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发布时间:2017-01-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  2016高考训练题。阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I used to think of myself as a fairly open person, but my bookshelves told a different story. Apart from a few Indian novels and the Australian and South African book, my literature collection consisted of British and American titles. Worse still, I hardly ever read anything in translation. My reading was limited to stories by English-speaking authors.

  So, at the start of 2016, I set myself the challenge of trying to read a book from every country in a year to find out what I was missing. As I was unlikely to find publications from nearly 200 nations on the shelves of my local bookshop, I decided to ask the planet’s readers for help. I created a blog called A Year of Reading the World and put out an appeal for suggestions of titles that I could read in English.

  The response was amazing. Before I knew it, people all over the planet were getting in touch with ideas and offers of help. Some posted me books from their home countries. Others did hours of research on my behalf. In addition, several writers sent me unpublished translations of their novels, giving me a rare opportunity to read works otherwise unavailable to the 62% of the British who only speak English. Even so, selecting books was no easy task. With translations making up only around 4.5 percent of literary works published in the UK and Ireland, getting English versions (版本)of stories was difficult.

  But the effort was worth it. I found I was visiting the mental space of the storytellers. These stories not only opened my mind to the real life in other places, but opened my heart to the way people there might feel.

  And that in turn changed my thinking. Through reading the stories shared with me by bookish strangers around the globe, I realised I was not alone, but part of a network that spread all over the planet.

  1. Which of the following might be found on the blog A Year of Reading the World?

  A. Lists of English version books.

  B. Research on English literature.

  C. Unfinished novels by British writers.

  D. Comments on English literature.

  2. Why was it hard for the author to select the right books to read?

  A. The author had a busy schedule.

  B. The author was only interested in a few topics.

  C. The author could only read books written in English.

  D. Most books recommended are not available in local bookshops.

  3. The author is probably from_________.

  A. America

  B. the UK

  C. Australia

  D. Canada

  4. Which of the following words can best describe the author’s experience?

  A. fast and effortless

  B. challenging but rewarding

  C. hopeless but beneficial

  D. meaningful but fruitless

  参考答案1---4 ACBB


  Eating too much fatty food, exercising too little and smoking can raise your future risk of heart disease. But there is another factor that can cause your heart problems more immediately: the air you breathe.

  Previous studies have linked high exposure (暴露) to environmental pollution to an increased risk of heart problems, but two analyses now show that poor air quality can lead to heart attack or stroke (中风) within as little as a few hours after exposure. In one review of the research, scientists found that people exposed to high levels of pollutants (污染物) were up to 5% more likely to suffer a heart attack within days of exposure than those with lower exposure. A separate study of stroke patients showed that even air that the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers to be of “moderate” (良好) quality and relatively safe for our health can raise the risk of stroke as much as 34% within 12 to 14 hours of exposure.

  The authors of both studies stress that these risks are relatively small for healthy people and certainlymodest compared with other risk factors such as smoking and high blood pressure. However, it is important to be aware of these dangers because everyone is exposed to air pollution regardless of lifestyle choices. So stricter regulation by the EPA of pollutants may not only improve environmental air quality but could also become necessary to protect public health.

  1. The text mainly discusses the relationship between . 

  A. heart problems and air qualityB. heart problems and exercising

  C. heart problems and smoking D. heart problems and fatty food

  2. The underlined word“modest”in Paragraph 3 most probably means . 

  A. relatively highB. extremely low

  C. relatively lowD. extremely high

  3. What can we learn from the text?

  A. Eating fatty food has immediate effects on your heart.

  B. The EPA conducted many studies on air quality.

  C. Moderate air quality is more harmful than smoking.

  D. Stricter regulations on pollutants should be made.

  4. The author’s purpose of writing the text is most likely to . 

  A. informB. persuade  C. describe D. entertain



  The Maldives faces the threat of extinction from rising sea levels, but the government said on Thursday it was looking to the future with plans to build homes and a golf course that float.

  An increase in sea levels of just 18 to 59 centimeters would make the Maldives—a nation of tiny coral islands in the Indian Ocean—virtually uninhabitable by 2100, the UN’s climate change panel has warned.

  President Mohamed Nasheed has vowed a fight for survival, and last month he signed a deal with a Dutch company to study proposals for a floating structure that could support a conference centre, homes and an 18-hole golf course.

  “It is still early stages and we are awaiting a report on the practicality,” a government official who declined to be named said.

  The company, Dutch Docklands, is currently building floating developments in the Netherlands and Dubai. There was no immediate comment from the firm but its website said it undertook projects that make “land from water by providing large-scale floating constructions to create similar conditions as on land”.

  The Maldives began to work on an artificial island known as the Hulhumale near the crowded capital island of Male in 1997 and more than 30,000 people have been settled there to ease congestion. The city, which has a population of 100,000, is already protected from rising sea levels by a 30-million-dollar sea wall, and the government is considering increasingly imaginative ways to combat climate change.

  Nasheed, who staged the world’s first underwater cabinet meeting in October to highlight his people’s serious and difficult situation, has even spoken of buying land elsewhere in the world to enable Maldivians to relocate if their homes are completed covered.

  He has also promised to turn his nation into a model for the rest of the world by becoming “carbon neutral” by 2020. His plan involves ending fossil fuel use and powering all vehicles and buildings from “green” sources such as burning coconut husks.

