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发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【答案】 ①competed in  ②compete for  ③to compete with/against  ④compete with Tom in 15. concentrate v. ①[I]聚精会神,专注[同focus] ②[T]集中,聚集 【练习】完成句子 ①我饿了就无法集中精力。 I ___________________________ when I'm hungry.

  ②你应该专心于你的工作。 You should ___________________________.

  ③你应该集中精力通过这次考试。 You should ___________________________ the exam.

  【答案】 ①can‘t concentrate  ②concentrate on your work  ③concentrate your efforts/attention on passing 16. concern v. ①[T]和……有关,涉及 ②[T]使担心,使忧虑 n. ①[C]关心的事,重要的事 ②[U](有时可加a)担心,忧虑;关心,关怀 ③[C/U]关系,关联 【练习】英译汉/完成句子 ①The matter concerns your brother.

  ___________________________ ②你说的与我们关心的没有关系。 What you have said is not related to what we ___________________________ now. ③在我看来,现在做改变已经太晚了。 _________________________, it is too late to change.

  ④忧心忡忡的家长们都为孩子们的安全担忧。 The ________ parents ________ the children's safety.

  ⑤周围的环境受到严重污染,这令我们深感忧虑。 ___________________________ us deeply ________ the environment around has been heavily polluted.

  【答案】 ①这件事与你兄弟有关。 ②are concerned with  ③As/So far as I am concerned  ④concerned; are all concerned for ⑤It concerns; that 17. conclude v. ①[T]推断出,断定 ②[I/T]结束(=end) 【练习】 完成句子 ①你从这些观察中能得出什么结论? ___________________________ these observations?

  ②他讲话结束时,祝大家新年愉快。 He concluded (his speech) ________ everybody a happy new year.

  ③我将以这句话结束我的文章。 I will ___________________________ the sentence.

  ④警方认为他是这桩凶杀案的罪犯。 The police ________ the conclusion ________ he was the criminal of the murder. 【答案】 ①What can you conclude from  ②by wishing ③conclude my article with  ④came to/arrived at; that 【答案】 ①她喜欢艰巨的工作。 ②这是一项富有挑战性且回报丰厚的工作。 ③challenged; to 6. charge v. ①[I/T]要价,收费 ②[T]控告,指控 ③[T]给……充电 n. ①[C]费用,价钱 ②[U]指控,控告 ③[U]掌管,负责 【练习】 完成句子 ①他被指控盗窃。 He ___________________________.

  ②修理这辆自行车要多少钱? How much do you ______________________ the bike?

  ③我的手机正在充电。我能用你的吗? My cellphone ___________________. May I use yours?

  ④你可以免费看这部电影。 You can see the film _____________________.

  ⑤玛丽负责照看这些孩子。 Mary is __________________________ the children.

  = The children are ____________________________. ⑥你负责做沙拉。 You're ____________________________ the salad.

  ⑦老板不在期间由我负责管理公司。 I will take ___________________________ during the boss' absence.

  【答案】 ①was charged with stealing/theft  ②charge (me) for repairing  ③is being charged  ④free of charge ⑤in charge of; in/under the charge of Mary/in Mary‘s charge  ⑥in charge of making  ⑦charge of the company 7. check v. [T] ①检查,核对 ②查看,查明 n. ①检查,核对 ②支票(【英】 cheque) 【练习】完成句子 ①请至少在飞机起飞前一小时办理登记手续。 Please ____________ at least an hour before departure.

  ②那时我们已结账离开了宾馆。 Then we ____________ of the hotel.

  【答案】 ①check in  ②have checked out

  【练习】 用check, examine, test, inspect的适当形式填空/单项选择 ③He ________ the computer but found nothing wrong.

  ④The Queen accompanied President Hu Jintao in ________ a Guard of Honour (仪仗队).

  ⑤________ your homework before you hand it in.

  ⑥This product is not ________ on animals. ⑦— Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it?

  — Oh, really! I haven't ________ my mailbox yet.

  A. examined

  B. reviewed

  C. tested

  D. checked 【答案】 ③examined ④inspecting  ⑤Check  ⑥tested  ⑦D 8. circumstance n. [C, 常用复数] 情况,情形,环境 【练习】 完成句子 ①在目前情况下,我们不得不推迟讨论这个问题。 _____________________, we have to delay discussing this subject.

  ②无论如何我都不会去。 _______________________________________________________________________.

