Exercise One
1. In the wifes eyes, his _____ to their marriagelife is far from perfect.
A) requirementB) commitmentC) participationD) reflection
2. In the event of SARS, some _____ it while others lost their courage to do anything about it.
A) came up toB) lived up toC) faced up toD) caught up to
3. Experts have _____ with some effective measures to prevent the disease from spreading.
A) caught upB) put upC) come upD) kept up
4. If people feel hopeless, they dont bother to _____ the skills they need to succeed.
A) requireB) inquireC) acquireD) enquire
5. As a result of his hard work, he has gained ______ to the Beijing University.
A) admissionB) commitmentC) opportunityD) reward
6. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly ____.
A) gapsB) lengthsC) distancesD) intervals
7. Only when one is______ of ones gettingbehind is one more likely to catch up.
A) criticalB) awareC) visualD) effective
8. He had a ____ look in his eyes. He must have been shocked.
A) emptyB) bareC) blankD) hollow
9. As an ideal _____ to the spread of SARS,this medicine is now in great demand.
A) barrierB) commitmentC) challengeD) access
10. When her business goes wrong, she tendsto _____ for advice.
A) get access toB) come acrossC) reach outD) speak up
11. The most important for us now is to _____what is to be done next.
A) allow ofB) reflect onC) feel likeD) remind of
12. American women were ____ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.
A) ignoredB) refusedC) neglectedD) denied
13. Good habits of living have proved to be ofmuch _____ to our health.
A) barrierB) benefitC) immunityD) commitment
14. The medicine the doctor gave me ____ my headache.
A) reducedB) improvedC) releasedD) relieved
15. As a _____ job, it requires much timeand commitment and persistence.
A) unwillingB) demandingC) embarrassingD) frustrating
16. The _____ to be better than others drives him to work harder than before.
A) uniquenessB) eagernessC) awarenessD) effectiveness
17. While studying he was financially dependent____ his wife.
A) onB) ofC) toD) from
18. Anyone that goes against the social order is _____ to answer for his action.
A) possibleB) probablyC) likelyD) normally
19. There is much that can be done about the accidents _____ from carelessness.
A) aroseB) arisenC) arisingD) arise
20. _____ his sister, Jack is quiet and does noteasily make friends with others.
A) DislikeB) UnlikeC) AlikeD) Liking
21. More new _____ will be opened up in thejob market for those with a good CET6 score report.
A) opportunitiesB) necessitiesC) realitiesD) probabilities
22. Unlike the problems I _____ in high school,I have few chances to speak English in class at college.
A) came acrossB) came aboutC) came afterD) came of
23. Now that they have not done anything ______about the situation, it shows no evidence to return to normal.
A) uniqueB) effectiveC) absoluteD) sequential
24.He ____ the medicine quickly and then drank some orange juice.
A) sucked B) swallowedC) lickedD) digested
25. These products are _____ for export, thougha few of them may come into home markets.
A) completelyB) absolutelyC) essentiallyD) necessarily
26. The teams attempt to win the game was_____ by the opposing goalkeeper.
A) shockedB) frustratedC) given upD) caught up
27. He is quite sure that its _____ impossiblefor him to fulfill the task within two days.
A) fullyB) exclusivelyC) absolutelyD) roughly
28. The police wanted her to describe all the events of that morning in _____.
A) timeB) additionC) sequenceD) place
29. Thanks to the Internet, we can share sorrowand happiness at each others home through the _____ of e-mail.
A) roleB) mediumC) modemD) sequence
30. In their own eyes, it is rather _____ that the medical community as a whole still has little idea about the cause of SARS.
A) rewardingB) demandingC) embarrassingD) requiring
Exercise Two
1. On the conference, representatives from different countries _________ different viewpoints on this international issue.
A) put outB) put offC) put forthD) put down
2. The _____ of the seasons has long been observed by people in all parts of the world.
A) rhythmB) regulationC) clickD) identity
3. Our research has focused on a drug which is so _____ as to be able to change brain chemistry.
A) influentialB) monstrousC) vigorousD) powerful
4. The footballer made a _____ gesture, which made the audiences blood boil.
A) immatureB) offeringC) offensiveD) hesitative
5. However, at times this balance in nature is ____, resulting in a number of possible unforeseen effects.
A) troubledB) disturbedC) confusedD) disgusted
6. As he was unaware of the complexity of this problem, his choice was quite ____.
A) rationalB) arbitraryC) mechanicalD) unpredictable
7. Tax cuts are the most important _____ the government has for stimulating the economy.
A) instructionB) equipmentC) instrumentD) stuff
8. Spitting on the ground is not only ______but also harmful to others health.
A) shamingB) bangingC) grabbingD) disgusting
9. The residents here complain that they have been intensely _____ by the endless noises from the building sites for weeks.
