The abuse of mobile-phone data
The two towers
Junk science is putting innocent people in jail
SOMEONE strangled a prostitute in Portland, Oregonin 2002. The police arrested Lisa Roberts, thevictim s ex-lover, who spent more than two years in custody awaiting trial. Shortly before thetrial the prosecutor told Ms Roberts, via her lawyer, that tower data collected by Verizon, hermobile-telephone network, showed precisely where she was at the time of the murder. As herlawyer recalled, the prosecutor said Ms Roberts could be pinpointed in a park shortly beforethe victim s naked and sexually assaulted corpse was found there. She was told she faced 25years to life in prison. She accepted a deal to plead guilty and serve 15 years.
But the high-tech evidence against her was bunk. Routinely collected tower data can place amobile phone in a broad area, but it cannot pinpoint it. That would require a special three-tower triangulation, which cannot reveal past locations. It took a decade for Ms Roberts sguilty plea to be thrown out. On May 28th she left prison, her criminal record clean, afternearly 12 years in custody.
然而,指控罗伯茨的高科技证据是假的。常规情况来说,发射塔的数据可以收集手机在相当宽范围内的信号,但却无法对其定位。要定位则需由特殊的三塔 三角网,而这依旧无法显示你曾去过哪。罗伯茨小姐花了十年才洗脱罪名。拘留12年后,2014年5月28日,她出狱了,无犯罪记录。
Mobile-phone-tower location data is widely used in court, says Steven Jansen of the Associationof Prosecuting Attorneys in Washington, DC. Last year America s courts and law-enforcementagencies served 37,839 subpoenas, court orders, and search warrants for location data just toone phone company, AT T. This year s figure had already climbed to 30,886 by the endof June, the company says.
In the past couple of years defence lawyers have brought in more experts to challenge towerevidence, says Mr Jansen. Most police officers and lawyers have no clue how phone networksfunction, says Ryan Bialas, a North Dakota public defender. Cop shows like CSI give juriesthe idea that scientific evidence is almost infallible. But tower data is far less accurate thanprosecutors sometimes claim.
Location, location, location
Cherry Biometrics, a Virginia forensics firm, has testified in more than 20 trials where towerevidence was being used. In all of them, says Michael Cherry, the boss, prosecutorsmisunderstood the technology. Often they would assert that mobile phones connect to thenearest tower. In fact, two calls dialled consecutively from the same spot may connect to twodifferent towers: one close by, the other many miles away. Defence lawyers sometimes use thesame junk science to support alibis, adds Mr Cherry.
Cherry Biometrics是一家位于弗吉尼亚州的取证公司。该公司老板迈克尔谢里证实,在20多个涉及发射塔证据的审判中,检察官误解了该项技术。通常情况下,该技术只是确定手机连接上了附近的发射塔。事实上,在同一个地方连续两次拨号有可能会连接两个不同的发射塔:一个是附近的,另一个可能是几英里远的。谢里先生补充道,辩护律师有时会使用相同的伪科学技术来支持不在场证明。
The tower cited in Ms Roberts s case could have handled calls from as far as 20 miles away, according to a deposition prepared by Cherry Biometrics. Which tower a phone connectswith depends on such factors as how thick the nearby foliage and walls are, the size of nearbycars and bodies of water, and how well the handset is working. None of this information isusually recorded.
Cherry Biometrics准备的一份证词中写道,本文引用的罗伯茨案件,其发射塔可服务范围可能是方圆20英里。手机连接发射塔有以下几个影响因素:附近的树叶有多浓密,墙有多厚,附近的车是大是小,水域是大是小,以及是否正常使用手机。这些影响因素从来就不会记录备份。
Without it, much of the tower evidence presented in court is useless, writes Larry Daniel ofGuardian Digital Forensics in a forthcoming book on the subject. Mr Daniel has found errors innearly half of the 240 consulting jobs he has done for prosecutors and defence lawyers. Evenso, tower records do have a place in court, says Mr Daniel: they can generally prove that ahandset has moved between broad areas such as non-adjacent cities.
Preventing the misuse of tower data should not be hard, though it can be expensive. GuardianDigital Forensics charges $250 an hour for its expertise. The judge who freed Ms Robertsfaulted her lawyer, now dead, for failing to challenge mobile-phone evidence that wouldprobably have collapsed before a jury. William Teesdale, the chief investigator for Portland sfederal defender s office, complains that the prosecutor, Rod Underhill, never addressed anothercall on Ms Roberts s phone around the same time as the one that supposedly placed her at themurder scene. It connected to a different tower, farther away from the park and closer to aspot where Ms Roberts had been seen by a witness. Mr Underhill refused to comment.
防止发射塔数据的滥用并不困难,但费用昂贵。卫报数字取证局使用该项技术花费每小时250美元。无罪释放罗伯茨小姐的法官责怪她的律师没能质疑手机证据,而这一证据本可以在陪审团那被推翻的。现在她的律师已经死了。波特兰市联邦辩护律师办公室首席调查员William Teesdale抱怨鲁德昂德希尔检察官就罗伯茨一案,并未提出罗伯茨小姐手机上事发的另一通电话,因为那一通电话有可能将罗伯茨定位在犯罪现场。手机连接上了另一个不同的发射塔,这个塔离公园很远,而距离目击者看到罗伯茨小姐的地点很近。检察官昂德希尔拒绝回应。
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