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江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语牛津依林版一轮复习:模块必修3《Unit 1 The world of our senses》project language points

发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  M 3 Unit 1 project language points


  Important phrases:

  1 nearly (almost)_________________

  和mostly区别开 _________________

  2 attack________________________

  3 probably _______________________

  4be known to _______________ be known for _____________be known as ______________

  5 other 和another 的区别________________________________________________

  6 be contray to ______________________

  7 assume _________________________

  8 mistake sb for sth __________________

  9 give up _________________________

  10 be fit to do ______________________ be fit for sth /doing sth ___________________

  11 bite __________(did)_______________(done) 12 swim by ____________________

  13 result in ______________

  result from ________________ 13 death ________ v_________ adj_______________

  14 reduce ___________________ 15 follow the suggestions __________

  16 over a long distance ____________________ 17 jewellery ___________________

  18 attract__________________ 19 avoid sth /doing sth ________________________

  20 keep calm _________________ 21 frightened ______________ v ________________

  22 roll up ___________________

  23 reach into ___________________________

  24 attach sth to ___________________

  25 immediately _____________________

  26 in time ________________ on time _______________27 a sense of direction _____________

  28 ancient times ___________________ 29 employ _____________ (n)____________________

  30 win some inportant victories ______________________ 31 sense of smell ______________

  32 get lost ____________________ 33 front lines _______________ appear to do _________

  Language points and sentense patterns :

  1 Contray to what many people might assume , evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans .(L11)___________________________________________________________________

  Contray to what many people might assume 充当___________________

  变式: Enthusiasm is ________________ it takes to do everything successfully .

  2 give 归纳

  give away _______________ give up _______________ give out __________________

  give off ________________ give in(to sb )___________________

  We will not_________ to blackmail.

  She likes to__________ presents

  Fireflies _____________ light as they fly.

  Do not _______________ my secret.

  The Public Relation people ________________100, 000 balloons.

  Never______________ your dream.

  Chemical changes that __________ energy.

  3 set 归纳

  set off______________ set out to do _____________ set about doing _______________

  set out _________________set aside ____________ set off _______________

  be set in _______________ set foot in

  __________ set forth ______________

  She _______________ in the early morning.

  The story ___________________ Shanghai in the 1920s .

  She_________________ writing the report.

  We should ______________ enough grain.

  What he said _________________ roars of laughing

  The ruby __________________ the diamond

  The fire alarm was accidentally ________________.

  He likes to ____________ firecrackers during Diwali

  4 you are 30 times more likely to hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark .(L56)_____________________________________________________________

  Sb is likely to do sth

  It is possible (for sb ) to do sth



  it is


  that 。。。。。



  5 the soldiers are asleep while a guard watches for the enemy .(L1 p19)


  We kept silent while he was speaking_________________________

  I was busy doing my homework while he was devoted to playing computer .___________

  6 Attaching the message to its leg ,he sets the bird loose .(L8 P19)

  Attaching the message to its leg 充当__________________________

  attach to 附在,贴在,attach importance to 对...重视


  7 That’s why pigeons have been used since ancient times to carry the news or even the mail .(L14P19) ________________________________________________________

  Why 引导表语从句,“那就是....的原因”


  8 However ,it was in war that they found their greatest use .____________句型





  I want to know ______________________ that they seperated .

  Awhere was it

  B it was where

  C was it where

  D where it was

  9 How this compass works remains a mystery .(L21 P19 )

  Remian vi. 留下;逗留

  A few pears remain on the trees. 树上尚留有几颗梨子。

  She remained in her office all afternoon. 她整个下午没有离开办公室。


  保持,仍是 +adj /n

  This room remains cool all summer. 这个房间整个夏天保持凉爽。

  How to improve their working conditions remain a problem .___________________

  Sth remain to do / be done 留待,尚待[+to-v] Several problems remain to be solved. 有好几个问题尚待解决。

  It remain to be done whether ..... 有待被...


  10 During both World War,pigeons were employed by arnies to carry messages to and from the front lines, saving the lives of many soldiers and even helping win some important victories .(L18P19) 现在分词做伴随状态。

  1)___________(sleep) at home last night, I heard a knock at my door.

  2)The teacher came in the classroom,_____________ (hand)a book in his hand.

  3) He scored 100, _____________(make) him the best student.

  4)He was a great realist,

  ordinary men and women in their misfortunes


  M 3 Unit 1 project language points


  Important phrases:

  1 nearly (almost):几乎

  和mostly区别: 大部分

  2 attack:袭击

  3 probably:可能地

  4be known to:为..所知

  be known for:因为..而闻名

  be known as: 作为...而闻名

  5 other 和another 的区别:other 是两者间另一个another 是三者或三者以上另一个

  6 be contray to:和..相反

  7 assume :假象,假设

  8 mistake sb for sth :把...错当成 9 give up:放弃

  10 be fit to do适合做 be fit for sth /doing sth胜任做...