A) annoyedB) piercedC) wrappedD) destroyed
10. The news made many students ______ that many universities still bind the issue of diploma with their CET4 results.
A) awfulB) upsetC) tunelessD) lucky
11. It is not surprising that in modern times the _______ in this month may be out of date in next.
A) fashionB) anchorC)sectionD) brow
12. The idea of winning the eyes of the people around ____ powerfully to some youngsters, so they are eagerly identifying themselves.
A) sticksB) holdsC) attractD) appeals
13. We are expecting to see that the concerted research work will come up with a _____ solution to the problem.
A) permanentB) perspectiveC) persistentD) persuasive
14. He made ______ alterations to his house andthen sold it at a huge profit.
A) offensiveB) horribleC) radicalC) patient
15. Although there is no easy cure for this fatal disease atpresent, some of its causes have been ______by experts.
A) rebelledB) distractedC) boltedD) identified
16. A positive answer makes you feel good, but a ______ one teaches you a lot.
A) affirmativeB) negativeC) offensiveD) tuneless
17. At the early stage of a childs development, the family tends to have a greater _____ on him than his school.
A) instrumentB) identityC) communicationD) influence
18. Mr. Henderson was determined to remain _____. He neither stood on his wifes side nor on his mothers side.
A) naturalB) neutral C) nervousD) native
19. It is a common practice in western countries that one must make a _____ before seeing his doctor or visiting a friend.
A) offerB) appointmentC) make upD) toast
20. When she was told that her cat was killed by the neighbors dog, the old lady _____ tears.
A) reached forB) bolted outC) burst intoD) turn on
21.Writing is a slow process, requiring ____ thought, time and effort.
A) significantB) considerableC) greatD) numerous
22. Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at this time, but we shall keep your application on ____ for two months.
A) pileB portionC) sequenceD) file
23. Only a selected number of landladies in theneighbourhood have been allowed by the university to take in _____.
A) residentsB) inhabitants C) lodgersD) settlers
24.During the conference the speaker tried to _____to them his feelings concerning the urgency of a favorable decision.
A) complyB) imposeC) implyD) convey
25. He ____ his control by making his students quiet.
A) assessedB) assertedC) acquiredD) monitored
26. If you want to get into that tunnel, you firsthave to ____ away all the rocks.
A) repelB) pullC) transferD) dispose
27.Do you believe these two ____ friends used to be bitter enemies?
A) intimateB) emotionalC) intenseD) supreme
28. Although most dreams apparently happen______, dream activity may be provoked by external influences.
A) spontaneously B) simultaneously C) homogeneously D)instantaneously
29. According to the instructions we received,we cannot accept photocopies, but need the ___
A) sourceB) resourcesC) originD) original
30. _____ the popular belief that classicalmusic is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.
A) SubjecttoB) Contrary toC) Familiar toD) Similar to
Exercise Three
1. He is late again today. Ill ____ that he will not be late tomorrow.
A) refer to itB) look to himC) see to itD) turn to it
2. As he had worked in the army as an electrical engineer for many years, he had every ____ for the job.
A) privilegeB) obligationC) qualificationD) quality
3. After the disaster, the truth ____ us that a healthy habit of living can keep one away from some terrible diseases.
A) focused uponB) imposed uponC) dawned uponD) leaned upon
4. After failing the exams three times, Jackrealized that hed never ____in English.
A) see to itB) attain itC) catch itD) make it
5. Susan has not been officially ____ to Johnson.
A) engagedB) occupiedC) practiced D) undertaken
6. After so many years, he still ____ the hopethat his lost son would return one day.
A) clang toB) clung toC) inclined toD) subjected to
7. The action of cheating in an examination would ____ you ____ severe punishment.
A) causetoB) subjecttoC) turntoD) taketo
8. This article ____more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching and learning.
A) calls forB) applies forC) cares forD) allows for
9. I dont think that your watch is ____.
A) worthy the price B) worth the price C) worthy to buy D) worth to buy
10. He is ____ a very old man but in fact he is only fifty years old.
A) apparentlyB) evidentlyC) absolutelyD) actually
11. It is not polite to ____ a speaker withfrequent questions.
A) interpretB) interveneC) interruptD) interfere
12. Their daughter often turns a deaf ear to their inquiries, so they sometimes have to ____ answers from her.
A) interruptB) exchangeC) squeezeD) exit
13. His constant failures in love finally threw him off his ____ of mind.
A) moodB) engagementC) sympathyD) balance
14. My camera can be ____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
A) adaptedB) adjustedC) adoptedD) remedied
15.Young children soon ____ words they hear their elders use.
