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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  The Tree Of Language

  A World with out Language

  It may be that when the world was young, no one knew how to talk. People had to learn to speak just like babies do. When no one knew how to tell, how did anyone learn? That is a mystery that remains unsolved even today.

  The Stories behind Words

  LUNCH Lunch perhaps comes from an old Spanish word lonje , a slab of1 ham. We may get our word from a lump of bread, but whether lunch comes from ham or bread, it meant a hunk of something to eat.

  ATLAS An Atlas is a strong man, and also a book of maps. The story of this word begins a long time ago in Greece. The ancient Greeks believed that their gods had once been a race of giants2 called Titans. The Titans fought with another group of gods called Olympians, and the Olympians won. Atlas was a Titan. He was punished for fighting be having to stand at the western end of the world, holding the sky on his head and hands, so that it would not fall on the world and smash everything.

  After the ancient Greek religion died out, the idea of Atlas changed. From holding up the sky with his head and hands, he came to be thought of as holding the world on his shoulders. Mercator3, a map maker of the sixteenth century, used a picture of Atlas on the cover of a book of maps, so a book of maps came to be called an atlas.

  The word has still another meaning. The top bone of the neck is called atlas because it supports the head.

  GOOD-BYE or GOOD-BY Good-bye is a blessing; originally it was God be with ye, and in the course of time it became one word. Many of our greetings are good wishes, but we say them with so little thought that we forget this. When we say good morning, good evening, good night, and so on, what we are really saying is, I hope you will have a good morning ( or evening, or night) .

  DAISY The daisy has a little golden eye , like a tiny sun . Perhaps this is the reason the English people named it days eye, or perhaps they chose the name because the English daisy closes at night. The English loved their daisies, which were pink and red, as well as 028 white. Six hundred years or so ago, the English poet Chaucer4 said:

  The daisy, or else the eye of the day, / / The queen, and prettiest flower of all.


  Ⅰ. According to the passage , find the correct meanings of the words under lined :

  1. With an atlas, Tom can find the place he wants to go easily.

  A. a strong man B. the top bone of the neck C. a book of maps D. a name of god

  2. When you say good-bye to your friend, what do you really mean?

  A. never see him / her again B. a good wish to express that God be with him / her C. good luck D. break up with him / her

  3. After a long vacation, he looks as fresh as a daisy like before.

  A. look like the flower B. a kind of drink C. a first-class man D. vigorous and lively

  Ⅱ. Question :

  After reading this passage, what can you infer from the stories of the words?


  Ⅰ. 1. C 2 . B 3 . D

  Ⅱ. ( 略)



  没有语言的世界 世界形成之初, 可能没人知道怎么说话。人们不得不像婴儿一样学着开口讲话。既然 无人知晓如何诉说, 人们又怎么学习呢? 这个谜团至今尚待解决。

  词语背后的故事 Lunch lunch ( 午餐) 可能来源于古西班牙语lonje 一词, 意思是一块火腿。也许这个 词源指一块面包。但是, 无论lunch 一词源指火腿还是面包, 它的意思都是一块可以吃的东西。

  Atlas Atlas ( 阿特拉斯) 既可以指身强体壮的人也可以指地图册。这个词的故事起 源于很久以前的希腊。古希腊人相信他们信奉的神灵曾是被称为提坦的一种巨人。提坦 巨神与另一支号称奥林匹斯的神灵作战, 奥林匹斯神获胜了。阿特拉斯是提坦巨神之一。 他被罚站在西天用头和双手支撑起苍天, 不让天塌下来砸碎万事万物。

  古希腊宗教逐渐消失之后, atlas 的含义也改变了。阿特拉斯已经从以前的用头和双手 支撑苍天, 渐渐变成以肩顶天。16 世纪的地图学家墨卡托, 在一本地图册的封面上使用了 阿特拉斯的图像, 因此, 地图册就用atlas 表示。

  Atlas 还有另一种意思。因为第一颈椎起到支撑头部的作用, 所以它也叫atlas。

  Goo d-bye ( 或Good -by) G ood-bye ( 再见) 是一种祝福, 原本的意思是God be with ye ( 上帝与你同在) 。随着时间的推移, 它演变成了一个词语。许多问候语都是表达良好 祝愿的, 只是我们在送问候的时候很少思考以致忘记了这一点。当我们说早上好, 晚上好, 晚安的时候, 我们真正要表达的是 我希望你早晨/ 傍晚/ 夜晚过得好。

  Daisy daisy ( 雏菊) 上有个小小的金色的眼状的花心, 就像一颗小太阳。也许这就 是英国人称其为 白昼的眼睛的缘故, 或许他们取这个名字是因为英国雏菊的花瓣夜晚 是合拢的。英国人很喜欢雏菊, 雏菊有粉色的、红色的、还有白色的。大约六百年前英国诗 人乔叟就写过这样的诗句: 雏菊, 抑或是白昼的眼睛/ / 最美丽的百花之后


  马克思提出劳动创造语言的观点, 指出人类在发展过程中通过劳动渐渐训练自己的发 声器官, 使其发出各种美妙动听的声音, 从而形成了语言。在这个过程中, 不同地区的人又 赋予语言不同的文化内涵, 这就体现了我们常说的那句话语言是文化的载体。我们真 该庆幸自己没有生活在地球刚刚形成之时。


  1. slab 本来的意思是指( 方形或长方形) 厚板, 平板, 板钢。a slab of 是 一块的意思, 这 是一种很有用的量词搭配用法, 下文出现的a lump of, a hunk of 都是同样的用法, 而且 三个词组意思基本相同, 都可以译成一块, 如: a lump of sugar / clay ( 一块糖/黏土) ; a hunk of bread / meat / cheese ( 一块面包/肉/ 奶酪) 。

  2. 原指希腊神话或人们想象中的巨人, 现常用来指身材超群的巨人, 力量或智力超群的伟人, 巨物, 如: a literary giant ( 大文豪) ; an oil giant ( 石油巨头) 。有句谚语说昔日多伟人, 英 语就是There were giants in those days。下文出现的titan 出自希腊神话, 与giant 意思相同。

  3. 墨卡托(15121594) , 佛兰德地图学家, 发明绘制地图的圆标形投影法, 首先使用atlas 一词。

  4. Geoffrey Chaucer, 乔叟( 13401400) , 英国诗人, 用伦敦方言创作。他的代表作《坎特伯 雷故事集》反映了14 世纪英国社会各阶层的生活面貌, 体现了人文主义思想。文章中 选用的诗句出自他的作品《善良女子殉情记》( The Legend of Good Women) 的序言。在这 个序言中, 雏菊被称誉为百花之后, 拥有一种美德和尊荣, 是善良仁慈的象征, 这正是作者所大加颂扬的品质


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