Its tempting to conclude that the exam system is wrong to cause such pain for so little gain. It is not as if we remember ffie facts that we stuffed into our heads at the very last minute, On the evening of my finals, I could probably have told you about Mttgensteins view on the indeterminacy oftranslation but now all I can recaU is the picture that was a duck one minute and a rabbit the next.
Yet that isnt why its all a waste. Even though Ive forgotten what I leamt, I am still proud to have once known it. This seems a less shameful state ofignorance than never having Imown it at all.
The real problem with the exam system is that it teaches lessonsabout work itselfthat you need to unleam pretty smartly ifyou want to get ahead in business.
First, it teaches you that there is a fairly straightforward relationship between effort and result. In exams, if you work ver3r, very hard in the evenings you are going to do an awful lot better than if you spend your evenings in the pub. In most once life, this is not true. The relationship between effort and reward is much more complicated.
Second in an exam there is nowhere to hide. If you fail you may try to pin the blame on your teachers or the examiner, but in your heart you know there is no one else to blame but yourself. You either werent bright enough, or you didnt work hard enough.
One of the beauties of office work is that there is no shortage of candidates to blame for ones failures. Management, the market, the culture, ones eolleagues, the competitors, an IT failure; the options arc endless. You can screw something up royally and get away with it indefinitely. Indeed, so long as you are quite seruor you can bring the entire banlang system down and still get a big bonus.
工作的一个好处在于,你永远可以将你的失败归咎于其他因素:管理、市场、文化、你的同事、竞争对手、一个IT故障;选项无穷无尽。 即使你把事情弄得一团糟, 也能永远避开惩罚。 实际上,只要你职位够高,就算你把整个 银行系统都搞垮,还 是可以收到巨额奖金.
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