A) put forwardB) pick outC) turn upD) pick up
16. We forgave his bad temper because weknow that his sons illness had put him under great____.
A) upsetB) stressC) crisisD) oppression
17. His political ______ came to an end 20 years ago.
A) occupationB) employmentC) careerD) profession
18. The explorer lost his way so he climbed to the top of the hill to ____himself.
A) spotB) locateC) placeD) situate
19. We could see only the ____ outline of the mountain in the distance.
A) vagueB) darkC) meanD) dim
20. Because the company was doing more business it was necessary to____ the factory.
A) increaseB) extendC) broadenD) grow
21.The university ____ consists of full professors, associate professors and assistant professors.
A) crewB) rankC) circleD) staff
22. Due to the fact that she was naturally shy, she shrank from any ____ social and cultural activities.
A) taking part ofB) study onC) success inD) participation in
23. It was no use trying to discuss business with James, who was well-known for____ everything.
A) coping withB) trifling withC) handing withD) doing well in
24. Jane is scolded by her boss because she leftthe office with the computer ____ yesterday.
A) onB) outC) inD) unclosed
25. In ______ to the governments call, a great number of people from different walks of life went to the frontline to fight the flood.
A) returnB) admissionC) responseD) order
26. I could see nothing ____ of the hall but the moans of pain told therewas someone there.
A) in the dustB) in the duskC) in the lobbyD) in the exit
27. In the eyes of the teachers, the textbooks are far from ____.
A) contentB) consentC) satisfiedD) satisfactory
28. Due to the _______difficulty, he has to do several part-time jobs.
A. economicB. financialC. economicalD. economics
29. The freshmen are very slow to ____ the strict regulations of this college.
A) react toB) relate toC) adapt toD) turn to
30. When reading books about space exploration, I often ____ mans skill and creativeness in putting complex pieces of machinery into space.
A) tremble atB) startle atC) wander atD) amaze at
Exercise Four
1.The young people are _____ of their responsibility toward society.
A) consistentB) consciousC) sensitiveD) reliable
2. The problem with your conduct is that what you do is not _____ with what you say.
A) consistentB) continuousC) considerateD) continual
3. She was so _____ with her job that she didnt hear someone knocking at the door.
A) attractedB) drawnC) occupiedD) concentrated
4. Professor Taylors talk has indicated that science has a very strong _____ on the everyday life of the human society.
A) motivationB) perspectiveC) impressionD) impact
5. When she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her _____ of responsibility.
A) fieldB) limitC) extentD) range
6. The world is trying every means to _____ thefriendship between the two countries.
A) raiseB) promoteC) ariseD) protest
7. Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the governments _____ policies.
A) economicalB) economyC) economicD) economics
8. His constant _____ with his peers has left its mark on his growth.
A) consentB) contractC) contextD) contact
9. _____ with his new teaching method, we need to take a critical look at our traditional ones.
A) CursedB) DepressedC) ImpressedD) Fed up
10. So clear was his _____ of the case that others had no more to say.
A) attitudeB) presentationC) commentD) remark
11. When business is in _____, there is usually an obvious increase in unemployment.
A) convictionB) relaxationC) depressionD) competition
12. Dont take any action until you are fully_____ with the situation there.
A) consentedB) contentC) obviousD) acquainted
13. It is said that the math teacher seems _____ towards bright students.
A) liableB) partialC) beneficialD) preferable
14. The clothes a person wears may express his __D__ or social position.
A) estateB) statureC) esteemD) status
15. _____ with antique furniture, the castle brought us back in time to the Middle Ages.