  【答案】 ①Under/In the present circumstances  ②Under/In no circumstances will I go 9. claim v. ①[T]声称,断言 ②[I/T](根据权利)要求,索取,索赔,认领 n. ①[C]声称,主张,断言 ②[C](依据权利提出的)要求,索赔 【练习】 完成句子 ①他声称已发现了治疗这种病的一种药物。 He ________________________ a cure for the disease.

  ②货物如有损坏,可以要求索赔。 You can _________________ if the goods are damaged.

  ③谁丢了包,请到广播站来认领。 Anyone who lost a bag please come to the radio station ________________. 【答案】 ①claimed to have discovered  ②claim your money back  ③to claim 10. combine v.[I/T]结合,联合,合并 n.

  ①[C]联合企业 ②[C]联合收割机 【练习】英译汉/完成句子 ①Let's combine our efforts.

  ___________________________ ②The two companies combined to make a large one.

  __________________________ ③这部影片寓教于乐。 The film _________________________.

  【答案】 ①我们一起努力吧! ②这两家公司合并成一家大公司。 ③combines education with recreation 11. come v. ①[I]来,来到[反go]

  【练习】完成句子/英译汉 ①刚才出了一起车祸。 A car accident came ________ just now.

  ②你怎么会迟到一个小时呢? How did ________ come about ________ you were an hour late?

  ③我在一本杂志上偶然发现了那篇文章。 I ________ the article in a magazine.

  ④我妹妹也一起来参加聚会,好吗? May my sister come ________ to the party as well?

  ⑤当我看到这照片,美好的回忆又再度浮现。 When I saw the picture, happy memories came ________.

  ⑥作家的新书刚出版。 The author's new book just came ________.

  ⑦他们达成了一致意见。 They came ________ an agreement.

  ⑧I'm just coming to that.


  ⑨我猛然间想起了这首歌的歌词。 Suddenly the words of the song came ________ me.

  ⑩我突然想起我今天有一个约会。 ________ suddenly came ________ me ________ I had an appointment today.

  ⑪我提出了些新的想法。 I ___________________________ some new ideas.

  ⑫他追上了我并交给我一封信。 He ________________________ and gave me a letter.

  【答案】 ①about ②it; that  ③came across ④along ⑤back ⑥out  ⑦to ⑧我正要讲到这一点。 ⑨to ⑩It; to; that  ⑪came up with ⑫came up with me 12. common adj. ①普通的,常见的,一般的,平常的 ②共同的,共有的,公共的 【练习】完成句子 ①和许多年轻人一样,他喜欢流行音乐。 ____________________________, he likes pop music.

  ②在中学时,我与其他的孩子不太一样。 I don't ______________ the other kids in high school.

  ③现在,年轻夫妇申请贷款购房很普遍。 Now,____________________________ to apply for a loan to buy houses.

  【解析】 ①In common with many young people  ②have much in common with  ③it is common for young couples 

  【练习】 用common, ordinary, general, usual, normal填空/单项选择 ④When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above ________. ⑤Mobile phones are very ________ today even in the countryside.

  ⑥Skim the passage and tell the ________ idea of it.

  ⑦I plan to meet you at the ________ place.

  ⑧According to yesterday's newspaper, a(n) ________ family of city residents in this country owns about 80,000 yuan in the banks.

  A. general

  B. common

  C. average

  D. usual 【解析】 ④normal ⑤common  ⑥general ⑦usual ⑧C an average family of city residents 城市的一个普通家庭。 13. compare v. ①[T/I]比较 ②[T]把……比作 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①将这个与那个比较一下,你就会知道哪个比较好了。 ________ this ________ that, and you will see which is better. =________ this ________ that, you will see which is better. ②教师常被比作蜡烛。 A teacher ___________________________ a candle. ③和许多同龄女孩相比,你是幸运的。 _______________________ of your age, you are lucky. ④Recently a survey ________ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.

  A. compared

  B. comparing 

  C. compares 

  D. being compared 【解析】 ①Compare; with; Comparing; with  ②is often compared to  ③Compared with/to many girls ④B 句意:最近,一项对两家超市的同样商品的价格进行比较的调查在市民中引起了激烈的争论。survey与compare在逻辑上存在主谓关系,因此使用comparing。comparing prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets在句中作后置定语,修饰survey。 14. compete v.[I]比赛,竞争 【练习】 完成句子 ①5个孩子参加了赛跑。 Five children ____________ the race.

  ②将有10个队角逐这块金牌。 Ten teams will ____________ the gold medal.

  ③这家公司太小,不能与大公司抗衡。 The firm is too small ____________________ large ones.

  ④你将和汤姆比赛游泳吗? Will you _______________________ the swimming race?

