the public to lead a simple life

  C.direct the public's attention to the blind

  D.encourage the public to use imagination

  2.What do we learn about existing medical knowledge and skills in the world?

  A.They are adequate.

  B.They have not been updated.

  C.They are not equally distributed.

  D.They have benefited most of the blind.

  .ORBIS aims to help the blind by ________.

  A.teaching medical students

  B.training doctors and nurses

  C.running flying hospitals globally

  D.setting up non­profit organizations

  .What does the author try to do in the last paragraph?

  A.Appeal for donations.

  B.Make an advertisement.

  C.Promote training programs.

  D.Show sympathy for the blind.

  .What can be the best title for the passage?

  A.ORBIS in China

  B.Fighting Blindness

  C.ORBIS Flying Hospital

  D.Sight­saving Techniques


  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍一个旨在帮助失明人士的组织——ORBIS。大家行动起来和ORBIS一起,来帮助那些失明的朋友们。小小的捐助,就可以使他们和我们一样去感受这个世界的美好。

  1.C 解析:考查写作意图。综观全文,作者希望大众通过想象失明人士的生活,以此引起人们对失明人士的关注,故选C。

  .C 解析:考查细节理解。根据第二段最后一句话可知目前的医疗知识和技术分配不均衡。

  .B 解析:考查细节理解。根据文章第三段和第四段首句可知ORBIS通过培训医务人员来帮助失明人士。

  .A 解析:考查段落大意。由文章最后一段中不同金额的捐款所能产生的积极效果可知,最后作者是号召大众捐款帮助提高失明人士的生活质量。

  .C 解析:考查标题判断。本文关键词为ORBIS,文章通篇都在介绍ORBIS通过他们的flying hospital帮助失明人士。

  Doctors sometimes prescribe light therapy to treat a form of depression in people who get too little morning sun. But too much light at other time may actually cause such mood disorders. Longlasting exposure to light at night brings depression, a new study finds, at least in animals.

  The new data confirm observations from studies of people who work night shifts, says Richard Stevens of the University of Connecticut Health Centre. Mood disorders join a growing list of problems, including cancer, obesity and diabetes—that can occur when light throws life out of balance by disturbing the biological clock and its timing of daily rhythms.

  In the new study, Tracy Bedrosian and Randy Nelson of Ohio State University exposed mice to normal light and dark cycles for four weeks. For the next four weeks, half of the mice remained on this schedule, and the rest received continuous dim light throughout their night. Compared with mice exposed to normal nighttime darkness, those getting dim light at night lost their strong preference for sweet drinks,“a sign they no longer get pleasure out of activities they once enjoyed,” Bedrosian says.

  In a second test, mice were clocked on how long they actively tried to escape a pool of water. Those exposed to night lights stopped struggling and just floated in the water, a sign of “behavioural despair”,10 times as long as the mice that had experienced normal nighttime darkness. All symptoms of depression disappeared within two weeks of the mice returning to a normal lightdark cycle, the researchers report. The scientists also could quash the behavioural symptoms by injecting (注射)the brains of animals with a drug that prohibits the activity of certain molecules linked with human depression. This finding further suggests that light at night may cause something related to depression.

  Human studies linking nighttime light and mood disorders are important but can't easily detect molecular underpinnings (分子结构)as animal studies can,says George Brainard of Thomas Jefferson University. The new work, he says, suggests that the change of the biological clock by light at night can be “an extremely powerful force in regulating biology and behaviour”.

  1.After being exposed to continuous nighttime light,the mice ________.

  A.changed their preferences

  B.escaped from the water more eagerly

  C.remained active as before

  D.showed less interest in their favourites

  2.What does the underlined word “quash” in Para. 4 probably mean?


  3.We can learn from the last paragraph that ________.

  A.light at night may have practical value

  B.the biological clock is beneficial to humans

  C.human mood disorders cannot be healed easily

  D.human studies are more important than animal studies

  4.What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.Nighttime light may foster depression.

  B.A drug has been found to cure mood disorders.

  C.The study on animals can be applied to humans.

  D.Human biological clock can be controlled by light.


  1.D 细节理解题。根据“Compared with mice exposed to normal nighttime darkness,those getting dim light at night lost their strong preference for sweet drinks…”可知,那些在夜晚持续接受暗淡灯光的老鼠失去了对于甜饮料的浓厚喜好,即没有那么喜欢甜饮料了,故选D项。

  2.C 词义猜测题。通过原文quash前面also可以断定,quash的意思等于前面一句话的意思,即症状消失了,故选ease“缓解,减轻”。

  3.A 推理判断题。根据最后一句可知,灯光可以影响生物钟,生物钟的改变可以影响行为,故选择A项。

  4.A 主旨大意题。根据文章首段“Doctors sometimes prescribe light therapy to treat a form of depression in people who get too little morning sun.But too much light at other time may actually cause such mood disorders.”可知,本文主要讨论nighttime light与mood disorder或depression的关系,故A项正确。


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