alternate a.交换的,轮流的;间隔的 vt./vi.交换, 轮流
The fashionable style designed by the famous designer has some alternate stripes of blue and white which made the fashion quite special.由这位著名服装设计师设计的新潮时装上有蓝白相间的条纹,这正是其与众不同的独特之处.
The two candidates for the presidency will alternate in giving their respective election speeches on TV.两位总统候选人将会在电视上轮番进行竞选演说.
assurance n.把握,信心;保证,表示保证的话;保险
During the interview, I answered all the questions raised by the interviewer with assurance.在面试的过程中,我信心十足地回答了面试人提出的所有问题.
Despite my friends repeated assurance before the interview,I was still very nervous.面试之前,虽然我的朋友说了很多鼓励的话,但我仍然十分紧张.
Coincide vi.同时发生;相符,相一致;位置重合,重叠
We can say that one is lucky if his vocation coincide with his avocation.如果一个人的职业刚好与他的爱好一致,那么我们就可以说他是非常幸运的
Comply vt.遵从,依从,服从
All the citizens must comply with the law.所有公民都必须遵守法律.
consolidate v.巩固,加强;联为一体,合并
The two banks will consolidate in July next year.这两家银行明年7月将合并.
Several small businesses consolidated to form a large powerful company.几家小企业合并成一家势力雄厚的大型公司.
Dazzle v.眩目,眼;使赞叹不已,使倾倒 n.耀眼的光;令人赞叹的东西
He was dazzled by his sudden success.突然的成功冲昏了他的头脑.
The diamond ring dazzled with brilliancy.这只钻石戒指闪耀夺目.
destructive a.破坏的,毁灭性的
Policies that are destructive to economic development should be abandoned.有碍经济发展的政策应该摈弃掉.
Distract vt.转移;使分心
The noise in the street distracted me from my reading.街上嘈杂声使我无法专心读书.
The school students were distracted by the wonderful world outside the classroom.教室外的精彩世界使学生们不能集中注意力.
expenditure n.经费,费用,支出额;花费,支出,消耗
All the departments are required to limit their expenditure to whats essential.每个部门都被要求限制在必要的开支上.
Flaw n.缺点,瑕疵,缺陷
Vanity is the great flaw in the character of many women.爱慕虚荣是很多女性性格中的重大缺陷.
Its a pity that the scar flawed her skin.很遗憾,这块疤痕在她皮肤上造成了缺陷.
Hatch vt.孵出,孵;策划,图谋 vi.孵出 n.舱门开口;孵化
Dont count the chickens before they are hatched. 鸡蛋还未孵,别忙数鸡雏.
What mischief are you hatching ?你们在搞什么鬼花样?
Ignite vt.点燃,引发 vi.着火
A lighted cigarette can ignite a big forest fire.一根点燃的香烟就可以引起森林大火.
His enthusiastic speech ignited the audience.他热情洋溢的演说让听众热血沸腾.
Indignant a.愤怒的,愤慨的,义愤的
All the Chinese people were indignant when learning that the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia had been bombed by NATO.当听说中国驻南联盟大使馆被北约轰炸时,全中国人民都感到无比愤慨.
instantaneous a.瞬间的,即刻的
Im looking forward to an instantaneous reply to this letter.本人翘首盼望对此信件的即刻答复.
Invalid n.病弱者,残疾者
Invalid a.无效的,无可靠根据的,站不住脚的
Unless it is signed,a cheque is invalid.支票除非签了字,否则是无效的.
The invalid is gathering strength.这位病弱者体力正在逐渐恢复.
Minimize vt.减少到最低限度;极力贬低,对做出最低估计
One of the effective measure to minimize the dangers of driving is to teach people to obey all the traffic rules.使发生车祸的机会减到最低的有效措施之一就是教育人们遵守一切交通规则.
Obscure a.不著名的,不重要的;费解的,模糊不清的; vt.使变模糊,掩盖
Jude,the Obscure is a masterpiece written by Thomas Hardy, one of the most famous English novelists.《无名的裘德》是哈代的代表作,哈代英国最著名的作家之一.
Ones success obscure his failures.一个人的成功使他的失败显得微不足道.
The moon was obscured by dark clouds.月亮被乌云遮住了.
participant n.参与者,参加者
Susan B. Anthony,the American champion of womans suffrage,was also a participant in the movement to end slavery.苏珊.比.安东尼是美国争取妇女参政的倡导者,也是废奴运动的参加者.
persuasion n.说服,劝说;信念,信仰
Parents are encouraged to rely on persuasion rather than punishment.鼓励父母们依靠说服的方法而不要靠惩罚.
Pretext n.借口,托辞
Dont always use a headache as a pretext for not going to school!不要老以头痛为借口不上学.
Propel vt.推进,推动;激励,驱使
The change in China is being propelled by the new economic upsurge.新经济的浪潮正把中国的变革推向前进.
refreshment n.茶点,点心;恢复,精神爽快
Ice cream is a good refreshment on a hot day.冰淇淋在热天是解暑提神的佳品.
Refreshments will be served after the meeting.会后有点心供应.
Revive vt.复苏 vi.恢复
The drooping plants revived in the rain.萎蔫的植物在雨中有恢复了生气.
Hot coffee revived me; I had been cold and tired.热咖啡使又冷又累的我恢复了精力.
Snatch vt.夺,夺走;一下子拉一把抓住;抓住机会做,抽空做 vi.一把抓住
Snatch n.片段
The thief snatched my handbag and ran off.小偷一把夺走我的手提包便逃之夭夭.
During the exam,I can only sleep in snatchs at night.考试期间,夜晚我只能睡一会儿觉.
subsidiary a.辅助的,次要的,附设的 n.子公司,附属机构
The question of finance is subsidiary to the question of whether the project will be approved.财务问题是这一项目是否获准的附带问题.
Tempt vt.吸引,引起的兴趣引诱,诱惑
The warm weather tempted us into going for a walk.暖和的天气吸引我们去散步.
transition n.过渡,转变
Women in menopausal disorders are subject to frequent transitions from high spirits to depression and anger.有更年期综合症的女人常是喜怒无常.有更年期综合症的女人常是喜怒无常.
Vicinity n.周围地区,邻近地区
The two restaurants in close vicinity compete violently.两家比邻餐厅竞争非常激烈.
vulnerable a.易受伤的,脆弱的;易受攻击的,难防御的
Young birds are very vulnerable to predators.幼小的鸟易受肉食动物的伤害.
Young people are vulnerable to the influences of radio and television.年轻人容易受广播和电视的影响.
Warrant n.授权令;理由,根据 vt.证明是正当的
The Constitution guarntees that private homes will not be searched without a warrant.宪法保证了没有搜查证,不得任意搜查私人家宅.
You had no warrant for doing that.你那样做毫无道理.
Warranty n.担保书,证书,保单
You can have a five- year-period warranty for the television you bought.你买的电视机有五年的保用期.
那些年 我们一起追的女孩
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