  1. Why do you think Mohamed Nasheed chose Dutch Docklands?

  A. Because it has experience in building floating structure.

  B. Because it has a good fame throughout the world.

  C. Because it charged much less than other companies.

  D. Because it supports building floating structures in the world.

  2. The Hulhumale was built with the purpose of .

  A. attracting more visitors

  B. making it a new capital

  C. making the capital less crowded

  D. fighting against climate change

  3. According to the last two paragraphs, Nasheed is a person who .

  A. has succeeded in buying land abroad

  B. is more than well-known

  C. has thought more for his nation

  D. has stopped using fossil fuel

  4. The underlined word “vowed” in paragraph 3 can be replaced by .

  A. ended B. promised C. failed D. weighed




  PLAYA GRANDE, COSTA RICA? This resort town was long known for Leatherback Sea Turtle (棱皮龟) national Park, nightly turtle beach tours and even a sea turtle museum. However, on a beach where dozens of turtles used to nest on a given night, scientists spied only 32 leatherbacks all of last year.

  With leatherbacks threatened with extinction (灭绝), Playa Grande’s turtle museum was abandoned three years ago and now sits among a sea of weeds. And the beachside ticket office for turtle tours was washed away by a high tide in September. “We do not promote that as a turtle tourism destination any more because we realize there are far too few turtles to please,” said Alvaro Fonseca, a park ranger (管理员).

  Even before scientists found temperatures going up over the past decade, sea turtles were threatened by beach development, drift net fishing and Costa Ricans interest in eating turtle eggs. But climate change may cause the most serious harm to an animal that has lived in the Pacific for 150 million years.

  Sea turtles are sensitive to numerous effects of warming. They feed on reefs, which are dying in hotter seas. They lay eggs on beaches that are being covered by rising seas and more violent waves.

  More uniquely their gender (性别) is determined, not by genes but by the egg’s temperature during development. Small rises in beach temperatures can result in ail-female populations, obviously problematic for survival. If the sand around the eggs hits 30 degrees Celsius, the gender balance shits to females: at about 32 degrees they are all female. Above 34, you get boiled eggs.

  On some nesting beaches, scientists are artificially cooling nests with shade or irrigation and trying to protect broader areas of coastal property from development to ensure that turtles have a place to nest as the seas rise.

  1. Why does the resort town stop promoting it’s turtle tourism?

  A. It decides not to disturb the turtles’ normal life.

  B. Tourists have lost interest in watching turtles.

  C. There are only very few turtles now.

  D. The turtle museum was destroyed by a high tide.

  2. Which of the following is the major factor in the turtles endangerment?

  A. The locals eating habit. B. Drift net fishing.

  C. Beach development. D. Global warming.

  3. We learn from the last paragraph that scientists .

  A. are doing research on the sea rise

  B. are moving turtles to new homes

  C. are protecting turtles’ nests

  D. are getting rid of sea weeds

  4. The passage intends to .

  A. introduce a special kind of sea turtle

  B. explain the mystery of turtles’ eggs

  C. show the dangers a certain kind of turtle is facing

  D. attract more visitors to a sea turtle museum


  2016高考训练题。阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。My oldest child, Emma, just returned to campus after a long holiday break to finish up her last period of college. These days, friends and family have begun flooding me with one question: What is she going to do after graduation?

  The job market is, after all, awfully tough. Just this month the Federal Reserve Bank published a study showing that “recent graduates are increasingly working in low-paid jobs or working part-time.” The bright spot, according to the study, is for students who majored(主修) in STEM — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — areas in which recent graduates “have tended to do relatively well”.

  But Emma is a student of the humanities(人文) at a small college. She’s an American Studies major with a focus on the politics and culture of food. For quite a while, I think her field of study is so fashionable right now that I抦 not the least bit worried s

  he will find a good job. Yet the more I’ve thought about it, the more I’ve decided to be honest. “I’m not sure what Emma is going to do,” I now say. “But she’s gotten a great education and has really found her interest. — and I know those things will serve her well over the course of her life.”

  Nowadays, more and more universities and colleges are being measured by the salaries of their recent graduates. In this climate, encouraging your kid to study the humanities, seems, at best, unwise or, at worst, unconcerned with earning a living. But a college is not a vocational(职业) school. And promoting STEM subjects should not be society抯 only answer to helping the next generation grow in a competitive world.

  gFrom the beginning, we never urged Emma to pick a college or a major with an eye on its expected return on money, as more and more families are doing. To Emma, what really matters will be something that we may not be able to measure for quite a long time: Emma’s contribution to the world and how happy she is in it.

  1. The author’s friends and family_________.

  A. are worried about Emma’s safety

  B. have been worrying about the flood

  C. are concerned about Emma’s future

  D. are worried about the job market

  2. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

  A. The number of the graduates is increasing.

  B. STEM graduates can be better employees.

  C. STEM graduates are in relatively greater demand.

  D. More and more graduates like to do a part-time job.

  3. Why did Emma choose a major in the humanities?

  A. Because she is interested in it.

  B. Because her mother told her to.

  C. Because it is increasingly popular.

  D. Because she wants further education.

  4. According to the author, what matters most in choosing a major is that_________.

  A. it should be among the STEM

  B. it should be fashionable and interesting

  C. it should allow a good job and a high salary

  D. it should bring achievements and happiness

  参考答案1—4、 CCAD


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