  11 bite (did):bit (done): bitten

  12 swim by游过

  13 result in导致

  result from 由于 13 death

  v:die adj:dead

  14 reduce 下降 15 follow the suggestions 遵循以下建议

  16 over a long distance 从很远的距离17 jewellery珠宝总称

  18 attrac吸引 19 avoid sth /doing sth避免

  20 keep calm保持冷静21 frightened恐惧的v:frighten

  22 roll up 卷起来 23 reach into 伸手拿

  24 attach sth to 附在,贴在 25 immediately立即

  26 in time 及时 on time准时27 a sense of direction方向感

  28 ancient times 故时代29 employ雇佣 (n):employment

  30 win some important victories 获得重大胜利 31 sense of smell 嗅觉

  32 get lost 迷路 33 front lines 前线 appear to do 似乎做

  Language points and sentense patterns :

  1 Contray to what many people might assume , evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans .(L11)和许多人认为的相反,证据显示鲨鱼极少攻击人类

  Contray to what many people might assume 充当状语

  变式: Enthusiasm iswhat it takes to do everything successfully .

  2 give 归纳

  give away 泄露,出卖,暴露,捐赠 give up放弃give out 分发,发出(气味,guang热)用完give off 发出 give in(to sb )向...屈服

  We will not give in to blackmail.

  She likes to give out


  Fireflies give out

  light as they fly.

  Do not give away my secret.

  The Public Relation people give away 100, 000 balloons.

  Never give up

  your dream.

  Chemical changes that give off energy.

  3 set 归纳

  set off出发,引爆,引起, 使..响起,烘托 set out to do 开始做set about doing 开始做

  set out 出发set aside把..放在一边,储存be set in以..为背景set foot in 踏上 set forth 提出,阐明

  She set off

  in the early morning.

  The storywas set in Shanghai in the 1920s .

  She set about writing the report.

  We should set aside

  enough grain.

  What he said set off

  roars of laughing

  The rubyset off

  the diamond

  The fire alarm was accidentally set off _.

  He likes to set off firecrackers during Diwali

  4 you are 30 times more likely to hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark .(L56)你被闪电击中的几率要比受到鲨鱼袭击的几率大三十倍

  Sb is likely to do sth

  It is possible (for sb ) to do sth



  it is


  that 。。。。。


  他很有可能被重点大学录取的。He is likey to be admitted to a key university .

  5 the soldiers are asleep while a guard watches for the enemy .(L1 p19)

  除了一名士兵在站岗放哨, 所有士兵都在梦乡。

  We kept silent while he was speaking他说话的时候我们要保持安静

  I was busy doing my homework while he was devoted to playing computer .我忙着做作业而他去专心打游戏

  6 Attaching the message to its leg ,he sets the bird loose .(L8 P19)

  Attaching the message to its leg 充当状语_

  attach to 附在,贴在,attach importance to 对...重视

  政府应该重视改善人民生活The government should attach great importance to improving people’s living conditions .

  7 That’s why pigeons have been used since ancient times to carry the news or even the mail .(L14P19) 那就是为什么鸽子自古以来就被用于携带消息甚至邮件

  Why 引导表语从句,“那就是....的原因”

  那就是我不肯原谅她的原因that’s why i am unwilling to forgive him .

  8 However ,it was in war that they found their greatest use .强调句型

  句子结构:_it is /was +被强调部分+that +其余成分_

  疑问句结构is/was it + 被强调部分+that + 其余成分

  特殊疑问句结构_特殊疑问词+is /was that + 其余成分

  是在什么时候他们讨论这个问题的when was it that they disscussed the problem .

  I want to know D

  that they seperated .

  Awhere was it

  B it was where

  C was it where

  D where it was

  9 How this compass works remains a mystery .(L21 P19 )

  Remian vi. 留下;逗留

  A few pears remain on the trees. 树上尚留有几颗梨子。

  She remained in her office all afternoon. 她整个下午没有离开办公室。


  保持,仍是 +adj /n

  This room remains cool all summer. 这个房间整个夏天保持凉爽。

  How to improve their working conditions remain a problem .怎样改善他们的工作条件仍是问题

  Sth remain to do / be done 留待,尚待[+to-v] Several problems remain to be solved. 有好几个问题尚待解决。

  It remain to be done whether ..... 有待被...

  这些老年夫妻是否喜欢这次旅行还有待观察。It remains to be seen whether the old couples will like the trip .

  10 During both World War,pigeons were employed by arnies to carry messages to and from the front lines, saving the lives of many soldiers and even helping win some important victories .(L18P19) 现在分词做伴随状态。

  1)(sleep) at home last night, I heard a knock at my door.

  2)The teacher came in the classroom, (hand)a book in his hand.

  3) He scored 100, making (make) him the best student.

  4)He was a great realist,writing (write) ordinary men and women in their misfortunes


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