1. cavity洞 穴
Im afraid there wont be time to do aother tooth today, make sure you dont eat anything like steaks for the next few hours,and well fill the other cavity tomorrow.
All right. Actually, I must hurry to the library to return some books.
2. ceremony典礼 仪式
If the flag just display on such occasions, do not allow the flag to fall to the ground. But let it be carried high up in the air to form a feature of the ceremony.
3. cetainly必定 当然
Your dog certainly seems to know youre his master. Did you have to punish him very often when you trained him?
I found its better to praise him when you obeys and not to be so fussy when he makes mistakes.
4. challenge挑战 向挑战 对质疑
The assignment on physics is a real challenge, I dont think I can finish it on time all by myself.
Why dont we join in our feet together? It may be easier then.
5. chamber室 会所
The local chamber of commerce, which represents the industry in the area, hired me as a consultant to do a one-year study on fishing in the Biramichi river and write report for them.
6. champaign香槟酒
Ann, how much champaign did they drink?
A lot, it was more popular than mineral water.
7. champion冠军 捍卫者 拥护者
Though we didnt win the game, we were satisfied with our performance
You did a great job, you almost beat the world champion. It was a real surprise to many people.
8. championship锦标赛 冠军
His teams often won enough games to qualify for the final rounds, but
they almost aways lost in the finals. As a result, Wilt chamberlain became
determined to win one more championship before he retired.
9. chance可能性 机会 机遇
When dos the football team have the best chance to win the World Cup?
10. change 改变 变更 变化 零钱
Susan, Im going to change the light bulb above dining table, will you hold the ladder for me?
No problem. But be careful while youre up here.
Change the part of life, but rapid change, said scientist Georgy Woodwill, is the enemy of life.
11. character性格 特性 人物
Hollywood films generally have one thing in common conflict. The main character wants something very badly and will do anything to get it. The opponent tries to stop the main character from achieving the goal.
12. characteristic典型的 特性 特征
Sue accepted each assignment cheerfully, and when problems arose, she responded with his characteristic,No problem, I can handle it.
13. charge价钱 管理 指控
Mary is in charge of the art and music section, and charles the post page, what about you?
Im responsible for the editorials.
14. charity慈善 慈善团体
We need to let everyone know about the charity concert, but we dont have enough money for advertising.
How about using the school radio station? They broadcast free public service announcements.
15. check检查 支票 账单
I wonder whether it would be possible to change this double room to two single rooms.
Sorry, sir. All the single rooms are occupied. If you like I can check with imperial hotel to see if they have any.
Many people dislike walking into the banks, standing in long lines and
running out of checks. Theyre dissatisfied with the banks limited hours, too.
16. chemical化学的 化学制品
Low-till farming increases harvests and reduces water use, and this method reduced the need for chemical products. because they are few unwanted plants.
19. chief主要的 首要的 首领 长官
Once more than fifty hundred pairs of bald eagles nested across the country, but by 1960, that number had fallen below four hundred. the chief killer was the wildly used DDT.
20. choice选择 选择权
There was no real significance in the choice of lucky number.
21. choke窒息 呛
Enviromental scientist praises the teenages for removing garbage that can harm wildlife, waterbirds, for example, can choke on plastic bottle rings, and get cut by scrap metal.
22. choose选择 决定
Im looking for a department with a monthly rent to around 200 dollars in his neighborhood, can you give me some advice on that?
It is rather hard to find anything for less than 300 dollars around here. Rents are often lower in the suburbs. But you will need transportation if you choose live here.
23. circle圆圈 圈子 界
Graffidy is also a popular art form, graffiti pictures have gained respect in artistic circles.
24. circumstance环境 条件 境况
If in any circumstance, we feel that a physicians order is inappropriate or unsafte, we have the legal responsiblity to question that order or refuse to carry it out.
25. cite引用 引证
Why did the speaker cite the example of graffiti in the london underground?
26. cling紧紧抓住 黏着 坚持 墨守
The newcomers moved into the poorest neighborhoods of the larger cities, they tended to stay together and cling to their old ways.
