在1999年1月CET Band 6A卷的阅读理解第四篇的开头有这样一句话:The Carnegie Foundation report says that many colleges have tried to beall things to all people.In doing so,they have increasingly catered to a narrow-minded careerism while failing to cultivate a global vision among their students.此处all things to all people是让所有的学生学到所有实用的东西吗?
首先,我们看一下all things to all people?原义是什么:all things to all people?来自于all things to all men(Bible)。原文如下:
Though I am free and belong to no man,I make myself a slave to everyone,to win as many as possible. To the Jews,I became like a Jew,to win the Jews....To those not having the law,...so as to win those not having the law.To the weak I became weak,to win the weak.I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.
从上文中我们可以看出be all things to all men的意思是:八面玲珑,尽力讨好所有的人。后来all things to all men成了习语。因此many colleges have tried to beall things to all people?的意思就是:许多大学试图做到八面玲珑,满足所有师生的各种需求。
此外,在六级阅读考试中也出现过《圣经》中其它的习语,如:在 1997年1月的CET Band 6A卷的阅读理解第四篇第三段中: Ridiculous beliefs?Not to many people,especially many women and members of minority races who,like Coleman,feel that the scales have dropped from their eyes.the scales have dropped from their eyes?也源于《圣经》:Immediately,something like scales fell from Sauls eyes,and he could see again.,后来the scales fall from ones eyes成了习语,英文的意思是:someone suddenly realizes the truth after having been deceived恍然大悟;顿然觉醒。例如:After I saw the video,the scales fell from my eyes:she has been deceiving me all the time.看完录像后,我才恍然大悟,明白了她一直在骗我。
在2001年1月的CET Band 6A卷的阅读理解第一篇最后一段中: Studies of birds may offer unique insights into sleep.Jerome M.Siegel of the UCLA says he wonders if birds half-brain sleepis just the tip of the iceberg.He speculates that more examples may turn up when we take a closer look at other species.the tip of the iceberg?冰山一角?,其英文的意思是:small but evident part of a much larger concealed situation, problem,etc.很小的(表面的)一部分;露在表面的东西(而绝大部分没有显露出来)。例如:Over 100 burglaries are reported every month,and thats just the tip of the iceberg.(i.e.many more occur but are not reported)每月报道的夜间入室盗窃案有一百多起,但是那只是冰山一角?(更多则没有报道)。实际上,冰山一角?在汉语中,尤其是在网上,已经被广泛地使用。
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