Welcome to IPOville
Social-media firms see champagne; others seebubbles
INITIAL public offerings of internet start-ups are like buses: you wait ages for one toarrive, then several turn up at once. After years in the doldrums, the IPO market fortechnology firms has suddenly sprung to life again in America.
网络创业公司的首次公开募股就像等公车一样:等半天不来一辆,突然一来就是好几辆。正如美国技术企业的IPO市场, 历经多年的死水微澜之后,突然重焕生机。
LinkedIn, a social network for professionals, kicked things off last month with a flotation onthe New York Stock Exchange that valued it at $8.8 billion572 times its profits lastyearat the end of the first day of trading. Now a number of web outfits, including Groupon,which offers online coupons, and Pandora Media, an internet-radio firm, are queuing to join theparty. Other start-ups could soon add themselves to the crowd, notably Zynga, the creator ofaddictive online games such as FarmVille, in which players grow turnips and breed pigs.
Web companies from China, Russia and elsewhereare also rushing to list on American exchanges.Shortly after LinkedIns stunning debut, which sawits share price more than double, Yandex, Russiaslargest search engine, floated its shares on theNYSE. Its price soared by more than 50% on thefirst day of trading. These first-day pops, asbankers call them, have stoked fears that a newinternet bubble is inflating and reignited a furiousdebate about how best to value web start-ups.
Groupons potential price tag is already controversial. Labelledthe fastest-growing company ever by ardent fans, the firm has turned a simple concept intoa money-spinner. Customers sign up to receive offers from local firms. Groupon spices up theprocess by, say, having some offers expire unless a certain minimum number of peoplesubscribe to them. This prompts people to nag their friends to shop at the same boutique oreat at the same dinerhence the group in Groupon.
The firm typically keeps roughly half of the money that customers fork out, with the rest goingto the businesses that actually supply the goods and services. Last year its revenues were$713m. In the first quarter of 2011 it took in a breathtaking $645m. Although Groupon is lessthan three years old, it operates in 43 countries and has no fewer than 83m subscribers.
高朋网通常将大约一半的消费者付款纳入囊中,将剩下的部分交给实际提供了商品或服务的商家手中。去年其岁入高达7.13亿美元,而仅2011年头三个月的进账就达到了惊人的6.45亿美元。尽管高朋网诞生才不到3年,它的业务已经涵盖43个国家,团客多达 8300万人。
The snag is that the company is still bleeding red ink. It lost $390m in 2010 and $103m in thefirst quarter of this year. Critics find this alarming. Groupon retorts that it is simply spendingheavily to scoop up subscribers while the market it created is in its infancy. In its IPOprospectus, it urges investors to focus on other measures, such as free cashflow , which was positive last year, and the arcane-soundingadjusted consolidated segment operating income, which excludes such things as cash spenton online marketing.
The path to success will have twists and turns,moments of brilliance and other moments of sheerstupidity. Knowing that this will at times be a bumpyride, we thank you for considering joining us, writesGroupons boss, Andrew Mason, in a letter topotential stockholders. Not everyone is reassured.
How should one value a money-losing firm in a newindustry? PwC, a consultancy, ranks web firms according to their value per user. This iscalculated by dividing a start-ups estimated worth by the number of its users.
By this benchmark, Groupon scores well, just below Facebook and Renren, a Chinese socialnetwork with a listing in America . But such measures do not reflect the risks ofGroupons model. The company may boast 83m users, but only 16m have actually bought aGroupon. Its success outside America has been patchy: just 9% of its subscribers in Londonhave ever bought anything from it.
Facebook enjoys a powerful network effect; Groupon, less so. It must spend a fortune tokeep signing up new subscribers. Hence its keenness to steer investors towards a measurethat excludes marketing costs. Groupons growth has attracted big competitors such asLivingSocial as well as a host of smaller start-ups. These rivals could poach its users withcheaper deals. And they could offer retailers better terms, too, in the process threateningGroupons fat margins.
脸谱网拥有强大的社群效应,这方面高朋网则逊色一筹。高朋网必须花费大笔钱财来不停地吸引新团客加入其中,正因如此,它才拼命地将投资者的注意力引到除去了营销收入的财务指标之上。高朋网在崛起的同时也诱生了强大的竞争对手Living Social和一群规模较小的新兴企业。这些竞争对手可能会以更低廉的价格挖走客户,也可能向零售商开出更优惠的条件,无一不对高朋网口中的肥肉构成威胁。
All this shows why setting an offering price for shares in an IPO is so tricky. Its more an artthan a science, says Paul Bard of Renaissance Capital, an IPO research firm in America.Investment banks are supposed to be masters of that art. But some people, such as PeterThiel, a big early investor in Facebook and LinkedIn, have accused the banks involved in theLinkedIn transaction of drastically underpricing the shares.
Bankers have sometimes been accused of underpricing deals so that their investment clientscan make a swift killing on a firms shares. However in this case Mr Thiels gripe was that thebanks failed to appreciate LinkedIns tremendous potential. Perhaps it never occurred to thebankers involved that people would pay so much for such a risky stock.
Yet there is something to be said for erring on the side of caution when setting initial offerprices. Elizabeth Demers, a professor at INSEAD, a business school near Paris, points out thatwhat companies lose in terms of hard cash in the early days can often be made up for in termsof the publicity they get when the news media applaud the explosive rise in their shareprices. They can also launch secondary issues of other shares at the new price established bythe IPO. Unless, of course, this really is a bubble, and it bursts.
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