A) OrnamentedB) CoveredC) ImpressedD) Improved
16. One rainy night the policeman had a chance _____ with a gang of smugglers.
A) acquaintanceB) encounterC) accountD) interview
17. Newspapers vary greatly in their _____ to the government.
A) attitudesB) commentsC) viewsD) opinions
18. A defect of vision prevents him from __ ___ his eyes accurately on an object.
A) emphasizingB) relaxingC) focusingD) achieving
19. In most cases, the _____ of a person who sits on a pin is to leap into the air.
A) reactionB) behaviorC) functionD) instance
20. Rich as they were in forms, the speakers_____ seemed unrelated to his speech.
A) signsB) gestureC) symptomsD) symbols
21. He built the team through both hardtraining and _____ discipline.
A) looseB) physicalC) rigidD) slack
22. We were depressed _____ the bad news.
A) atB) inC) forD) on
23. She was delighted in _____ of friends and relatives.
A) accommodationB) entertainment C) convictionD) commitment
24. The days when he was _____ his best is already a thing of the past.
A) inB) onC) withD) at
25. Some people are not willing to _____responsibility for the errors they made.
A) ensureB) assureC) assumeD) resume
26. I speak in full _____ that our cause is just.
A) conclusionB) assumptionC) convictionD) determination
27. Animals can become unusually _____when they are upset by a sudden environment change.
A) puzzlingB) dominantC) aggressiveD) vigorous
28. Try to _____ your mind into the future and imagine what life will be like then.
A) subjectB) objectC) projectD) reject
29. The boy felt so angry at the girls dominance that he could remain _____ no longer.
A) positiveB) passiveC) optimisticD) pessimistic
30. Computer software _____ some 70 percent of our range of products.
A) picks upB) focuses onC) accounts forD) is based on
Exercise Five
1. It seems that some entertainment stars dont attach much importance to their public _____.
A) shapeB) imageC) statusD) figure
2. ____ the question of the time given to teaching preparations, there are two other requirements for a qualified teacher.
A)ExceptB)Away fromC) Apart from D) Beside from
3. If it were not for the fact that he was abillionaire, she ____ him.
A)might never marryB) will never marryC) would never have marriedD) would never marry
4. The gloves were really too small, and it was only by _____ them that I managed to get them on.
A) spreadingB) squeezingC) stretchingD) bending
5. You will probably _____ your teams chance to win because you seem to have such a great ______ them.
A) affect influence B) effect; influence C) affect;effect on D) effect;affect on
6. A bridge can be defined ____ a structuregetting over an obstacle, such as a river, a road or railways.
A) likeB) asC) withD) to
7. When I took my car to the garage, they soon____ what the trouble was.
A) emergedB) realizedC) exploredD) diagnosed
8. What made her heart _____ was the sight of many people begging in the streets.
A) bleedB)bloodC) bleederD) bled
9. Our country has launched a ____ for healthy styles of living.
A) warB) battleC) campaignD) action
10. He departed ____to catch the train onlyto find his ticket was left in home.
A) in hurryB) in hasteC) in a hasteD) with haste
11. The contract will be signed _____ the ceremony.
A) prior toB) by priority ofC) previous ofD) precious to
12. There are some areas which are still densely populated ____ their severe weather conditions.
A) due toB) with regard toC) regardless ofD) but for
13. Hes watching TV? Hes ____to be cleaning his room.
A) knownB) supposedC) regardedD) considered
14. The public has appealed to the governmentto find a ____ to the problem of pollution.
A) resultB) responseC) settlementD) solution
15. It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.
A) when heB) that heC) and heD) he
16. Seeing he was _____ with his luggage, I offered to help him.
A) infectedB) embarrassedC) muggedD) confused
17. So little ____ with each other that theneighbors could not settle their difference.
A) agreed did theyB) did they agreeC) they agreeD) they did agree
18. It is advisable for us to ____a more open policy.
A) adaptB) adjustC) agreeD) adopt
19. There are several ways to _____ this problem.
A) implementB) approachC) thrustD) dispose
20. The conference ____ the possibility of closertrade links between the two countries.
A) exploredB) implementedC) establishedD) constituted
21. ______ with the boys true love for her, the girldecided to entrust her life to him.
A) AcquiredB) ImposedC) InfectedD) Diagnosed
22. The runner went fastest in the middle ____of the course.
A) fragmentB) selectionC) boardD) segment
23. The more ____ you feel in yourself, the morechances you will stand to win the game.
A) significanceB) intensityC) fortuneD) confidence
24. Nothing is worse than the ____ betweenwhat is right and what is wrong.
A) connectionB) establishment C) illustrationD) confusion
25. His words might have _____ the lovely lady,but he was never aware of it.
A) cursedB) criticizedC) hurtD) scolded
26. It is unwise of you to ____ to aconclusion before looking into the matter .
A) reachB) arriveC) drawD) leap
27. The ____ to ensure a bright future for myself pushed me to study harder.
A) crisisB) thrustC) pressureD) approach
28. A dutiful official never ____ himself of his responsibility for his work.
A) remindsB) quitsC) disposesD) risks
29. The official ____ his innocence by showing the fact.
A) approachedB) exploredC) establishedD) defined
30. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication _____ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.
