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发布时间:2016-12-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


      记叙文是以叙述人物的经历或事物的发展变化过程为主的一种文体,是写作训练中最普遍、最基本的一种文体。记叙文要求学生根据所给情景,组织语言材料,编写成文。一般说来记叙文有时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和结果六要素,写作时要表达清楚。记人时,要注意介绍人物的身世、经历和事迹等;叙事时要描写事情发生和发展的过程及前因后果等。 【写作点拨】     叙事类记叙文以叙述事件为主,突出事件发生、发展和解决的过程。在写这类记叙文时要做到:     1. 重组材料,确定要点。叙事类记叙文写作前要进行立意、构思和选材等一系列过程,高考中的书面表达一般为控制性写作,通常会提供短文的主题和写作内容,考生要对提供的材料进行再加工,确定写作的顺序、要点和重点,拟定使用的句型和词组。     2. 结构完整、前后呼应。写记叙文必须有头有尾,一般来说,记叙时要把与一件事有关的六要素都交代清楚。文章的主题和内容要一致,文章的结尾与开头要呼应。     3. 人称统一、线索明确。记叙文可用“你、我、他”三种人称,但如果题目要求你使用某种人称,则必须遵循要求;叙事类记叙文一般按照事件发展的前后顺序进行叙述。 【常见问题】     1. 要点不全。要点是否齐全通常决定文章的档次。书面表达要上档次,要点齐全是关键。要点提示类书面表达一般不会出现这样的问题,看图作文则常会由于学生观察不细心等原因遗漏要点。     2. 线索不清。有些短文条理混乱,主要原因是没有确定好写作线索。叙事类文章一般按时间顺序来写。     3. 时态不明。叙事时时态混乱是学生常犯的错误之一。叙事类记叙文所记的一般是过去发生的事,原则上用过去时,有时也用现在时。     4. 主次不分。有些同学写作时平均用力,面面俱到,写出来的东西主题不突出,显得呆板乏味。 【佳作赏析】  请根据下面的要点叙述一次看马戏的经历。     1. 期中考试后放了三天假,我看了一场马戏。     2.   表演非常精彩。有小狗表演,独轮车表演等。最刺激的节目是走钢丝。一个男演       员手里拿着一根平衡杠,头上坐着一个女孩,肩上的钢杠上还挑着两个女孩。当他       小心翼翼走过钢丝的时候,观众报以热烈的掌声。

      3. 马戏是一种力与美结合的艺术。通过这次表演,我体会到了中国马戏艺术的博大精        深。 参考词汇:马戏表演circus show   刺激的thrilling        钢丝tightrope       平衡杆balancing pole    钢杆steel bar

       Watching a circus show   I had a three-day holiday after the mid-term examination, so I decided to relax myself by watching a circus show.   A girl appeared on the stage. She rode a one-wheel bike on a small table with a lot of flowers on it. She didn’t knock down even one flower. Some little dogs also did a good job. The four little dogs did some amusing tricks and one of them could calculate the number! How clever they were!   The most thrilling program was to see a young man walking on a tightrope. He stood on the very thin rope with a balancing pole on his hands. On his head sat a little girl. Another two girls sat on the ends of a steel bar on his shoulder. The young man took his first step with great care. The rope held. One step! Two, three.... Every viewer held his breath. All the people were anxious about his safety, because the young actor didn’t fasten a safety belt. Any little carelessness could cost his life! At last he succeeded in walking across the 8-meter-long tightrope.   The performance lasted about two hours. I had a good time at the show.   The circus is the art of combination of strength and beauty. The Chinese circus is so cool!

      小作者叙述了一次看马戏的经历。文章以时间为线索,叙述清楚,详略得当,层次分明,描写生动,过渡自然,显示了作者相当扎实的语言功底。在文章最后,小作者还谈了自己的感想,深化了主题。难能可贵的是小作者使用了较多的高级表达方式,使文章增彩不少。如:复合形容词(onewheel, 8-meter-long),with复合结构(with a balancing pole on his hands),倒装句(On his head sat a little girl),感叹句(How clever they were!)等。 【巩固训练】    假定你在开学的第一周参加了军训,请按下面的提示用英语叙述你军训第一天的情况。    1. 当起床铃响起的时候,我还在睡梦之中。我迅速起床,穿好衣服,匆忙赶往操场。教官要求我们在五分钟内完成准备动作。    2. 教官对我们要求非常严格。一个动作要反复操练一直到他满意为止,但休息时,他和我们一起唱歌、跳舞、讲故事。我们相处得非常融洽。    3. 训练非常艰苦。太阳很毒,我全身都湿透了,但我们还得继续训练。其中还有位同学晕倒了。    4. 军训既增强了我们的体质,也磨练了我们克服困难的意志。 注意: 1. 词数: 100-150左右       2. 参考词汇: 军训 military training 教官 drillmaster         (参考答案) Key1:

