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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  One of the lands of the midnight sun, Finland has much more to offer than the cold nights, saunas, and skiing it is often associated with. Visitors are enchanted by charming villages alongside sophisticated cities and the largest unspoiled wildemess in Europe.


  Finland is one of the most progressive countries in the world. For example, traffic fines are linked to gross income, an Intemet millionaire recently paid $70,000 for a speeding ticket. A reputation for eciency and organization has also made Finland host to many intemational meetings.


  This modern country maintains its traditions and hearty spirit,celebrating many festivals. Its most popular Midsummers Day finds many Finns lighting bonfires and drinking enthusiashcally at their country homes. Finland is also home to the worlds longest-nuuung rock festival, Ruisrock. The best-known event is the Savolinna Opera Festival, while the strangest is probably the annual wife-carrying championship, where the winner is awarded his wifes weight in beer.

  这个现代化的国家仍保留着其传统和蓬勃的朝气,并为许多节日举办庆祝活动。在芬兰最受欢迎的 施洗约翰节 这天,可以看见许多芬兰人在他们自己的乡间农合,点燃篝火,痛快畅饮一番。芬兰也是世界上历史最悠久的摇滚音乐节 路易斯摇滚 的主办地。

  Helsinki, Europes northemmost capital, boasts over 30 art galleries and museums. Although it is a cultural and economic center, it brings to mind small town charm with its many cafe and lack of tall buildings.While the citys public transportation system is renowned, Helsinkis extensive bicycle trails make riding around the city and its seaside parks a breeze.

  节庆中最富盛名的,首推 沙弗力拿歌剧节 ,而最匪夷所思的,则是一年一度的扛老婆大赛,大赛冠军可赢得和老婆雷量相当的啤酒。

  After seeing the Market Square and great architecmre, including the Church in the Rock, wliich was cut from solid stone, tourists may want to check out Helsinkis bohemian art scene. Highbrow and popular culture meet at the Tennispalatsi with its museums and movie theaters. Lovers of modem art will also enjoy taking in the Lasapalatsi Glass Palace media center.


  A sight not to be missed is nearby Suomenlinna Island, where you can wander amid the ruins of an old sea fortress and visit several museums And only a few hours outside of Helsinki is Finlands most notable historic building, Turku Castle, which was founded in 1280.

  参观过市场广场和用坚石砌成的 岩石教堂 等雄伟建筑后,游客们可能也想二探赫尔辛基自由奔放的艺术景观。其高雅与通俗文化交汇在坦尼斯宫的博物馆与电影院,而现代艺术的爱好者也会乐于一游拉撤官里 玻璃官竹的媒体中心。

  While Finland is best enjoyed during the warmer months of May to September, its most famous resident is busiest in December. A little known fact is that Santa Claus does not live at the North Pole, but in the Lapland region of Finland. There, Santa receives about 600,000 letters a year written by children from over 150 countries.

  另一个丕容错过的景点是邻近的 苏欧门里那岛 ,在那儿你可以徘徊流连于海洋要塞的古老遗迹塑参观多座博物馆。建于1280年的土尔库堡,离赫尔辛基仅数小时之遥,是芬兰最著名的史迹建筑。

  Besides dropping in on Santa, visitors to Lapland can enjoy trekking and skiing in Lemmenjoki Park with its dreamlike arctic landscape, dense forests, and free wildeness huts that dot the area. Tourists may also stay in glass igloos, from which they can see the midnight sun and the northem lights, and ride in dogsleds and reindeer sleighs.

  虽然芬兰在暖和的5~9月间气候景为宜人,二位最负盛名的芬兰居民则在12月最为忙碌。一个罕为人知的事实是圣诞老人并非住在北极,而是住在芬兰的拉普兰一带。在那里,圣诞老人每年会收到来自世界上1 50多个国家的孩子寄来的约60万封信。

  Lapland is home to the Samis, a native people who were gradually driven northward by development in Scandinavia. Their traditional livelihood revolves around reindeer, which number about 200,000 in Finland. Finally, dont forget, but a great reindeer stew can be had in Lapland as well.





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