Business paradise or den of thieves?
An effort to abolish a highly unusual Californian city
EVEN Vernons logo proclaims that the city isexclusively industrial, and that is noexaggeration. It was founded in 1905 at a railwaycrossing along the Los Angeles River as a sort of Eden for business, especially the smelly, dirtyand blue-collar manufacturing sort. An aerial view shows neat boundaries around its 5.2 squaremiles , as the residential neighbourhoods of Los Angeles Countysuddenly give way to huge blocks of warehouses and factories. Lorries seem to outnumber carson Vernons streets. The whiff of pigs being slaughtered hangs over those parts not covered bythe aroma of coffee being processed.
In most of the world, it is inconceivable that Vernon could even be considered a city. It hasabout 1,800 businesses that employ more than 50,000 workers who live elsewhere in LosAngeles County. But it has only 96 actual residents, and those live in housing tuckedimprobably between power stations and warehouses and mostly owned by the city.
But in southern California tiny municipalities are notunusual. A clutch of five counties thereLosAngeles, Orange, Ventura, Riverside and SanBernardinohave, between them, no fewer than 183independent cities. That is because, for much of thepast century, California incorporated cities rather asSilicon Valley today launches start-ups. In a 1967book title, Los Angeles was The FragmentedMetropolis.
But city-founding has now abruptly gone out of fashion and into reverse. First, severalCalifornian citiessuch as Vernons neighbour, Maywoodran into financial trouble largelycaused by the recession. They decided they could no longer afford to duplicate all the intricatelayers of local democracy and administration, and have tried to consolidate either with othercities or with the county itself.
Then, last year, came discoveries of corruption. Most notorious was Bell, another of Vernonsneighbours, where eight officials lived in remarkable style, levied illegally high taxes and arenow on trial. Another city nearby, Montebello, is also being investigated on suspicions that itcooked its books.
So it was perhaps only a matter of time before lawmakers took an interest in the bizarre caseof Vernon. The city happens to be in the district of assemblyman John Prez, a Democrat whois also the assemblys speaker and an up-and-coming sort. Mr Prez, citing an unprecedentedpattern of corruption, has now shepherded a bill through his lower house that woulddisincorporate any city with fewer than 150 residents and have it be absorbed by its county.That happens to affect only one Californian city, Vernon.
Mr Prez has some good reasons. Two of Vernonsformer city officials are facing criminal corruptioncharges and a former mayor has already beenconvicted. Their alleged shenanigans included riggedsalaries, outlandish expenses and perks. Vernonhas usually appointed its officials, rather thanelecting them, since positions were not evencontested. The few residents, since they live in cityhousing, have been politically tractable.
But for Vernons businesses disincorporation is a step too far. After all, Vernon is really meantto be run for their benefit, not for that of the 96 residents. To a large extent, Vernonrepresents all that is left of manufacturing industry in Los Angeles County. Who else in LosAngeles these days would welcome belching trucks and slaughterhouses? If Vernon loses itsindependence, its businessmen say, its electricity company will have toincrease its rates, thus erasing a crucial competitive advantage. Eric Gustafson, the third-generation manager of a family-run maker of lards and shortenings, says that if Vernon werenot a city we wouldnt be here, and if were forced to move, were not staying in this state.Hed move his firm to the Midwest, he reckons.
The threat of job losses and a new manufacturing exodus naturally gets legislators attentionat a time when California has barely begun recovering from recession. Mr Prez thinks thethreats are overblown. But Vernon, and most of its business customers, plan to fight his bill inthe state senate, then on the governors desk and in the courts.
Even if they prevail, however, Mr Prezs bill will have done some good. Vernons defencestrategy is to reform itself voluntarily and aggressively so that corruption will cease evenwithout disincorporation, says Mark Whitworth, the current city administrator and fire chief.There will be term limits for officials, caps on salaries, transparency in housing and so forth.After all, why get rid of an honest city? This bit of the peculiar municipal quilt that is LosAngeles may just persist.
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