A) whichB) because ofC) in thatD) whereas
Exercise Six
11. The train _____ into the station at nine.
A) pulledB) draggedC) hauledD) pushed
12. All the leaders should attach much importance to their public _____.
A) shapeB) imageC) statusD) figure
13. Our ___ from London to Paris is by way of Dover and Calais.
A) routeB) wayC) roadD) routine
14.In ______ to the Partys call, a great number of doctors and nurses went to the frontline of fighting the flood.
A) returnB) admissionC) responseD) order
15. They expressed their ______ at being looked down upon by
A) optimismB) enthusiasmC) pessimismD) indignation
17. In interpersonal relations, people should be
_____ with each other.
A) shamefulB) frankC) reservedD) indifferent
18. Mary has a bad cold and a _____ throat.
A) soreB) painfulC) tenderD) sour
19. His film was a complete failure, which did his reputation a lot of ______.
A) damageB) harmC) injuryD) ruin
20. Every time when I go back to my hometown,I usually spend two days ____ of my relatives.
A) going the rounds ofB) rounding up
C) making the rounds ofD) rounding on
21. Happiness doesnt necessarily ______ money.
A) go forB) go throughC) go backD) go with
22. Its a disgusting thing to hear him ____ his achievements.
A) complaining ofB) showing upC) breaking upD) boasting of
23. Control of noise is a complex technology, and it is most ______ when applied to the original design of the noisy source.
A) effectiveB) responsibleC) wickedD) considerable
24. Sometimes, things go in the direction ____ our original expectations.
A) alien toB) opposite to C) subjecttoD) native to
25. Success in school _______ much hard work.
A) calls forB) calls offC) calls upD) calls on
Exercise Seven
1.When crossing a busy street, we should be very _______ of the speeding cars.
A) ignorant B) cautiousC) capable D) alert
2. I enjoyed all his novels with the ______ of his last.
A)excursionB) expeditionC)exceptionD) explosion
3. Man is controlled by his _____ as well as by his reason.
A) instinct B) distinctC) institutionD) impulse
4. Have _____ on him, he is only a boy.
A) careB) mercyC) pityD) attention
5. Archeologists _____ great value to the set of ancient cooking vessels unearthed in Shanxi province.
A) grantedB) devotedC) attachedD) directed
6. I need to _____ my English if Im going toCanada for my holidays.
A) polish upB) look throughC) add upD) go through
7. Although he was a good swimmer, he was swept away by the _____ and drowned.
A) currentB) motionC) pressureD) air
8. Any blind exploitation of natural resources should be seen as a ____ against our offspring.
A) guiltyB) sinC) robberyD) violence
9. The favorable changes in her appearance are often ____ through hairdressing.
A) afflictedB) affected C) effected D) infected
10. North winds kept blowing all night long _____ , and the earth was frozen.
A) with great effort B) in vast amountC) in vainD) with great violence
11. The young man _____ his accuser and conducted his own defense in court.
A) opposedB) resistedC) confrontedD) withstood
12.Nuclear science should be developed to benefit people _____ harm them.
A) more thanB) other thanC) rather thanD) better than
13. I felt _____ for the stupid mistake I made.
A) innocentB) illegalC) guiltyD) unlawful
14. I hate people who _____ the end of a film.
A) revealB) rewriteC) reviseD) reverse
15.It was reported that 20 people were _____in the traffic accidents yesterday.
A) woundedB) injuredC) cruisedD) confronted
16.He explained to us what they _____ doingin the next year.
A) intendedB) attendedC) extendedD) pretended
17. The housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full _____.
A) capacityB) strengthC) lengthD) possibility
18.He has _____ a number of journals this morning for the information he needs badly.
A) looked throughB) looked onC) looked overD) looked at
19.The police had the photograph of the missing girl _____ in order to find her easily.
A) expandedB) amplifiedC) multipliedD) enlarged
20.The river is _____ at the bank.
A) running awayB) eating away C) taking awayD) bringing away
21. She may be _____ if you dont reply to her soon.
A) injuredB) woundedC) offendedD) offensive
22.The equator is an _____ line.
A) imaginableB) imaginativeC) imaginaryD) imagining
23.Even as a child he showed an inclination to ______ over the other children.