  2016英语高考高频词汇精选C(一) 1. care v. ①[I/T]介意,关心,关注 ②[I]照顾,照料 n. ①[U]担心,烦恼 ②[U]照料,护理 ③[U]注意,小心[同attention; caution] 【练习】 完成句子 ①注意不要把这婴儿吵醒了。 __________________ that you don't wake the baby.

  ②她在照料我的婴儿。 She is ___________________________ my baby.

  ③只要你答应把我的照相机保管好就可以借去用。 You can borrow my camera if you promise to________________________________ it. 【答案】 ①Take care  ②taking care of  ③take good care of 【练习】 用about, for填空 ④Einstein who cared little ________ money never cared ________ his salary.

  ⑤Would you care ________ some coffee? 【答案】 ④for; about  ⑤for 2. case n. ①[C]情况,状况 ②[C](加the)事实,实情 ③[C]病例,患者 ④[C]案件,诉讼 ⑤[C]箱(子),盒(子) 【练习】写出①—④句中case的词义/完成句子 ①If this is the case, I must let him know it. _____________________________________________ ②The police are investigating the murder case. _____________________________________________ ③She dragged the heavy case up the stairs. _____________________________________________ ④They'll operate on the more serious cases right away. _____________________________________________ ⑤你最好带上雨伞以防下雨。 You had better take an umbrella ___________________.

  =You had better take an umbrella _________________. ⑥如果他来,告诉我一声。 ___________________________, let me know it. ⑦我根本没有注意到他早离开了。 In no case ______________________ that he left early. 【答案】 ①事实/实情  ②案件  ③手提箱  ④患者/病人  ⑤in case it rains; in case of rain  ⑥In case he comes/In case of his coming  ⑦have I noticed 3. catch v.[T] ①抓住,接住 ②赶上,搭上(车、船等)[反miss] ③理解,听懂[同understand; follow] ④感染(疾病) ⑤撞上,偶然发现 ⑥吸引,引起(注意等) 【练习】完成句子/英译汉/单项选择 ①老师捉住他考试舞弊。 The teacher caught him ________ in the exam. [被动语态] He ___________________________. ②要是你耽误很多课,你会很难赶上的。 If you miss a lot of lessons, it's very difficult _____________________________________________. ③At rush hour we are often caught in traffic. _____________________________________________ ④The painting on the wall caught my eye. _____________________________________________ ⑤I didn't catch what you said. _____________________________________________ ⑥The owner scolded the girl caught ________ flowers in his garden and let her off.

  A. picking

  B. to pick

  C. to have picked

  D. to be picking 【答案】 ①cheating; was caught cheating in the exam  ②to catch up ③在交通高峰时间我们经常遇到堵车。

  ④墙上的画吸引了我。 ⑤我没听懂你说的话。 ⑥A 该题考查catch sb. doing sth.这一结构,其被动形式为sb. be caught doing sth.。该句中caught是过去分词作后置定语,修饰the girl,相当于who was caught stealing。 【练习】 用catch up with或keep up with填空 ⑦别跑了,我赶不上你了。 Don't run — I can't ________________________ you.

  ⑧为了跟上那些优秀学生,我们得努力学习了。 We have to work hard to _________ those excellent students.

  【答案】 ⑦catch up with ⑧keep/catch up with 4. certain adj. ①(作表语)确信的,肯定的,有把握的[同sure; 反uncertain] ②(作定语)(不指明的或不说出的)某个,某些[同some] 【练习】完成句子 ①他确信会成功。 He ___________________________ success.

  ②我们队有把握赢。 Our team is certain of winning. =Our team ________________________ we will win. ③如果你这样做一定会被发现。 If you do this, you ___________________ be found out.

  ④出门时一定要确保把门锁上。 _______________ the door is locked when you go out.

  ⑤我不敢肯定他什么时候来。 I can't say _____________________ when he will come. 【答案】 ①is certain/sure of  ②is certain/sure (that) ③are certain/sure to  ④Make certain/sure (that) ⑤for certain/sure 


  用certain或sure填空 ⑥It is ________ that he'll come.

  ⑦I feel it ________ that he'll come.

  ⑧He's ________ to come.

  ⑨Be ________ to come.

  【答案】 ⑥certain  ⑦certain  ⑧certain /sure  ⑨sure

  5. challenge v.[T]向……挑战 n. [C]挑战,艰巨任务 【练习】英译汉/完成句子 ①She likes her job to be a challenge. _____________________________________________ ②This is a challenging and rewarding job.

  _____________________________________________ ③女孩们邀请男孩子进行足球比赛。 The girls ________ the boys ________ a football match.


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