27. clumsy笨拙 粗陋的
I just made a jar for jam this morning, and now I cant find it anywhere. Do you know what happenen to him?
Did you hear crash? That was it. Im just as clumsy as ever.
28. cognitive认知的 认知能力的
Language is a test case for human cognitive development.
29. collapse倒坍 塌下
Why did the highway in northern Califorlia collapse?
30. collect 收集 接 收
To collect the data for my report, I need to talk someone who knows that small city very well. I was told that you lived there for quite a long time.
Oh, I wish I could help, but I was only a child then.
31. collision碰撞 冲突 抵触
25 years ago, Ray Anderson, a single parent with a one-year-old son witnessed a terrible accident which took place when the driver of a truck ran a ren light and collided with the car of Sandra. The impact of coolision killed Sandra instantly.
32. combination结合 联合 化合
Oh, Dad you are wearing a black jacket but yellow trousers. Its the strangest combination Ive ever seen.
I know, I got up late and dress in a hurry, I didnt realize my mistake until I entered the office.
33. comeback恢复 复原
International health official have expressed fears at SARS may make a comeback later in the year, with the return of northern hemisphere winter.
34. comedy喜剧 戏剧性
Well, What do think of the movie?
I dont know why I let you talk me into going. I just dont like violence, next time youd better choose a comedy.
35. comment评论 意见 评论
Writing on walls is a way to comment the worlds we live in.
36. commerce商业 贸易
The local chamber of commerce, which represents the industries in the area, hired me as a consultant, to do a one-year study on fishing in the Biramichi river and write a report for them.
37. commit犯 干
Why are you so sure tha Ann didnt commit the crime.
She couldnt have commited that crime, because I was with her, and we were all out of town on that day.
38. committee委员会 全体委员
Was Robert elected to the committee?
Yes, In fact he was made chairman, but he only agreed to take the job if they let him have the final say.
39. common平常的 共同的 公共的
Experts say plants under climate stress will be very open to disease and fire, forests fire may become more common.
40. communicate交流 通讯 传达 传染
Sadly enough it was a really bad mistake, many people died as a result simply understanding.
Wow, thats a powerful lesson on how important it can be to accurately comminicate to each other.
41. community社区 社会 界
Id like to sign up for some voluntary work with the enviroment council, I hear it is a great way to connect with the community.
It sure is, but youll have to put in a lot of hours, So you scheduling your time.
42. companion伴侣 共事者
Most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their lives.
43. compare比较 把比作
Researchers compared good negotiators with another group of average negotiators, and found there was no difference in the time that two groups spent on planning their strategy.
44. comparison比较 比拟
A cash-and-carry market is by comparison much more capable of self-policing.
45. compatible兼容的 能和睦共处的
You dont need any Ethernet card with this modem which is compatible with windows desktop machines.
46. compensation补偿的款物 补偿
I have a complain to make, sir. I waited ten minites at the table before the waiter showed up, and when I finally got serviced I found it was not what I ordered.
Im terribly sorry, Madam. It has been unusually busy tonight, as a compensation, your meal will be free.
47. compete竞争 比赛
Banks are creating on-line services for several reasons. one reason is that banks must compete for customers who will switch to another bank if they dissatisfied with the service they received.
48. competition竞争 比赛
The universities are going to hold interesting competitons on computer programming, many of my friends have signed up for it, how about you/
Do you think I could ever win anything if I took part in it?
49. complaint抱怨 投诉
Your complaint will be acknowledged within one working day, and you will receive a full reply in 10 working days.
50. complete全部的 完成 结束
The serve was conducted by means of questionaire given to the student completely.
51. comprehensive广泛的 综合的 全面的
Its quite clear from my visit. This is a full size, comprehensive university, why is it still called a college?
The college of william and Mary is the second oldest institution of High learning in this country. We have nurtured great minds, like Thomas Jefferson and were proud of our name.
52. concentrate全神贯注 集中
The people next door are making so much noise, I just cant concentrate, Tom.
Why dont you stay at the library, its much quieter there.
53. concentration专心 集中 浓缩
Jim lawson said minor mental mistakes can be regarded as evidence of lack of concentration.
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