A) dominateB) ruleC) governD) inspect
24. The explorers were _____ straits almost impassable.
A) immune toB) confronted withC) capable ofD) transported
25. We _____ complete equality between men and women.
A) omitB) suggestC) advocateD) agree
26. A drugstore in America _____ not only medicines, but also sweets, drinks and other articles.
A) shavesB) handlesC) polishesD) tosses
27. Judging from the order of importance, thismatter should call for ____ consideration.
A) previous B) priorC) precedingD) prime
28. To have his story published, the young man certainly _____ it for at least three times.
A) contrivesB) friesC) polishesD) advocates
29. Thanks to the progress in medicine, the life _____ of people throughout the world was greatly extended.
A) templeB) spanC) damD) residence
30. More and more _____ home appliances like washing machines and microwave ovens trouble the older generation.
A) guiltyB) instinctiveC) automaticD) offensive
Exercise Eight
1. The sun _____ from behind the clouds it got warmer.
A) emergedB) immersedC) existedD) embraced
2. I havent read the report properly --- Ive only _____ into it (浏览).
A) dinedB) dimmedC) dippedD) dripped
3. Her achievement was more _____ in that she had come from such a remote area.
A) popularB) famousC) remarkableD) understandable
4. Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, ____ obtaining water is not the least.
A) for whichB) to whichC) of whichD) in which
5. There may be a ____ of truth in this idea, disagreeable though it may seem.
A) elementB) factorC) advantageD) concept
6. Id like to _____ a seat for the New YearsConcert.
A)preserveB) serveC)conserveD) reserve
7. The story that follows______ two famouscharacters of the Rocky Mountain gold rush days.
A) concretesB) concernsC) proclaimsD) relates
8. He _____ the good chance to present hisproposal to the director, and at last, it was adopted.
A) realizedB) seizedC) deliveredD) released
9. They _____ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.
A) carried outB) carried offC) carried onD) carried forward
10. Which sport has the most expensive trainingequipment, _____ players personal equipment and uniforms?
A) in place ofB) in terms of C) by means ofD) by way of
11. The purpose of this election is to set up a government truly _____ of the people.
A) typicalB) representativeC) characteristicD) responsible
12. It will need a _____ to save the firm from running downhill.
A) mysteryB) therapyC) miracleD) source
13. After answering an telephone from her boyfriend, she _____ herself to read a book.
A) imposedB) composedC) transferredD) transformed
14. Although he was getting on in years, hisexperience gave him a _____ over his rival.
A) priorityB) benefitC) profitD) advantage
15. I am firmly _____ that this plan would do much good to our company.
A) composedB) convincedC) recognizedD) satisfied
16. When talking about China, people often _____ it with the Great Wall.
A) thinkB) associateC) imagineD) assist
17. Im sure he is up to the job ______ he wouldgive his mind to it.
A) if onlyB) in caseC) untilD) unless
18. Ive _____ a lot of time and effort in this plan, and I dont want it to fail.
A) inventedB) invitedC) investedD) involved
19. A small terrorist group has ______ responsibility for the bombing in Baghdad.
A) claimedB) acclaimedC) exclaimedD) reclaimed
20. For the currency to keep _____, the government has to adopt some strong measures.
A) concreteB) fertileC) productiveD) stable
21. _____ your advice, I have decided to read the article once more.
A) Acting asB) Acting uponC) Acting forD) Acting up
22. We are doing this work in the_____ ofreforms in the economic, social and cultural spheres.
A) contextB) contestC) pretextD) texture
23. The meeting was in full ______ whenwe arrived.
A) rockB) swingC) swimD) sway
24. Now the patient can _____ from the wheelchairto the seat with relative freedom.
A) transportB) transplantC) transactD) transfer
25. In human friendship an important _____ is forgive and forget.
A) principalB) primaryC) principleD) chiefly
26. The republication of the poets most recentworks will certainly _____ his national reputation.
A) magnifyB) enlargeC) enhanceD) strengthen
27. Important people dont often have much freetime as their work _____ all their time.
A) takes awayB) takes overC) takes upD) takes in
28. With everything being ready, it is time to _____ our new plan _____.
A) set asideB) set outC) set in motionD) set down
29. While nuclear weapons present grave _____dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation is with us today.
A) inevitableB) constantC) overwhelmingD) potential
30. Mobile telecommunications _____ is expectedto double in Shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies.
A) possessionB) potentialC) capacityD) impact
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不限 |
上册 |
下册 |
不限 |