                     The first day of the military training

    Yesterday was the first day of the military training. I was dreaming when the bell for getting up rang. The moment I heard the bell, I rose immediately, dressed quickly and then rushed to the playground. The drillmaster asked us to finish preparations within only five minutes.   The drillmaster was very strict with us. We had to drill an action again and again until he was satisfied. At break time, he joined us in singing, dancing and telling stories. We were getting along very well.  The sun was so strong that my clothes were all wet. But we still went on drilling. One of my classmates fell to the ground in a faint.    The life of the military training is very hard, but I think it is meaningful. Not only does it build up our bodies, it also strengthens our determination to overcome difficulties.






  参考词汇:北极熊polar bear;企鹅penguin





  From the picture we can see a polar bear sitting on a small piece of ice with a penguin on its head.It shows that our environment is worsening day by day and some wild animals are in great danger.

  In recent years,with the development of science and technology,the Earth is faced with a variety of environmental problems,including global warming.As a result,many animals have lost their natural habitat.

  I think it is time that we took effective measures to protect the environment.We should avoid using fossil fuel to reduce green house gas,and we can plant more trees to take in carbon dioxide.











  English Teacher Wanted





  English Teacher Wanted

  Xinhua Middle School plans to invite a foreigner to work as a teacher of English.The applicant should be a native speaker of English and has graduated from university.He or she should be healthy physically and mentally,with great ability to communicate with students.Teaching experience is preferred.He or she has to work 5 days a week.

  Xinhua Middle School lies near the center of the city,so the traffic is very convenient.There is an apartment for foreign teachers to live in.

  If you are interested,please contact Mr Li at Mrli2011@sohu.com before the end of August,2012.The salary can be discussed during the interview.




  (1)表示增加的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,again,on top ofthat,another,first second third等。

  (2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,lat er,immediately,soon,next,in afew days,gradually,suddenly,finally等。(3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(from),in frontof,behind,beside,beyond,above,below,tothe right left,around,outside等。

  (4)表示比较的过渡词:in thesameway,justlike,justas等。

  (5)表示对照的过渡词:but,still,yet,however,on theotherhand,onthecon trary,in spite of,even though等。

  (6)表示结 果 和 原 因 的 过 渡 词:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,then,thus,otherwise等。

  (7)表示目的的过渡词:forthisreason,forthispurpose,so that等。

  (8)表示强调的过渡词:in fact,indeed,surely,necessarily,certainly,withoutanydoubt,truly,torepeat,aboveall,mostimportant等。

  (9)表示解释说明的过渡词:forexample,in fact,in thiscase,foractually等。

  (10)表示总结的过渡词:finally,atlast,inconclusion,asIhaveshown,inoth erword,in brief,in short,in general,on the whole,ashasbeen stated等。





  45% 在家充分休息

  28% 学习英语,为上大学做准备

  15% 到外地旅游

  12% 其他




  One possible version:

  Recently a survey has been conducted among the students in Grade Three about what they will do during the 3-month holiday after the College Entrance Exam.Students have different decisions.

  About 45%of the surveyed students intend to rest at home.They want to relax

  thoroughly and get ready for college life.While 28%of them prefer to attend ErIglish classes for their future use.Meanwhile,15%of them choose to travel outside and the rest l2%say that they’d like to do other things.After all.it's really difficult to get such a long holiday again after tlley enter the college.

  Personally,1 will be a little sad if I get away from my dearest parents and relatives,so’d like to stay at home and spend more time witlI my families.. 为纪念汶川大地震三周年,某英文报发起关于灾区新貌的征文活动。请根据以下图片提示,以“Great Changes”为题,用英语写一篇短文应征。内容要点如下:








  Great Changes

  I am deeply impressed by the great changes that have taken place in the school over the past three years.

  laboratory buildings, and a library. There is also a newly-built standard playground. In the new environment, teachers and students are living happily and working hard. It is really amazing that the once-mined place has now been turned into a beautiful school, full of life.

  Obviously, without the help of the whole society, there would be no new school today. It is love and concern that have brought about the great changes. Many hands make light work. We can work wonders if we unite as a family, caring for each other and helping those in need. Union is strength.



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